Friday, June 16, 2023

I need to go home and give my cat a treat

We have a joke at dinner. Margaret used to say it was time to go home and let out her dog. But now we say I need to go home and give my cat more treats. Kitty has transformed to a lovely, acceptable cat. I enjoy her company, though I'm sure she has only advanced to being a cat who knows where the next handout of treats can be obtained.

I am very concerned about a new behavior. It is, of course, mostly my fault. If I get up in the night to use the facility, Kitty gets up, too, for treats. Now she is persistent enough to be in the vicinity of my feet, begging a treat. Unfortunately, it can be quite dark in the apartment. I have begun shuffling at night, never lifting my feet between the bedroom and bathroom, though it generally has been the return trip that is problematic.

One night, at the turn along the kitchen counter, I solidly encountered a solid impediment. I sent Kitty scooting, with a firm "No, Kitty! No treats now!" It probably will take one more warning to be effective. The good news is, she already knows "No!"

In other interesting news, the car is closer to being sold. I turned it over to my daughter, and she tells me it will be gone this weekend. I wanted the proceeds to underwrite Uber trips to doctor appointments. I actually have been asking my sister to help me with that, and she graciously stepped in. Yesterday she took me to the dentist for remediation of a dental bridge from my previous dentist.

I wanted an implant, and the doctor's song and dance talked me out. As I feared, a tooth has failed and needed pulled. My current dentist turned the remainder of the bridge to a cap for a single tooth, but now the implant need cannot be ignored. So a chunk of car will go for an implant, too.

Now that I have quit driving, my older daughter tells me simply to rely on family. And so far she has stepped up to the plate, too. She helped me unravel a mystery with the pharmacy. I could not get my drugs delivered by mail, no matter which buttons I pushed. Beth and a kind pharmacy assistant, also named Beth, worked out that one. 

But a certain tier of drugs would not go through. Since the pharmacy had no restriction on that tier, it must be on my plan's end. So, my job for the weekend is to be on the phone, learn about the restriction, and try and get it lifted. Groan. I hope it goes quickly. I really want to finish my red towels and start the yellow.


  1. I used to get drugs by mail, getting it set up was excruciatingly painful. But after 6 or so months it worked. Then my employer switched pharmacies and it all started over. I am so happy that things with Kitty have improved. Treats make everything better.

  2. That's a cool idea, to use the car proceeds to finance uber. I like that thinking.

  3. Gosh, she’s a striking cat! I do hope she does not trip you up at night. I also like the thinking of using the car money for Uber trips. - Jenn

  4. I am so glad Kat is coming around for you ... it has taken her long enough to figure out you are a soft touch ... except at night at pee time! She'll get to knowing when it's treat time ... they do learn!
    Those red towels are so pretty! I am sure the yellow ones will be equally so.

  5. Kat sees a good thing when it happens. Glad to hear the car is sold. One less thing to worry about.

  6. We’ve seen the materials needed for your towels - we’ve seen the finished product- now we can actually see the large amount you actually weave there in front of us on the loom. That’s a good ‘not in your face’ yellow you’ve lined up for the next production run….and maybe a discreet night light would be a help for those middle of the night trips to the loo.

  7. It's a shame your community doesn't offer shuttle service for doctor's appointments and nearby stores.

  8. That kitty has really settled in nicely. At night she can be dangerous by the sound of it though. Hope she learns to stay away at night! Good luck with the car sale and getting the drug situation fixed this weekend.

  9. I love that yellow. Houdini has become very demanding at night. If we leave the door open between the floors, he prowls and yowls. If you put him downstairs, he takes to drumming on the door.

  10. Kitty will soon learn treats only come during daytime hours. I'm lucky enough to have doctor and pharmacy within easy walking distance, so ne need to sort out delivery problems. Dentist is close by too, although implants are out of the question for me.

  11. I would invest in a really good flashlight to keep on the bedside table so you can easily see where Kitty is in the dark as you carry it back and forth from the bathroom. Cats can indeed be tripping hazards.

  12. I’m glad that the kitty has made progress, even if it is for treats. Ours is the same. She liked Sue better but has become totally devoted to me because I feed her and treat her.

  13. Keep training kitty that she should stay "BACK, BACK" to let you walk safely and that treats are for daytime. Linda in Kansas

  14. Love that yellow. And yes, I hear you on being tripped up on loo runs - when treats are NOT available.
    Great use of your car money - and sigh at the need for an implant.

  15. Good news about the cat. Indeed your success in education, something you are very good at.

  16. It's best not to dwell on the relationship between you as a provider of treats and Kitty's affection for you. If you think long enough you might begin to question why young children seem to love their parents. It all works out nicely in the end.

  17. It seems to me that the human/cat bond has been pretty much established!

  18. Joanne, I recently got a partial bridge... didn't want an implant (DH has several) as it would mean invasive techniques with my sinus and didn't want the possible complications. But implants are the way to go in some cases. Good luck with that. And glad Kitty is working out well. If she knows "No".... she will learn not to expect treats in the middle of the night.

  19. Hari Om
    Glad that Kitty has decided it's home, too. As mentioned above, a torch or night lamp might be a good plan. And here's to using car funds we'll!!! YAM xx ...(coming to you from the Grey on the road 😃)

  20. Good cat communication..looks like you are both learning!
    We are so fortunate that the main surgery for our doctor is only half a mile away...and the pharmacy 200 yards along the road from there.

    You are weaving some beautiful colours ❤️

  21. Here's a cat story- yesterday when Glen was about to leave for the coast, we were outside and I was telling him goodbye. Maurice was outside too, observing from a distance, as she does. Glen called Maurice and even crouched down. "Come on Maurice, let me pet you good-bye."
    That cat looked at him with slitted eyes. She knew he was leaving. And then she walked directly to me and asked to be petted. She was showing him that she was NOT happy he was leaving her. We both laughed and agreed that we are glad we do not know exactly how cats think but I think you're right- it's mostly treat-motivated.
    So glad you got your car situation squared away.

  22. I assume you are on medicare with a supplement plan. I get my meds through the online pharmacy optumrx and I get three months at a time and they come in the mail. I could set up automatic reorder but I prefer to do it online when I'm down to about two weeks worth. maybe that would work for you. I don't know if optumrx is just for United Healthcare supplement or not but I'm sure your supplemental insurance probably has something similar.

    good news about kitty. Cat has started following Minnie and me outside when we go out first thing in the morning, dog to do her business and rounds, me to set up the sprinkler or water, etc. then when dog and I come in I call Cat and she follows us in. maybe she thinks she's a dog. anyway, she's content to be an inside cat, her choice. and yeah, I was going to mention a night light somewhere in the kitchen or hall but I guess others have.

  23. Kitty is learning and that is good progress. She is adorable. The car sale went through quickly. New funds always come in handy.

  24. Oh gee, be extra careful getting around at night. Maybe use a walker?

  25. Why won't pharmacies and insurance companies get together to make life easier for people with chronic needs? They are supposed to be 'caring' for us.

  26. so great you are getting family support

  27. I always use a flashlight to light my way at night. Animals can be anywhere and it's not worth the risk.

  28. Cats, they are either too friendly or too standoffish. Nothing moderate about them! Hope the transportation is easy to arrange; I agree with the above commenter that it seems like there should be some kind of shuttle to appointments. It seems like my mom and I have had nothing but trouble lately with prescriptions. Ugh.

  29. Kitty is very treat-motivated, oh my! I've occasionally tripped over one of my persistent kitties, but have been able to stay upright, luckily.
    I'm glad that family has been coming through for you regarding car trips. x

  30. Glad Kitty is getting settled in. You could keep a small container of treats in the bathroom?

  31. Glad that Kitty has transformed into the cat she needs to be. Also good to hear the family coming through to make your transition to a carless life much easier. Take care.

  32. We have a benefit with our insurance called Papa Pals. People who are paid companions. They take you shopping, light housework or just sit and talk. Nice in theory but a little shaky. If no one accepts the job you are left hanging. I have never used Uber. Is it more reliable?

  33. We found nightlights that are motion sensitive, and get brighter when you walk by them, and then return to dim. They're LED and cost nearly nothing to operate. Yes, treats are the way to a cat's heart - well, they'll let us think it's their heart. Rx plans can be the devil to navigate; glad you had some help.
