
Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Cold, wet Labor Day

 Yesterday's rain fell close to twenty four complete hours. Sixty thousand were without power, roads flooded, the highway closed. I suppose a lot of cook outs were cook ins. Good job the youngsters down the street used their Labor Day fireworks on Sunday

I did something new to the crostata yesterday. I seldom can bring myself to break an egg to use the white and never the yolk. So, I don't glaze the crostata and sprinkle sugar. On a whim yeterday, I lightly buttered the crust, then sprinkled a half teaspoon or so of sugar, before baking. It was the best looking and tasting yet. Yum lunch.

There were packages to mail today, and when I set out I was stunned the see how much water had come down:

That is more than enough to water tomorrow. I was also surprised to see the colchicum has three blossoms. The bulb is dividing exponentially!

I kept my camera handy in the event the heron was at the lake. He was not, but I did take a nice, fall picture for the header,


  1. That's a LOT of rain and I wouldn't want that much, but we certainly need some. We're burning up. Good idea for the crostata. It looks yummy!

  2. Your crostata looks and sounds GOOD. As they always do.
    Hooray for reproducing colchicums.

  3. Oh, I would dive face first into that little pie thing! I bet your teeth are blue...

  4. Oh gosh, Joanne, that is a lot of rain. I suspect that it might be coming our way as we usually get what you got a day later. We have finally had some good weather and I am enjoying it but I wouldn’t mind a rainy day so I don’t have to water the plants.

    Good work on the crostata. There is always more than one way to do something. I also hate to use half an egg.

  5. Love the new header and your description of the crostata made me smile.

  6. I think we need to turn the tap off Joanne! It always seem to come to us right after it passes your way.
    I use the whole egg to glaze my pastry. I beat the egg with some milk. The yolk gives the pastry a nice golden crust.

  7. The header pic looks just dandy as does he crostata.

  8. Nice new header with just a hint of fall.

  9. We had quite the storm here as well but only lost power for a few hours. Some places nearby got snow. It seems appropriate for 2020.

  10. A very good day....The plants on my deck were really happy! What a great crostata!

  11. Lovely header and I am glad your power is back up again.


  12. OK, I have to look into this crostata thing. When I realized you used a ready made pie crust and didn't have to make your own, you had me intrigued. Now a glaze with sugar? Maybe a Friday night dessert! -Jenn

  13. Wow with how much rain fell for how long!


  14. I made a raisin pie today. For some reason, they're not common in restaurants anymore the way they were when I was a kid. I was feeling nostalgic so I made my own.

  15. your crostata looks yummy... my grandson couldn't call off school on the first day of the year !! LOL

  16. I think the butter sounds better than egg white on the crostata. Butter has such a rich flavor.

  17. That's a beautiful header picture! And, that's a beautiful crostata that I would happily eat for lunch or any other time! I have a feeling that heron is camera shy and watching you from some hidden spot.

  18. That is a lot of rain. Glad you can repurpose it. The crostata looks so very yummy.

  19. The colchiums are very pretty.
    I often glaze with a whole egg, beaten, rather than waste a yolk, it gives a lovely golden colour and is great on savoury pies. For sweet pies I usually brush with milk and then sprinkle with sugar. I'll be stepping outside with my camera in just a minute, to photograph some new huge pots that got put in place today. Tomorrow I'll be planting them with seeds of marigolds, zinnias and cosmos.

  20. Hari OM
    A joyful post to read on a blustery autumnal morning in Auld Reekie! I must try this crostata... YAM xx

  21. Rain here too but a civilized amount. How I wish I could give you eggs! You would have plenty to use for whatever you wanted with no guilt at all!

  22. Ok, our diet is fading. The chief cook keeps the portions huge no matter what I say.
    It's making room for crostada for lunch here too. The peaches here look awfully good.

  23. Lovely ... Weather is a bit cooler today and I am BOUND to make a crostata today -- after I return from the dr's ofc. Hugs and thanks for sharing your life...

  24. I do like that crostata. I've made a similar pie but with apples. They're in at the farm now, so maybe I'll be copying your idea.
    I never waste anything, do if I only need the egg white I fry the yolk for a sandwich, or on toast for the next breakfast.

  25. That is a nice picture. So is the one of the tree.

  26. I know what you mean about using egg whites and losing the yolk! I am always looking for something that I can use the yolk for if I need the white. I hate to just waste it, I am cheap like that!
