
Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Where the towels live

 Three cheers for Margaret Butterworth. She sent me a wonderful idea, and it has become a new page, Where the towels live.

The concept sent me from chuckling to laughing out loud, when she sent me to the Instagram page she knows of. A young tradie made safe and stylish sunglasses for tradies. He promotes them through his Instagram account, Safestyle Eyewear. Send a picture wearing them on the job, be entered for a weekly prize.

I've woven my towel probably since 1988. I know everywhere I've flung them into the fray, how much baby food wiped from little mouths, mud from dog paws, on and on and much better, much worse. 

If I can find it in the drawer, I'll post the towel a granddaughter used for a cutting board.  I wonder if my sister will take a picture of Tom's head mopping towel hanging from his back pocket. 

And of course, towels mostly hang quietly in the kitchen, on the oven rack, in the fridge handle, on a towel rack, waiting to be put into action. I wonder if towels talk to each other at night.

Send a picture of your towel, in action or at rest. I'll post it on the blog page, in the order received. I'll post and link to your blog, and tell the city and state. If you want the towel to remain anonymous, so be it. I'll still recognize it.

 This towel came with us from the old house, so it was made between 1988 and 2002. Granddaughter used the towel for a cutting board, and sliced through an inch or so of threads. As it was one of two towels we brought from the old house, she scrabbled for a scrap of cloth and "mended" it. Towel lives on.

No prizes, just chuckles. I won't take this to Instagram yet. That format still intimidates me, and takes too much time. I would be better off weaving.

I do hope you will like the new page and send pictures of your towels for me to post. Thank you Margaret.


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you. I was going to email, and I will do so anyway.

  2. What a lovely idea.
    I will take photos and send them to you later this week.

  3. Hari OM
    I must look out my old images - because of course the towels are over in the Hutch and I am not... YAM xx

  4. I love this! And you know, I bet towels do talk to one another at night!

  5. I've got my dish towel hanging off a cupboard door over the sink.

  6. I have two towels, love them. One is a rose and the pale pink. They are awesome.

  7. Wow, we’re famous! Maybe put the pics on Instagram as well for a wider audience.

    1. Super off-topic, but Butterworth was my mother's surname at birth. :)

      And, Joanne, I'll shoot you a pic of my towel hanging on the stove door as well.

  8. You have two Margaret friends! Highly unusual. I love the idea...except that I don't have a towel. (well, I have many but none that you've made)

  9. I think that is a great idea, Joanne. I will have to share some photos. Maybe I can get an action photo with one of the kids wearing it as a cape. Take care.

  10. I have a few of your towels for myself and have given at least two (I think more) to each of my daughters. They are wonderful, useful and beautiful.

  11. I honestly just finished loading up the dishwasher and wiping down the counters. I used your wonderful red tea towel to dry off the surfaces! I shall send you a picture soon. -Jenn

  12. Cute idea! I will have to remember to take a picture of where our towels are.


  13. The mended towel brought a smile to my face. I've done the same with much loved giant bath towels until they actually fell apart and became cleaning rags.

  14. Hurrah for the internet, the world keeps spinning, clever idea for marketing.

  15. I know you offered a while ago and I declined so I can’t send a picture......but am loving the ones you’ve received so far. This is a great PR opportunity for you Joanne.

  16. I will send a photo. It is good to see ones work in its new home.

  17. I have one hanging from the new stove right now! I'll get a picture and send it on to you!

  18. Such a great idea! I'm going to send a photo too!

  19. Lovely idea, I will send a photo.

  20. Great idea, Joanne. I will wait until I get the new blue denim ones before taking a pic alongside the pumpkin and aqua towels. It must be nice to see a little bit of your work in other people's homes...

  21. Loving the new page - and very pleased to see my own patch of sunshine featuring there.

  22. I just emailed you my towel pic. :)

  23. I just checked out your new page. Great idea

  24. What a wonderful idea. I'll sand you too.
