
Sunday, March 10, 2024

Snow, Snow

Welcome to March and Daylight Savings. After two lovely weeks of spring, we are back to winter and snow. The snow actually began early this morning and has been accumulating the last hour or two.

This was on my way to breakfast; not too bad. It's really snowing now.

I understand those arbor vitae used to be kept trimmed. They have grown to an impenetrable wall ahead of three exit doors for suites down there. They are a sparrow condominium now and sparrows are always flitting. I can see one because I know it is there.

On the way to supper last night, I saw a hawk on the concrete barrier, looking down on all the activity. I've seen him (or a close relative) keeping watch from one of the chair backs. I startled last night's hawk by reaching for my phone, and he left. Maybe next time.

I very cleverly got involved last night in beating my game of Mahjongg, and didn't get to the clocks and bed until eleven. I am still one wall clock behind. It will be awhile until it is changed.

Here is another thing I intended to mention at the time. My new model, Helyn. There have been several Helyn's over the years. The first was a wicker head, woven by my sister, for the purpose of displaying the caps she sewed from our handwoven fabric. The model was from the armpits up, and so resembled our sister-in-law Helyn that the name just fastened itself.

Then I had a real dressmakers model, and of course we named her Helyn. I left her at RiverLight when I began weaving towels rather than clothes. I wasn't about to invest in a new model, for no other reason than space, or lack of. I relieved the cafeteria of a plate and fastened it at 5'4" on my spool rack, exactly as tall as I used to be. Some day I'll ask Jan to give her a face. 

This week was not stellar for weaving. I am almost finished with a leaf green scarf, probably the length of the rose scarf pictured. Probably one more leaf green scarf of undetermined length and the warp will be finished. I'll thread up for Whig Rose.

Kitty fell asleep with her rainbow snake in her claws:

And I'm listening to a great book, "A Stone is Most Precious Where it Belongs", Gulchera Hoja. I linked her to the GoodReads review, last year. Ms. Hoja is a Uyghur, in what is currently East Turkestan. It is not a fun read, but compelling. I am crying and listening and weaving. I don't want to add writing to the list, so I'll just recommend it to you.


  1. That's a beautiful scarf, all the more beautiful because it's hand woven.

    I'll have to take a look for that book. Thanks for the recommendation.

  2. Our snow all returned too. Yuck! We tired of it now.

    Glad to meet Helyn!

  3. More snow..what is "normal" where you are?
    Good to see Kitty different to when she first arrived

  4. Thankfully, snow in March usually melts quickly. The sunshine is stronger now and that helps too. Helyn makes a good model. Nice work. Kitty has chosen a chair for herself and she looks very comfy.

  5. I wish we changed our clocks this early. We have to wait until 31st March.

  6. The rainbow snake! We have one for our furry friends as well. No snow here, as per usual, but it has been awfully rainy. (I am not complaining.)

  7. A delightful post full of good things, except the snow. Bah. Sweet kitty appears relaxed and happy.

  8. The spool rack is a great idea for displaying the scarves! Ugh on the snow though. It looks pretty, but probably nobody wants it at this time of year. I had a rainbow snake for Angel, I used to drag it behind me on the garden path when he wouldn't come in and sometimes he'd follow it right inside without realising.

  9. Thanks for the book recommendation. I’ll see if the local library has it.

  10. The idea of a stone being the most precious where it belongs reminds me of all the times when I have picked up a wonderful stone from a beach and taken it home to find that it has completely lost its magic. Just another pebble.

  11. hawks have such keen eyesight. the least movement and they're off. I know, I've tried many times to get a picture of them on the wires scanning the field.

  12. I love hawks. Except when they steal chickens. Especially baby chickens.
    Helyn appears to be very happy with her creation and work. .

  13. You are quite a Helyn-ist.

    It's windy here too, but so far the predicted snow hasn't arrived.

  14. Love the pic of Kitty. And I've never done well with audio books... fall asleep after a few pages of listening.

  15. You lead an interesting life. A bit of nature, a bit of fun and socializing, a few chores, some inventing, and enjoying Kitty. Wonderful.

  16. I'm kept very busy in the summer pruning all our bushes so they don't become an overgrown nuisance. Looks like the arbor vitae is getting a bit too big for its boots!

  17. Helyn has good ribs. Linda in Kansas

  18. Helyn wears it well, doesn't she? We had the same snow. It seemed like a minor deal here, and Tim was restless so we went up to an antiques store in New York State. Cripes! What a blizzard. On the way home, we came on an elderly man who had veered off the road and into a tree. The visibility was AWFUL.

  19. That is so cool that the hearing aids work and she can hear. Really really good.

  20. I hope that by now the snow has gone.

  21. Yuck! That snow is terrible. I hope it goes away soon and you can get back to enjoying your spring.

  22. My kitty tore that same toy apart. Helyn is an interesting creation...

  23. Crying, listening, and reading. What a combo, but I thoroughly understand. Hope your snowfall moves into a lovely spring very soon.
