Saturday, September 7, 2024

Interesting week

I feel as if I've wasted too much time this week. I have a series of pictures I wanted to make into a collage, but suddenly I cannot sign into PicMonkey to do that. So I've wasted more than a day trying other photo programs, to no avail. Since that is not working, here they are; some bird and butterfly flowers in one of the courtyards.

Our weather is changing. Day time highs are sixties and seventies; overnight into the fifties or less. Tonight is forecast to be forty. This does not auger well for winter; I'm afraid to learn how much snow is predicted.

We've also had decent amounts of rain, while much of the state is in drought emergency. In fact, one of the new units flooded because ...below grade. I believe there are twenty new units and three or four are occupied.

I've been weaving this week, and the current run will be done and posted next week. This time it's dark grey. When they are off the warp won't be enough for a full run of towels, so I'll finish with a batch of cream.

It also is my sister's birthday next week, so I made the front door curtain from the khaki and sent it off. I sent it on Tuesday and she had it on Wednesday. Granted she's only thirty miles away, but...

That's about all the news. I am rather tired; I have not slept well the last couple of nights. Tonight feels like a good sleep coming on.


  1. Joanne, I'm so envious of your 60's and 70's daytime temps... (but I won't be of your winter I know). Anything below 60 chills me to the bone, but I don't like our triple digits in the summer either. But I really shouldn't complain - as neither cold weather nor hot hang around too long here. Like your grey towels and Khaki curtains. And hope you sleep well tonight!

  2. Those are gorgeous floral photos you took!

  3. Forty! Yikes! For us that's 5C and I don't think my city ever gets that low even overnight in the dead of winter. Your 50s and 60s is too cold for me too. Our expected temperature today is 18C which is 64.4F and I'm shivering here with the doors open to get fresh air into the place before I have enough and close both doors. I'm not looking forward to our sweaty summer months either.
    The flower photos are beautiful, I recognise marigold, cornflower and the big sunflowers.

  4. I love cool weather at night for sleeping but it's hard to give up the sun and warmth. And light! The towels are beautiful!

  5. The flowers are lovely. That sounds like good sleeping weather.

  6. What beautiful flowers! The colors are so wonderful!

  7. I hope (so much) you do sleep well. Your temperatures sound just about perfect to me. Love your flowers and your work.

  8. Hari Om
    I, too, wish you a restorative sleep. The flowers are very pretty... As are your towels! The trees around me are showing the first signs of turning... It seems early to me, but then again, I'm not keeping up with the year too well. YAM xx

  9. Hope you get a good can be so elusive.
    Our temperatures are mostly heading down as well... although the past couple of days in high 20s C have been a relief..charging our batteries before winter.
    Those flowers are lovely intense colours

  10. You would think that by now, given the real possibility of flooding in so many areas, building standards would have changed to take that into account. Building below grade seems to be sheer folly.

  11. Ooh, I’m so glad you’re doing the dark gray – – that’s gorgeous, and I’m really enjoying the khaki one more than I expected – – I think I like those earthy colors maybe more than the pretty botanical ones, though I love those too.

    We’re cooling off here (MN) too – – but looks like a spike into the 80s this coming week. I don’t mind as long as it cools off at night for sleeping

  12. We have had two days of torrential downpours punctuated by the most amazing sun, and I'm sure you've seen the same. I do enjoy those cool nights and have been sleeping much better, but there is a lot going on in this world to lay awake and fret about, isn't there?

  13. It's as if the flowers are shouting out their last colors before the cold comes. That sunflower is magnificent.

  14. The flowers are beautiful. Someone there has some gardening skills. Linda in Kansas

  15. Our weather is changing, too. When I am used to it being warmer, I find it makes it harder to sleep until I get used to it.

  16. How is it possible to have a new build flooded? No respect for building regulations or no supervision?
    Lovely flowers though!

    1. Sea World used to own a vast amount of this city. I believe I now live in the old Sea World hotel. This county has full building regulations in place, but this city has opted out. Opted out of pollutant regulations, too. This much I've realized from internet reading. I bet it's a Sea World legacy, much like Florida has a Disney residual.

  17. I hope whoever has the apartment that flooded raised holy hell if it was rented. will they do anything to keep it from happening again like maybe french drains? we're having early cooler weather especially after last summer that cam in May and didn't leave until October. though it was not unusual for Halloween to be too hot for most costumes before climate change really took hold. it's almost like a normal year this year also before climate change took hold.

  18. I hope you have a restful night, Joanne. Take care.

  19. Flooding in a home is terrible. Mold and mildew problems will result. It is hard to believe that someone would build in a flood zone. Mold and mildew cause health problems too. Will the builder be held accountable?
    The flowers in your courtyard are beautiful.
    Autumn weather has arrived in Massachusetts. Nice cool days with sunshine is greatly appreciated.

  20. One of the new units was flooded? Doesn't say much for construction standards! Heads ought to roll.

  21. I love the flower pictures. So full of color. Sleep tight.

  22. You have a little longer to enjoy the garden. The flowers look good now.

  23. Those are very beautiful flowers, Joanne. I hope you get some good sleep tonight. Actually 30 miles seem quite far, now that we live in Hawaii.

  24. -love the grey color for your latest batch of towels.
    The daytime temps in your area are my cup of tea. We've much the same here right now.
    Greetings from SF!

  25. Hope you got some good sleep, Joanne, and I loved your photos. We have cooled down a bit as well but not as much as you. We are supposed to get a colder, wetter winter this year so I am not looking forward to that.

  26. I enjoyed your photos and hope you can sort out getting the collage done. I would love your current weather. Wishing you good sleep!

  27. Lovely flowers and pics of your loom always fascinate me. I hope your sleep is restored, I now I'm a cranky oul devil when my sleep isn't right.

  28. It looks as if your new place is thoughtfully landscaped, which would make a lot of difference to me day to day. The grey is very nice. I still use the ones you sent me, and keep them for when we have company, since they are much nicer than the printed cotton ones we generally used. I guess I should use oven gloves really but I prefer to use a folded towel to take stuff out of the oven and get it to the table.
