
Saturday, April 6, 2024

True Confessions

Where have I been? Under a rock! What have I done? Laid on my back, stretched out my arms. Wiggled my toes and ankles. I actually had a dream about doing that; lying in something warm and encompassing, wiggling all of myself, settling in. Then I guess I woke up. 

In the midst of housekeeping last Tuesday, I rashly asked Diana to fold up the top quilt, put it in the basket and stow it on the shelf. And now spring has fled. It even snowed yesterday. Temps are in the forties, day and night. Blah. Plus chilly, but I can't reach the shelf, and spreading out the quilt is too much. 

The parking lot trees are blushing. This redbud hasn't long to go. I showed the picture to Rose, and her first comment was "No cars!" Right she is. That is busy state highway 43 out there, and I watched cars going left and right for some time before I tapped the shutter. There are cars out of frame, left and right.

Weaving has occurred possibly half an hour some days. I'm tired of Whig Rose, and ready to rethread for a maze type pattern. I have several in mind, but I think I'll select one that has an escape route. But there are so many others. And here is one other, not a maze, but enticing. I'll put it in the que.

It needs to visually sparkle, but how to make it do so. That is my conundrum. And in the meantime, I shuffle along.

Beth and Ruth came for my birthday last week, carrying a very heavy shopping bag. After some brief preliminaries, Ruth flung open my freezer door and began inserting pints of ice cream. Seven, to be exact. I've thrown away two empties, so far.

Last Wednesday, in the middle of yoga class, my phone rang. I grabbed my shoes and hurried out to talk to Ruth. She wanted me to know, with apologies, I would find one of the cartons half gone.

While we were at it, we arranged for next Thursday to go to Lake Farm Park for the quilt show. We've gone often in the last many years. In the beginning I walked, then a cane, then two. Now I use a walker, unabashedly. People often hold open a door for me. If they cut me off, well, their mother did a poor job of raising them!


  1. I'm not happy that you need to use the walker. At the same time I am glad you have it. It's good to have when you feel your balance going off kilter.

  2. Yes, Spring came and went and now it seems to be back, at least here for us. I think that weaving pattern is beautiful! - Jenn

  3. Happy birthday, dear Joanne!
    And the point of going to a quilt show is GOING TO A QUILT SHOW, not the manner in which you perambulate.
    So. Are you freezing? Can't you get someone to help you get that quilt back on your bed? I hate the thought of you being cold at night.

  4. Whatever it takes to keep moving! Counting on you to show me the way. :-). cheers, Wilma

  5. I would certainly hope that people would hold the door for someone with a walker. Your hands are tied up using it. Of course, people are becoming dolts, so there is just no telling.

  6. Happy Belated Birthday Joanne!! I used to go to quilt shows... haven't in a while. Enjoy!

  7. Happy belated birthday. I hope that you really enjoy the quilt show - and that the other attendees have been brought up well.

  8. My mum is a quilter - or rather she was. I was sorting her cupboards the other day as her home is now for sale - one was stuffed full of the most amazing work; must be thousands of hours of work. I refused to throw them away; kept a few and sent others to the church where they will be found a good home.

  9. So it was your birthday last week? Happy Birthday! Enjoy the ice cream and the quilt show!

  10. Hari OM
    ...and I was annoyed with myself for remembering but not acting in sending greetings... As for the return of winter, it's just ridiculous, isn't it? Never mind April showers, we are getting a monsoon - iced, at that. I hope you are not sleeping cold. Cool is one thing, cold quite another... enjoy that show and say Hi to Ruth from me. YAM xx

  11. glad to see you posting. happy birthday and seven pints of ice cream, well, six and a half anyway. take some pictures at the quilt show.

  12. Happy Belated Birthday! Ice cream sounds like the perfect treat! I'm a vanilla fan myself.
    Hope Spring returns soon and hope you have some warm clothes to sleep in while your quilt is out of reach.

  13. Belated birthday wishes, Joanne :) It's okay to wear more clothing to bed if you don't have enough blankets, just make sure it's something other than what you wore all day, otherwise you will be cold from the slight dampness of clothing that's been against your skin. That, my dear, is a Boy Scout tip! (learned when my son was in Boy Scouts)

  14. Happy birthday and I think a freezer stuffed with ice cream is a good thing. Never mind that you use a walker, as long as you get around the quilt show and enjoy what you see.

  15. Spring can take its sweet time to get here. Along the way it can be nasty.

  16. That’s my thought - comfort before style - use whatever means you have to keep you moving.
    We have the other problem with blankets- cooler nights another goes on, return of warm ones it gets removed- cooler ones come back so does blanket. It’s not going back in the cupboard but staying on bed now and rolled down if a warm night is predicted , if needed at 3am it can be hauled back up again.

    1. That's what we do with our bedspread/quilt. If it's warm I flop it over the footboard, ready to be used if necessary.

  17. You might want to consider an electric mattress pad. They are wonderful, especially when it's cold out. has a double for about $70. Heat rises, eh, so it actually warms your body as the heat rises, vs an electric blanket. Linda in Kansas

  18. Happy belated birthday and enjoy the quilt show. I have been to several with my wife and I always enjoy them.

  19. There is a saying here: 'Ne'er cast a clout 'til May is out'.

    1. But that means the May blossom,....

    2. That amounts to the same thing in the long run, so long as you know what clouts are.

  20. I walk okay, but I do use a cane because I seem to find that my foot hurts less at night when I use it on our walks. Anyway, the point is that when I use it, people seem to defer to me somewhat.

  21. The days and weeks between your posts can feel long. Please be well, and please keep posting. Often if you can manage.

  22. That pattern is beautiful. Is it possible to buy thread with sparkle already woven into it? I'm glad you are using the walker now and hope you can take photos of the quilts on show?
    I rarely put away my spare quilt in spring, I just leave it folded at the end of the bed until summer is definitely here. Then it gets a day on the clothesline in the sun before going into the cupboard, but low enough for me to retrieve by myself, since I don't fancy climbing on ladders anymore.
    Happy Birthday.

  23. I can't imagine a better birthday gift than 7 pints of ice cream.

  24. Goodness, seven pints of ice cream. That's what I call shameless self indulgence!

  25. I expect that if someone cuts you off, that you will tell them their mother (and father) raised them wrong.

  26. Darn about the walker, but I love how you don't let it slow you down. And Happy Birthday to you. I'm sorry I missed it. But you got to experience the eclipse. That is TOTALLY awesome! I'm so happy for you, Joanne!

  27. Happy belated birthday, Joanne. And ice cream is a pretty great gift.

  28. Happy Birthday late! It sounds like you're stocked up on ice cream. :) I saw redbud trees on my trip and they were beautiful.
