Saturday, April 8, 2023

Reclaiming my own(?)

What a lark for Kitty, the two weeks I was away. She led all her "keepers" on a merry chase. Kitty did not behave in any unusual way; but like the tortie she is. If cornered, with no apparent escape route, she will submit to most anything. But her eye always searches for an escape, and given opportunity, she is gone!

Kitty appears for treats, but that is the only time she appears when "called". Saying "Kitty, Kitty, Kitty" does not move her. No special food, except the rattle of the treat can, moves her.

Cats with overall markings of black and red are tortoise shell cats, or Torties. Most have been observed to have an attitude, or Tortitude. If that includes the "meow", I do not know. I've never heard even a squeak from Kitty. Neither have I heard her purr.

Kitty has a completely unknown history, some of which can be deduced. When found on the street and turned over to the Akron Animal Protective League, she was both chipped and neutered. My guess is that spunky kitten she must have been, on returning from a vet after that experience, she took advantage of an open door and bolted.

She may have lived on and off with people who did not know she was "fixed". She was found on the street, injured. She was captured, taken to a vet hospital where she was treated, and then turned over to the APL in Akron, from which I adopted her and registered her chip.

You'll remember I reported her extremely reclusive. I barely had sight of her, and except for changes in the food bowl, had no idea she lived here. I came to terms with interactions solely over the treat can and decided I could wait her out.

Then real life interfered and I went away for two weeks. Ever so many kind people stepped in to interact with Kitty. My sister. My grandson. The staff here at the Atrium. At one point they feared she may have made an escape, and in the search pulled all the furniture out from the walls. There she was, easily captured and then passed from hand to hand, petted and cooed up, and happy to escape to under the bed at the first opportunity.

Eventually she took to "under the bed covers", and being  petted and released back under the covers. That was status quo when I returned, Tuesday afternoon. When I went to bed, she was in a tunnel by the wall. I did not disturb her, and watched and felt her slither to the end of the bed and disappear.

When I took a shower the next morning, she appeared in the bathroom and observed. Same place in bed that night, same disappearing act. Then last night, she was in the middle of the bed. Finally I had to actually disturb her for my place in bed! I felt all legs, and was amazed at how easily she slid closer to the edge of the bed. I cannot imagine Toby being displaced short of uncovering and lifting him bodily from the bed.

So, I slid in beside her. For sometime I could feel her against my side, at my waist. As I drifted off, she moved to the end of the bed and was gone. Then, with a great ring from the alarm, it was morning and up I came, to turn it off.

It will be interesting to see her "entitlement" tonight. She does not offend me, she is so easy to shift. And perhaps it's all part of testing me, to see if I have a limit. 


  1. That sounds like huge progress...and and eventually a good welcome home

  2. She experiences and shows that she starts to trust you, Joanne.

  3. She is getting more comfortable with her surroundings and you. When Mari first moved in with me, she was terribly afraid, reclusive and when I got too close, violent. Now she loves everything about me and our home.

  4. Sounds as if she is glad to see you back!

  5. She is definitely testing you. She already knows you are there for her. Now she has to trust you. It's all part of the process. Sometimes it comes fast and other times an animal will take a long time. It seems to be moving right along.

  6. Last night Jack was with us in bed as usual. Mr. Moon, as usual, did not want the cat touching him. He is funny like that. So he began pushing Jack more towards me until finally I had to say, "Honey, he is already crammed up against me." Which I do not mind at all but there is a limit as to how scrunched up either of us could get.
    I love that your cat is becoming more human-comfort seeking. And that her human is you.

  7. Odie has finally (six months after we got him) bonded with us. Big time. I suspect being separated from his brother was the trigger and wonder what will change when they can be reintroduced to each other. It does sound as if she is testing you - and herself.

  8. Hari OM
    Ever closer... inch by inch! YAM xx

  9. This is definitely progress! Sleeping in the bed with you! I bet she missed you when you were gone and wondered where you were.

  10. This is such a tortie! I've known three, all strays and I suspected runaways! They do have a kind of prima ballerina attitude. She's right in the zone.

  11. I love to hear about Kitty's progress.

  12. I think she's glad you're back instead of all those alien humans who appeared. Maybe she's more appreciative of you, too! Linda in Kansas

  13. You know, Tim being in the hospital was a big turning point for our feral. I think having time to explore the house and get comfortable without people iwas a big step. People were stopping in to feed him and never saw him. When we got home, he was a different cat. BTW, we have turned another corner. This cat adores his boy. But after he goes to bed, he's been coming up on the couch. I cuddle him and pet him and he really seems to enjoy that. Last night, for the first time, he came over to sit with me before his boy went to bed. Today, he chose to sit with me instead of William which caused some ruffled feathers.

  14. This is good progress for Kitty. She missed you. She is coming along nicely.

  15. Kit keeps life interesting, Joanne. She is doing well by the sound of it.

  16. It took our Lucy years to warm up to us and she is STILL a cat who comes to me only on her own terms. I don't know if she's a tortie or a calico - I've read they have to have a certain percentage of white to be a calico and she is right on the line! I hope she warms up faster now that you are back.

  17. Looks like she missed you. I think you have a very good future together.

  18. Before long you two will be inseparable.

  19. You have a most unusual kitty. I have probably said this before, but my first cat-love was a torty.

  20. next, when she is laying next to you before creeping to the end of the bed and off pet her a little. see if she hangs around for that. my tortie has the quietest little mew. she's wary of people she doesn't know. the twins were here last night chasing her down, finally cornered her. she allowed them to hold and pet her but as soon as their grid relaxed, she was off and running.

  21. Very interesting getting to know an animal.

  22. She might be slow to trust, but when she finally decides you are indeed her life mate, she will show her love!! I miss Martha, the boy cat and his aloof love!

  23. Yes, she's clearly testing you out to see what she can and can't get away with. Like all cats, crafty and sneaky!
