Monday, August 5, 2024

Another week in review

Very early in July I had a big shipping day. So many mailers of towels, they were bundled by a big rubber band about the middle. And with not a lot of further thought, off they went. USPS has been good, once they recovered from Covid.

A few days later, all had been delivered. Except one, to Florida. At first the tracking number only indicated it had arrived in Georgia. Then, in two or three giant leaps, the package was across country, to California. It made a U-turn there, and began a return journey. It came back to Georgia, early last week.

Ah, good, thought I. Next stop, Tampa. But NO. Actually, I do not know where it went from there. The recipient visited her post office for help, and help was Do not worry; it will appear when it's tired of travelling. They did institute a missing package alert.

Between July 7 and today, it was handled by nineteen different USPS facilities. I sat down at my computer today, thinking there would be more bad news about that poor package, especially now it was out there in Debby's path, too. And there was an email, telling me the package was safely in the addressee's mail box.

Now I'm looking to find everyone else has weathered the storm!

Weather here has not been spectacular, though no hurricanes are possible. We've had two weeks of severe heat, and around here that means afternoon thunder storms. We've had one of those more days than not, plus a sighted tornado. A storm was winding down as I went to supper one day last week, so I stepped out to the courtyard to take a picture.

April showers and all that. Actually, July and August rain storms have keep the grass green and flowers healthy. My not Mandevilla is beside itself with blossoms and grasping shoots.

It's trying so hard to throw a tendril around the bench and own it, too.

In weaving news, I finished the pine green towels this weekend. They are on the shelf and on the web page.

Currently on the loom, pumpkin. In anticipation of Halloween, I suppose, but also because I visited my sister recently, and noticed she'd made a valance to shield the west facing window in the front door. It's one of those silly windows no one is tall enough to see through, but she says the winter sun is brutal. 

Only problem, she made the valance from a towel. A bathroom hand towel. I can provide a length of toweling, and in a good color for her living room:


  1. I'm so happy more people will get to use and love your towels. I have a red one in my kitchen right now. A length of towelling as a valance is a good idea.
    Those "not mandevilla" flowers resemble fuchsia.

  2. Those windows are dumb. They let in a surprising amount of sun. I like the pumpkin color. My diplodena (spelling approximate) has not yet recovered from the heat wave we had. When we left for Tucson, we were wearing sweatshirts and flannel pants in the house, when we got back three weeks later it was 105. Right now it has one sad blossom. I may go back to geraniums.

  3. I'm glad you haven't had the tornado type storms. Amazing how flowers tough out heat and wind and rsin.

  4. Pumpkin is a nice color but my kitchen is more greens and grays.

  5. Your towels are cherished world wide. I have yellow ones out today.

  6. Unfortunately, the problems at USPS seem to be increasing. I'm glad your towels finally arrived at their destination, you did not have a tornado and you're back to weaving. The colors are very pretty. Have a good week.

  7. Love the garden and the drapery of the flowers! Lovely thought of a curtain for your sister.

  8. Good to see you're still at it. You give me hope. I'm still caring for my husband. It has been two years. I think I got my first covid last week. Mild compared to some, but tired and nauseous and something with my throat. With that, I still had to water daily in 100 degree heat then care for my husband and crawl in bed. Don't want a bad case of it. Hope all is well dear.

  9. The garden is looking well!
    The pumpkin is a delicious colour..and a good idea to shade the door window. It is a good idea to let light in, but needs more thought!

  10. Hari OM
    Lush colours, all... flowers and towels! YAM xx

  11. I sent something to the USA once and it arrived in Australia - 6 months later - broken.

  12. That is quite a story. Who knows towels had wanderlust?

  13. Ah yes, the US postal service. Things seem to take ages to arrive, if they do at all. We have better luck with UPS and other delivery services. Although there is the US postal service delivering our Amazon orders, and on Sunday, no less! They seem to get that right! Your not mandevilla is stunning! They are one of our fav annuals, we have a red one and a yellow one. Yellow is hard to find. The brutal heat here in the Midwest takes a break this week, and I am so glad, it has worn us all down.

  14. That package wanted to see the country before it went home! Glad it finally arrived.

  15. Your towels are beloved! As well they should be.
    The courtyard looks terrific. Glad to hear that despite the heat and travails of the USPS, you are well.

  16. not mandevilla? it's very lush whatever it is. is that the new courtyard? very nice. I do like the rose pattern. glad the traveling towel finally made it home.

  17. That was quite a trip to Florida. The weather has finally cooled here too.

  18. 05 towels you have mailed me over the past few years arrived almost immediately! But once in a while a package goes traveling, as I remember from my days selling on eBay. I had a customer drive to another town to track down her package from me – – it was a doll that she wanted very badly – – luckily she was able to catch up with it!

  19. My sister is in Raleigh. When I checked on her yesterday it was raining a lot. No flooding yet,

  20. We were waiting for a package from GA. It showed that it was shipped and then it just seemed to get stuck, somehow. It was supposed to be here Monday, but we received no further word on it. Just that it would be arriving later than usual. It did arrive. Saturday. There is some crazy stuff going on in USPS land.

  21. Heat, thunderstorms, tornadoes -- your weather sounds like ours. Today's storm is supposed to begin at 3 p.m. and Debby isn't even out of my yard yet.


  22. Goodness knows why your parcel went via Georgia and California. Glad to know it reached its true destination eventually.

  23. We got some from Debby- a lot of rain.

  24. I'd love to wrap myself up and sent the very large package to your address. I love traveling here and there!
    So glad to find you again, Joanne.
    I wish we had rain but, as usual, we are spending our summer in smoky air. Send rain!!!!

  25. Loved the attitude that the package would come home when it was done travelling. You do wonder though, about the people (or technology) that have handled it along the way and how many of them had no idea where Florida is!
