
Sunday, April 21, 2024

My remarkable week

The week is remarkable only because I am making remarks upon it. It is Sunday, the last day or the first, depending on point of view. As irritating as I find that hashtag, POV, it was relevant there. So far today I've had breakfast (a poached egg on an English muffin). learned both the Guardians and the Cavs won yesterday and started my laundry.

Yesterday, Saturday, was interesting. As the morning progressed, I grew colder and colder. Eventually I checked the thermostat and found it blank. I opened the little door and saw two triple A batteries. Bonanza, I knew I had some (of indeterminate age). 

I fiddled with the two batteries in the thermostat and managed to light up the screen once to find it had defaulted to "Off". The room temp read 64, and when I pushed the temp button, it began at 52. I got it up to "my" setting, 72. On the way up, the heater came on.

My replacement batteries did not work, of course. I called the front desk, and began explaining the problem to Cathy, a lovely woman but not the best in analytics. I explained why I needed two new batteries. "I'll bring them right up and put it on your statement." I explained why I preferred not to pay. 

"Ooooohhhhhh................." Long intermission while she explained to a bystander why there was no work order for Monday, and she was taking up "stock", not "maintenance." Fast forwarding to the conclusion, within an hour or ninety minutes, I had reliable heat again.

I've been weaving. My first "maze" attempt was laughable, so I pulled it out and began threading up a new pattern. The threads feeding into the heddles now are a tangled mess, but the warp is dwindling down, so I'll go back and comb them occasionally.

So, I threaded this maze, and wove essentially one complete diamond. This pattern is fascinating. not what I was expecting In this drawdown I see all the escape paths. On the fabric I see expanding pools, like a stone in a pond. I think I need a heavier weft to approximate the drawdown, but I don't have it, so pools it is.

And finally, I took Rose for a haircut. So much excitement at the old folks home! We were an hour early, because I was trapped by digital time. Laura should have been here to laugh at me. The appointment was 1:45, but in spite of Rose's best effort, I could not get my "quarter of's" straight. 

Since I was the ride and Rose wanted her hair cut, she played along., right up to not laughing or saying "I told you!" when we pulled in and I suddenly grasped the error. When Rose made her next appointment, I insisted it be a whole number. Next haircut for Rose is May 31st, at 1:00 pm.


  1. Glad you've got heat again! Yes, best to stick to full and half hours for appointments!

  2. That's going to be some maze pattern! I truly have no idea how you keep all that straight.
    You are a good friend to Rose and she to you. What are friends for if not for acceptance and laughter?
    Heat is good. Especially in winter. Glad you got yours back.

  3. Hari Om
    What is it with that place that they cannot even keep you in batteries without slamming on an extra charge??! I trust you won that battle. Glad you are warm again. That pattern is lovely - can't wait to see your end product of it. YAM xx

  4. It does seem strange that you would have to pay for the batteries... but whatever, you do need heat.

  5. I would like your breakfast; I love eggs! Sunday is the first day of the week in the U.S. but it's Monday in many countries. Our calendars reflect that.

  6. That pattern is remarkable, very beautiful and extremely complicated to my eyes. Good to know that your heat has been restored.

  7. I find that pattern mesmerising.
    Hooray for heat again. They wanted to charge you for batteries? Hiss and spit.
    I am habitually early - but not (usually) by an hour.

  8. As others have said, I think that extra batteries should be included in the monthly rent and not an extra charge.

  9. I agree with everyone else about the batteries. That's ridiculous, no matter what they want to phrase it. That maze pattern is a-maze-ing. What colors are you going to do it in? It just looks incredibly complex. Mind you, I know nothing about weaving.

  10. Wow - that maze pattern is mesmerizing and remarkable (haha)! I traced it out with the mouse on the screen. You are a wonder with a loom and not half bad with a thermostat!

  11. That pattern looks very very tricky and hurt my eyes to look at it. I am glad you have heat again and agree the batteries should not be charged to your account.

  12. You need the thermostat working. Our thermostat decided to die on a very cold winter day a few years ago.

  13. Was the default error something that happened at ‘their end’ or because of the low/nil power?
    Your maze pattern would look good as colourwork on the front of a sleeveless vest - similar to fairisle but two colours only. And I have grown grandchildren who have never been able to grasp a quarter to or a quarter past.

  14. I looked at that pattern for a while but had to stop before I went into a trance.

  15. I hope you didn't use contrasting neon colors with that pattern. that would be enough to give anyone an epileptic fit. glad you got the heat straightened out.

  16. You did indeed have a remarkable week. You have so much to do.

  17. I like the way the pattern all runs together without breaks, but I it would keep me awake all night. It is the kind of pattern you continue to see even after closing your eyes. It could have been designed by Bridget Riley.

  18. I have been advised to change batteries when the clock changes in spring and fall.

  19. I can relate to the addling. I have such a hard time calculating all those time zones in my family zone on Sundays and summer and winter time zones shift at different dates annually to add fresh turmoil to my despairing brain.

  20. Glad you got the heating sorted out. It's no fun sitting around shivering.
    That maze is extraordinary. It looks like something by Bridget Riley.

  21. The more one looks the more one sees.

  22. Glad all is fixed...
    Happy Weekend!
