
Monday, September 7, 2020

Bread and Butter for Breakfast and Where the Towels Live

 This entire recitation is way after breakfast! My life was as usual this morning, except I could hear pouring rain. Loud, beating rain. Well, I wouldn't be watering the plants this morning. Crash, flash, and the light was gone. The overhead light. 

I opened the bedroom curtain to dress. In the bathroom for a mug of water, I put my finger in the cup, not to overflow. Oh, the comedy, and no one there to enjoy it. Especially the automated power companies' automated outage reporting, to rescue myself and my neighbors.

Proceeding nevertheless, I acquired the cat for company as I passed the kitchen closet. His reaction to a midnight squall. In "his room" I replaced the kibble, used the finger dip to decide water would last, and for the first time ever pushed on the emergency light in the litter box closet. High noon!

Now it was my turn. My half hour with a cup of hot coffee, warm toast with butter and jam, and the current book. I dropped the bread in the toaster and...

After "breakfast" I went back to bed. Probably about ten o'clock. The cat came from under the bed this time and curled safely against my leg. At noon the overhead light lighted up, and so did I. Time for a new start, damn the thunder and rain.

Off to the kitchen, I opened the freezer door. No idea why. And there were the box of creme sticks, my reward for randomly opening the freezer. I took out another one for lunch, and the ingredients for crosatta--a bag of frozen blueberries in crosatta dressing and a frozen crust.

I ate lunch while the blueberries and crust thawed a bit, and then came to see if my computer still computes. Thunderstorms and flooding for the next several hours. Which explains:

Lunch is over, the crosatta is done. I wish you all a warmer and dryer Labor Day holiday. Be well. Take a deep breath and smell this crosatta.

And to tickle your heart, have a look at Where the Towels Live. My best, oldest friend has given off living in the south and moved back to summer sunshine and winter snow in northeastern Ohio.


  1. Mmmmm, we love your recipe for crostata! In the past 3 weeks, I made a blueberry one and a raspberry one. I'm enjoying your page "where the towels live!"

  2. One of these days I WILL make a crostata.
    The power being out is such a strange experience in that we really have no idea how much of our lives depend on electricity. So much of our POWER.

  3. It's always a shock to have no alternative to absolutely no power. WE are so vulnerable. I was off the grid with one cabin above my house where I used to live and I wold hike up there when the power went out and wonder why everyone didn't have solar/wind on their houses.

    We are shockingly vulnerable. Love your crostata.


  4. Fall is here and with it thunderstorms. Sometimes the best thing you can do is go back to bed with a cat! Oh my, that crosatta looks good! I love the "where the towels live!" page!

  5. We had a pretty bad storm during the night too. Lots of thunder and lightening, but we have no cat to act scared and my wife didn't even stir. Oh to sleep so well!

  6. Frequent power cuts here in the rainy seson...landslips taking out lines, falling trees likewise. We really must do something about emergency lighting...

  7. Would love a thunderstorm with rain here as we are currently in a drought. Sorry about the power being out though! Seem a like you made the best if the day especially with that delicious crostata!


  8. No rain here. Sigh. Though Jazz is no more a fan than Toby.
    I am loving 'Where the Towels Live, and visit it each time I open your blog.

  9. That looks delicious, no matter whose finger has been in it.

  10. Oh that blueberry dish looks delicious. I'd never heard of it but it's worth making. I eat blueberries every day for my blood pressure.

  11. What a stormy day! Delicious food in spite of that.(and the power outage) I don't like wind or thunder, although I'm used to rain. We're having some very nice weather right now--but it'll get too hot by the end of the week. My lawn and flowers need a shower!

  12. And there’s that special half hour you spoke the book, eat the toast, drink the coffee....sets you up for the day:)
    Having just experienced a 2.5 day long power cut I hope not to experience one for a long long time!

  13. The crostata looks wonderful. There is nothing worse than power outages. We bought two headlamps and two small LED lanterns and have not had an outage since.

  14. Power outages are always at the most inconvenient time. You did the best thing...just go back to bes!

  15. I would have done the same thing you did with the toaster :-)

  16. I love seeing where the towels live :)
    Your crostata reminds me I've been putting off making an apple pie.
    Funny to think of you putting bread in the toaster in a blackout. I once turned on the kettle for a cuppa during a blackout and wondered why it wouldn't work and did I need a new kettle (*~*)

  17. Hari OM
    It was relaxing sitting with you through this! I truly wish we had smellyvision. YAM xx

  18. When we lived in San Diego, I think we were on a 'protected' circuit and never had outages. LOL Here in Tehachapi, we have them all the time!! And if we don't have power outages, we get e-mails asking us to reduce our consumption between 3 and 9 p.m. Wonder why it's not like between 11 and 5?? those are the hottest hours--people still working, using electricity... but wait! people are home now and using electricity while they work from home. Strange...

  19. I had a look at where your towels live and was very impressed with how far and wide they have travelled. I'll have to try and get a photo for you :-) I hope the weather has improved for you and the cat. Weather here is expected to get quite hot later this week.

  20. I do envy you being able to go back to sleep while you await restoration of power.

  21. So many storms this year, so many outages. I hope today is brighter for you.

  22. We had a beach day yesterday though the water was cold. You had a perfect day for staying home.

  23. raining here lightly, no thunder, no pounding rain so no trembling panting in my face dog. she is on alert though.

    yay your friend is back.

  24. Back in bed when the power is out and the storm is raging is the perfect way to cope. That is a very clever way to make a crosatta - and I bet I could make one from a gluten free frozen pie crust! I and my waistline thank you!

  25. Crosatta looks delicious.

    Here in Calif. our temp was 115 deg. over the wkend, has plummeted to 91 for today. I'll take your rain any day of the week!

  26. The cat has the right idea - hide under the bed (or in the kitchen closet) until the nasty weather has subsided.

    That crostata looks mouth-watering.
