
Wednesday, September 9, 2020


 Early this year I bent my glasses frame, and lived with it all through lock down.I finally got to the optometrist, who did a hurried job. "Oh, I see what's wrong" she announced in the hall way, took the glasses, came out and put them on. "Straight now!" she announced.

Straighter, but not straight. It's a long way to the optometrist, and I put up with it. I'd begun watching The Crown, on my old seventeen inch TV. The show posts interesting notes about the history at the end of some shows. I could read them with one eye or the other, but not both. I never could read the entire post script.

Not the same, but why not. The moon through the window. The moon in the sky; it's reflection in the window.

I had a doctor appointment in the same building last week, and took advantage to address the glasses issue again.

I told the technician I could read clearly with one eye or the other but not both. "Sounds like you need a new prescription!" said she. I didn't think so, as there was a new script just a year ago. She was in and out of the back room half a dozen or more times, but they are corrected. I can see from both eyes. I can read my seventeen inch television from ten feet away!

Laura dropped in one evening, to help me with a technical problem. (The problem was I did not scroll down far enough to read the rest of the instructions!)

"You really rock those jeans, Gramma," she said. The reason, they are old and barely blue any more. That sent me straight to the computer the next morning to buy two pair of Gloria Vanderbilt, corduroy jeans, one black, one grey. I threw in a three pack of long sleeve T's for good measure. Gramma's don't rock clothes, just wear them.

I do need a trip to the thrift store for a nice men's suit jacket. I feel a new selfie coming on.

Speaking of The Crown, I've not only fallen for it, I've watched two seasons without realizing. Oh, the desperate internet search to learn where I landed. At the end of Season 2, it seems, and Season 3 premiers in bloody November.

Who watches it? Who thinks Charles' ears are atrociously large?


  1. Just watched a few episodes of the crown but must give it another try. I saw that they were filming the Charles and Diana wedding recently with a replica of that dress. I stayed up all night watching that mess. Silly in my younger years!

  2. I need to give it a try. It seems like something I would enjoy. However, I have an addictive personality about series, both books and TV, so I would then spend a lot of my time watching it. Of course, what else do I have to do these days? Glad the glasses are fixed at last; I bet that drove you nuts. It would me.

    1. I've given myself leave to watch two episodes a night, after supper. Of course, that is how I whizzed through all those episodes.

  3. There are already three series. The fourth is coming soon.

    I think i liked 3 the best. It was more in my era.

  4. Optometrists can be frustrating. Sometimes they can't seem to get it right.

  5. Up to now ive seen season one of The Crown, because it's on DVD at the library. Subscription streaming is not in my budget. But DVDs aren't available just now. I definitely would like to see more.
    Bent glasses are awful. My optometrist is very good about fixing them when I fall asleep on them, etc. Unless I see exactly right through both lenses, the world's a jumbled blur. Not functional.

  6. Long sleeve T's! They're hard to find here. Either they sell as soon as they hit the stores or they just don't make them. Either way I can never find any. I may have to look in the men's section.
    I haven't watched The Crown and probably never will.
    I'm having trouble with my glasses too. I can see the writing on the computer screen much better if I hold the glasses six inches away from my face and only look through the right lens. I'm putting off going to the optometrist because they never get them right anyway.

  7. I watched the first 2 seasons of the Crown. I enjoyed it,especially the corgis. They should have had starring roles. I did learn some history I didn't know by watching it. Glad your vision got corrected finally.


  8. I know lots of people watch and enjoy "The Crown." I don't watch it because here in Canada I've been inundated with The Royals for my entire life (well, the Queen IS our head of state after all) and I'm sick to death of all their shenanigans.

  9. I love The Crown! There are three seasons out now and season 4 comes out this November (the 15th I think). If you have Netflix you should be able to get season three now. Warning if you didn't know: they change the actors in season three due to the passage of time and characters ageing. This really bothered me before I saw season three because I was used to the actors and liked them. But as soon as I saw the first episode of season three I was fine with it. They handled it very well. Each season covers about ten years and supposedly they will change the actors again in season five.

    I agree with you on Charles' ears (!) but if you look at the real Charles as a young man, well... Overall I think this series is very well done. The directing, acting, costumes and everything are excellent. Did you see the season where John Lithgow plays Winston Churchill? I thought he did an excellent Churchill.

  10. It certainly is eye candy Joanne, love the phony ears on Charles and his constant bewilderment. And Margaret, what fun, also Anne.

    Some great streaming on lately.


  11. I haven't seen it and probably won't.
    Love that you 'finally' got your glasses fixed. I am putting off the visit to the optometrist. I still have the flashing lights from the retinal tear and suspect they impact on my overall vision.

  12. Hari OM
    I've seen season one... and do have access to the other seasons, but can never get five minutes to myself, never mind an hour just now... If I could only get dad interested... For the record, I am NOT a royalist and will avoid all news and 'razzi' about them. However, history is history and the show is definitely well produced in all aspects. The ultimate soap opera!!! YAM xx

    1. I'm in it for the history, and I think that is well done.

  13. I loved both series of The Crown. Our royal family are so dysfunctional that - if you have followed them for a lifetime like most of us here, you can't wait to see what will happen next. I find it strange that so many others who are not British also find them fascinating.

    1. Because they are people, stuck in a fixed, fixed job.

    2. Not many modern people are born into a job.

  14. I’m not too enamoured with my optician at the moment. New set of progressive lens are nothing like the previous ones. Due to ‘you know what’ they are working shorter hours and are never open when I’m down in Main Street.
    We’ve had loads of doccos about The Firm well as oodles of WW2 stuff.

  15. My shopping boutique for clothes is principally the Goodwill store! Last week I found a brand new shirt, never worn, still with the tag, for $4. Now that's hard to beat,

  16. I really enjoyed The Crown and am looking forward to the next season. I dis not notice Charles’ ears in the show. I think it is another new cast so maybe his ears will be different.

    Grammas certainly can rock, Joanne. You definitely fit the description. It is all in the attitude.

  17. Glad you can see again. I know what that's like. I do need a new prescription and my glasses are so scratched.
    New clothes! Corduroy jeans. Lovely.
    We watched some of The Crown. Maybe we should revisit it.

  18. I loved watching The Crown. I thought it was fascinating as I did not know much about their life. I have respect for the Queen - amazing how long she has reigned and she is still at it!

  19. A supreme compliment from your granddaughter! I have reached the point in my life where I am happy if they (clothes) fit, aren't fussy, don't need ironing and reasonably match. I have never watched The Crown, but I have not watched television for 15 years.

  20. Don't watvh the Crown so can't comment but I too have that sort of problem sometimes with my glasses and it is most disconcerting.

  21. very cool picture of the moon and reflection.

  22. They are too large. :)
    I'm so very pleased you can see out of both eyes. I splurged last year and bought one of those giant tv's. It's a treat to be actually able to see the images for the first time. LOL

  23. Long sleeved t-shirts are good! It isn't easy to get decent ones here, I always come back from NZ with a couple extra!
    The ears...yes, they are large! I can't say I am a royalist, but I watch things like that for the history

  24. I have not seen The Crown. I don't think I've even heard of it. I'll have to take a look. I really like the picture of the moon. The doubling effect is eye-catching.

  25. Good that the glasses are right at last. And that's quite a good picture of the moon/s

  26. Gaaa, I hate it when my glasses get out of whack. My optometrist talked me out of sticking with wire frames and going to a good firm plastic style because mine were always bent out of shape. My brother was going to give me a lovely old Harris tweed sport coat (with leather elbow patches) that had belonged to our Da, but i couldn't get my wrestlers shoulders into it. So sad.

  27. I love The Crown though Season 3 was not as good IMO as the first two seasons. I'll be eagerly awaiting Season 4. You made me laugh with the comment that Grandma's don't rock clothes they just wear them. My question is why can't you wear them and also rock them at the same time?, lol. I'm glad you got the eye glass issue straightened out. What was the issue? Did you need a new prescription or what?

    1. No, they were not level. I made her keep at it until I could see with both eyes at once.

  28. Two seasons of The Crown? Goodness, people are so fascinated by our royal family. Harry and Meghan seem to be doing very nicely since they opted out of the whole royal bandwagon. In fact they seem to be fabulously wealthy and have absolutely no regrets.

  29. Glad that the glasses are good to go again. It is the little things, right? The Crown is our list but we haven't quite made it yet. Sounds like we should move it up the priority list. Take care.
