Sunday, October 6, 2024

From the top

Wow. I just deleted the entirety of the blog I just wrote. That is a first. And, it's not in the recycle bin.

Two weeks ago yesterday, Rose and I went for annual flue and Covid vaccinations. The next day I was fine. Rose has suffered no effects past a sore arm. But on the Monday, I was debilitated. Temperature, fatigue, pain. I spent several days totally in bed. Then down to two naps a day. Then one.

Jan agreed to come help me wind on the new warp that Saturday. That date was cancelled to yesterday. My only contribution was turning the crank. Jan did all the rest, including cleaning up, re-shelving the extra warp, putting away the tools. She left me sleeping.

It's ready to tie on, probably later today, and only a couple of bouts.

We seem to be in our last week of pseudo summer. Today will be in the low eighties, and the rest of the week sixties and seventies. Overnights have been in the forties for a couple of weeks.

There is little fall color this year. Leaves are simply turning brown and falling. Too little rain over the summer.

I am looking for a new home for Kitty. My balance grows more and more precarious; her demand for treats more and more obstreperous. Every time I stand she is between my feet, commanding. I told Jan I probably could solve the whole problem by throwing away the damn jar. Or make it worse.

So far no luck. She could always go back to the shelter, but I really don't want to do that. 

Well, that's as much as I can remember of the previous post. Off to put the laundry in the dryer.


  1. So sorry about the covid effects. I was unbelievably tired, but you sound really much worse. I agree with the tripping danger with cats. Can another sturdier resident take her?

  2. So sorry about the cat but your safety has to come first and the tripping is a real threat and I think you mentioned your bones are fragile also, I've witnessed awful things happening in elders and falling.
    So very sorry about your illness, reaction to the vaccines?
    Stay well my friend.

  3. I hope you find a good home for Kitty. It took her so long to get used to you and you were so patient with her. In the meantime be extra careful. As one who also falls I can say we don't need any help.

  4. That is sad news about Cat but you are absolutely right- it is not worth the risk of a fall to keep her. Someone will love her, I am sure.
    That does sound like a really heavy reaction to your shots. You might want to start spacing them out. Recover from one before you get another? Who knows? Not me.

  5. Hari OM
    Bummer about the vax reaction - almost as bad as the things you were jabbed for. I too am sad to read that Kitty must move on, but agree that commonsense, practicality and safety must take priority. Will keep paws crossed for her finding her furever place. YAM xx

  6. It's funny how differently people react to the vaccines. My husband slept for about 24 hours after our flu and covid shots the same day. My only symptom was a sore arm, but in reality that is the arm I broke so it could have been the weather. This Monday we get our first of two shingles. My neighbor said she had no side effects what so ever. I doubt that will be the case for us.
    I am sorry about the kitty. I never thought about what a tripping hazard that could be. After one epic fall, that is nothing I want to ever do again. I hope you can find a loving home for the cat.
