
Friday, September 4, 2020

Changing time

 The other morning, heading down the steps to an appointment, there in the big sedum pot, a little purple colchicum blossom had worked its way through the mat of fleshy vines and begun to open.

I carefully cleaned out all the other growth, even some weeds, to admire the little fellow.  This bulb has followed me since childhood. My dad presented me with some every fall, from his treasured collection. I wonder where all they may be planted now.

I realized I should see it before it's gone. I was right; it's full open. I'll bank up the soil to protect the bulb this winter, which is forecast to be harsh. Like they all aren't, one way or another. Next spring I'll plant the pot in perennials. My great bulb experiment failed.

Pig and zinnias were a success. Pig's nose has been in the bouquet for the last week. I want bigger zinnias next year. I noted same on my May, 2021 calendar. The beginning of a happy new summer and our country beginning to be better.

I've begun the next warp, grass green. And while today is trash day, it also is the day I expected delivery of a new box of warp. Things like this make an old woman anxious. Big box! What if Jim and his big UPS truck had to defer to big trash trucks, or worse yet, the box is balanced on his shoulder and.....

But the box was safely deposited on my very own Percy, under the supervision of you know who. All in a day's work. I wheeled it to the studio.

Tomorrow's job is reorganize the thread shelf and unload the colors.

I looked down and realized I'm not just a number, I have a name. It's been a little interesting fooling with positioning pictures, but not enough to do it again.


  1. Oh my! Your blog does make me smile for so many reasons. Watching you receive an order of thread is just as exciting as it is for me to receive fabric in the mail! Having your fur buddy overseeing the delivery is sweet -- Ruby has already been pacing the deck, looking for me through the sliding glass doors. When she couldn't find me, she laid down next to the deck railing with a look on her face that says, "I'll just lay here and wait...she's got to get up SOME time!" LOL Looking for that treat... as always. Hugs to you and have a great day -- organizing things is also a plus for me. Love it!

    1. The shelf gets disheveled, and not because the cat walks through it all.

  2. Beautiful colors! You mention of your very own Percy made me smile...I am having a hip replacement October 8th and they say I cannot use a rolator for the therapy afterwards. I need a wheeled walker. Well, I have one but apparently, since I am less than 5'2", I need a junior wheeled walker. Ah, well.Let that be the least of my worries. Be well, Joanne!

    1. When I broke my leg I couldn't use it. They won't stop reliably enough.

  3. Such pretty colors of flowers and threads.


  4. That little colchicum blossom is so delicate and pretty! I see Toby is a very good supervisor. My cat wants to open the box himself when I get a delivery. Of course cats do believe everything that comes in the house is theirs. The colors of the thread is beautiful just like a rainbow coming out of the box!

  5. I adore colchicums, and plant more every year.
    We are in the middle of bulb season, and I think I will post photos of some of the blooms tomorrow.
    I love those new colours emerging from the drab cardboard.

  6. It is so beautiful to see how each flower receives personal attention from you.

  7. You are on such intimate terms with your flowers and warps and threads. I must post about my latest, barely started enterprise. You've given me a push. I like your Percy.


  8. Percy is obviously a very useful companion! Some wonderful colours there.

  9. That colchicum blossom is so delicate... just beautiful.
    And Toby is such a handsome cat!

  10. Hari OM
    Well done Toby - she'd be in a mess without you... (*<>) YAM xx

    1. I spend time thumbing back through your posts, looking for a red towel. Alas. I hope we get a picture when you get home.

  11. Well right after I read this post and liked everything about it, I collected my mail and found a lovely soft envelope from Joanne! Thank you. You're more present in my life than you know!

  12. That Toby is one good looking cat.

  13. Colchicum I have, a Toby I need.

  14. ooo, that green is nice. love the colchicum. I have it on my plant list for the next time I go to a nursery.

    1. I'm more impressed with grass green than I thought I'd be.

  15. Your cat is the finest cat ever. He does look royal. Your digs are so tidy too and your little lavender flower is delicate , full of verve. love it's little face!
    Grass green is a mighty nice color, gentle , will go with any decor in the universe. I have a green one, I used it to wrap up a monster the other day to take its photo, it is not the best photo in the world, so i did not "share" it.

  16. You really know your plants personally and care for them, Joanne.

  17. Pretty thread! Your supervisor looks strict. ;) I love zinnias; why don't I have any? That little purple blossom is so delicate and lovely.

  18. There’s an awful lots of ‘Percys’ around in blogland. Weaver has a new one - loves it dearly.
    My aunt used to call hers......’that thing in the corner’.....she did not like it one bit.
    Said it made her feel old....all 90yrs of her.

  19. The colours of the zinnias are so strong and beautiful. I even like how the colours work together. Yay for pig. -Jenn

  20. Lovely thread colours, I like the Jacaranda blue. The zinnias are doing well. I'll be planting seeds for mine soon enough, just waiting for the woolly caterpillar season to be over.

  21. That bulb must be so meaningful to you. I don't think I have ever seen a 'fall crocus' in person, so it is nice to bee it here.

    Gotta love the photo of the box and the cat. It came out really well.

  22. I am sure that one little flower caused you great happiness for the rest of the day. Sometimes it doesn't take much, does it?

  23. Colors and colors and colors! From the bright crayon colors of the zinnias to the deep colors of your new thread to the pale crocus. Lovely, all of them.

  24. That's a very precious bulb! Glad your new warp arrived safely -- pretty colours!

  25. You had more success with your zinnias than I did. It was my first attempt growing them from seed and I planted them out singly around the garden. I should have planted them together so the stronger ones could hide the weaker ones. The butterflies like them apparently. So that was good.

    1. All I have to work with are pots, so clumps it was. I had butterflies visit, too.

  26. Wonderful stuff. I have gloriously colored geraniums here. Down in the driveway, I have one lily growing thick greenery. I love your colors. :)

  27. The pig-in-blossoms snap is fun. I like the shot of Toby looking a bit like the Lord of the Manor as well.
