
Saturday, April 13, 2024

My week in review

In reverse, yesterday I had a visit from Ann. She came for lunch yesterday and left just before supper. In four or five hours we discussed all the problems of the world, as well as our own. We solved none. We have not seen each other except for an on the fly visit immediately pre-pandemic. Yesterday was a wonderful time.

Toward the end of the week I visited the quilt show at Lake Farmpark. I took Jane, a quilting friend who lives a few doors down, and we met Ruth, who needs no introduction. Or, as I explained to Jane, "We are the world's most fortunate mothers-in-law."

Ruth and I have visited this annual show many times in the past, but the last time was also just before the Covid lock down. In fact, there may have been no show this past two or three years. Ruth arrived a few minutes before Jane and I, and met us at the door. "Joanne, we have never seen anything like this." Indeed, we hadn't.

The next is a vintage, hand appliqued and hand quilted entry. I can visualize it gracing a child's bed for many years. It certainly could have been on my childhood bed. Following it is a picture of the description given it by the person who entered it.

Ruth and I always have a little competition. We compare notes at the end of seeing the show and see which one we would pick "to take home." This year I picked the following, a small wall hanging. I could be very happy looking at these little birds all day.

There were close to two hundred quilts entered. I've missed one or two of the photos I took. I like clean looking quilts, and see I generally took pictures of very busy quilts. My sister quilted several quilts I took notice of, and one of the ones she quilted was so dark I wondered how she could see the work to quilt it. Can't find that picture.

And finally, because it probably was the last in my lifetime, The Eclipse!

We had an absolutely stunning day to view a total eclipse! It was warm, the breeze was light, and the chairs comfy. 


  1. I'm surprised by which quilt won best of show. Technically it's good, but it's kind of incoherent. The first photo would have been my pick. People are so talented, mine were never at that level. You had an excellent eclipse!

  2. Sounds like a fabulous week! Those quilts take my breath away they are so beautiful! The care and patience and talent it must take to complete some of those. Amazing! Thanks so much for sharing so many with us!

  3. I like the one in the image above best in the show.
    All totally mind boggling and I spring at once!!

  4. There are several that I'd have given best in show to. Not the one they chose.
    Very cool to bring us the eclipse, most likely my last, too.

  5. Beautiful quilts! And so glad you were able to view the eclipse!

  6. Lots of radial designs in the show - just like the eclipse! The quilts are fabulous and exquisite. It must have something to see them in person. Thanks for sharing your photos with us.

  7. I love a good quilt show and there are some absolutely stunning ones among the photos you took! Glad you, Jane and Ruth had such a fun outing together.

  8. The quilt show sounds like good fun and the quilts in your photos are beautiful. Some people are so talented. Your photo of the eclipse is outstanding.

  9. These are not our grandmothers' quilts.

  10. Honestly- my favorite is the one in your first two pictures. Those colors keep coming up for me this week and I love them.
    People who can quilt have my deep awe and respect. Such an artistic and technical application of skill, combined into one. Thank you for sharing these with us!

  11. Love, love, love the quilts. And would happily find a home for the one you would have liked to bring home.
    I am glad you were able to see the eclipse.

  12. Oh MY GOSH! I can hardly believe those quilts. They are totally amazing, absolutely gorgeous. It must take years to put them together.
    I'm so thrilled for you that you got to experience the eclipse in its totality. I wish I was with you.

  13. What spectacular quilts. Incredible work! Love each one you featured. The wall hanging of birds is special! I’d like to take that one home too.

  14. Hari OM
    I am so glad you got to visit the show again this year - and what stunners! I would pick that first in your series for its mandala-like qualities. YAM xx

  15. The eye and brain candy there! WOW! HOW? I am in awe!
    You are so lucky to have been in the path of the eclipse. I may have to go to Morocco in a few years to witness a full on eclipse lasting SIX MINUTES!! If I can only stay on my feet for another few years...

  16. Marvelous quilts and such a variety of styles!!

  17. I covet that first quilt and it's so unusual! I would bring it home in an instant. I saw the eclipse at 100% but the clouds came and went so it wasn't for a long time. It did get very dark though!

  18. What a cool show, and a lot of work to make those quilts. I vote for the first one and it should have received a blue ribbon. Linda in Kansas

  19. I know which quilts I would love to take home. That first big flower one you see as you enter, the busy one just above the child's quilt and that black background star one. What is the correct way to store a quilt?
    Great capture of the eclipse.

    1. Store your quilts in a cotton pillow case with a sheet in the folds.

  20. What a wonderful range of quilts. I also like the one with the little birds.

  21. At first, I thought the photo of the eclipse was the dark quilt that your sister had made! The eclipse would be a cool pattern…
    Thanks for the wonderful round-up.

  22. The one just before your favorite is MY favorite, but lets be honest here...I'd be more than happy with any one of these. How gorgeous they are!

  23. So many wonderful quilts. As someone who has hand quilted and hand appliquéd more than once, the vintage one seemed outstanding.

  24. thank you for all the pictures. I wondered if Jan had any work in the show.

    1. She doesn't enter any of her quilts any more. She doesn't like to be in competition with her customers who enter their quilts she may have quilted.

  25. If we are both still here at the next eclipse, I'll make a special trip to come and watch it with you, if invited. Those quilts are stunning.

  26. Absolutely stunning Joanne, I shall go on creating my simple quilts with no envious thoughts.

  27. Love them All but the first one and the birds on a sea of music, are gorgeous!
    I'm still trying to get my first quilt finished! lol

  28. I would have a very hard time picking just one to take home! How lovely.

  29. The quilting on the last one (blue/cream stars) is very intricate. I would have stood for a long while just looking at the different ‘ designs ’ never mind the piecing.
    No eclipse for us down here - anyone around in July 2028 and living in a path over Sydney and cross country from there will see one.

  30. Which one did Ruth pick to go home? I would have picked the birds too. Delightful to look at.

  31. Yay! I am glad you had some good visits and had a fantastic time watching the eclipse. Those quilts look amazing. Such wonderful work. Thanks for sharing, Joanne.

  32. Beautiful quilts! I'm glad you had good visits too.
