Sunday, September 22, 2024

Sunday morning coming down

Actually it's Sunday afternoon, still coming down. The sun is shining, my laundry is done (not folded), and my rudimentary Sunday morning  straightening up is done. I was invited to join a friend to watch a screening of The Hobbit this afternoon. When I looked up from the article I was reading it was 1:10, so fine. I'll look for it on Netflix or Amazon Prime or somewhere if I get very interested. Or listen on audio. Wonderful weaving companion.

Weaving is sidetracked, probably for the rest of the week. Thread is on order, but not yet shipped. Then the thread must go on the loom, tied on, pulled know the drill by now. I'll be busy enough when it all begins, but for now, stalled.

Having little else to do, I'm still knee deep in the coming election, and the big fool says to push on (apologies to Pete Seeger). The article I was reading is in the Washington Post. "In rural Wisconsin a tangle of facts and fears over far away refugees." Probably a paywall, but if you can get it, good reading.

It's about a town hall meeting in Baraboo, Wisconsin, the winter home of the Barnum circus. Probably the former home. I don't remember. I did a show in Baraboo once, and I remember the crowd closely resembling the attendance of this town hall. It also referenced our Springfield, Ohio problem. 

The debate of interest concerned a non binding resolution to aid refugee settlement. Debate was vigorous in spite of the outcome being non binding. The Board of Supervisors voted to table without a vote, indefinitely. Neither the conservatives or the liberals were happy. I predict that county will go for Trump in November. It is fear mongering at its finest.

Our Portage County sheriff who recommended collecting addresses of Harris/Walz signs has his post relieved of responsibility for safeguarding ballots when early voting begins. With any luck he'll be relieved of his job come November.

I stumbled on a wonderful YouTube post last night, before going to bed, and stayed up late to watch it. It's by Robert Reich, Secretary of Labor under Clinton, and called 10 Worst Things about the Trump Presidency.  Totally worth the watch. Great to pass along.

And, in other news, such a week at home. On Monday morning, in the very a.m., a text from Beth. Her precious Subaru totaled. She is unhurt save bruising from airbags. She said every airbag in the car engaged.

She was on a country road and hit a deer. Beth says the car and the airbags saved her. And of course, she's looking for a new car, another Subaru, standard shift. Before the loaner rental insurance runs out.

In our old family litany of things happen in threes, Beth told me that Shelly was on her way home in the dark and hit an unmarked road construction open pothole. She lost a tire. "Thank goodness they all are brand new and I bought accident insurance!"

But wait, that's only two. Caroline, at college in Minneapolis, fell and hurt her shin. She iced it overnight, and her mother sent her to Urgent Care the next day. Broken fibula. When I broke my tibia several years ago, it was spliced together with a long shaft and I was on my back in rehab for a month. Caroline is in a walking cast. Young bones and young body!

Rose and I went for fall shots yesterday. I signed up for Covid, flu and RSV. It turned out I could not have the RSV vaccination. I had it last year and it has not been approved for annual use. Save the sore injection site, I am very well today. No Covid shot after effect at all.

And in hope of not having my thumbnail picture be a wrecked car, here's a picture of a mandevilla from only a couple of years ago.


  1. Glad all your family members are okay after each of their bad luck incidents!

  2. I am also glad your family is ok. And love the mandevilla. Your election news (and one of your candidates) scares me . Big time.

  3. Wow! Glad everyone is mostly okay. The Hobbit is something to sit and watch. Not good at all just to listen to. The trilogy of movies are visually spectacular. You and kitty should watch it together. The Hobbits have big hairy feet, but they're so cute, so kitty will understand. Linda in Kansas
