
Saturday, March 16, 2024

The new Instagram

I decided to get with the times and be back on Instagram. The last time I used it, three or four years ago, it was clumsy and inappropriate for me. It didn't go with my flow. As I remember, I had to post a picture from my phone and go back with my computer to leave any text. That is because I am not a phone typer. In fact, any type lettering on my phone occurs via my spoken voice.

First I asked the internet how to be rid of some of those old photos. That was a piece of cake. I did it via my PC no less. And all the new photos went up the same way. Somehow people are notified, or else just find new stuff they follow, the same as scrolling through Facebook every day, or whenever.

The biggest change I saw is that the whole platform now resembles Facebook. There is a menu down the side to select a way to look at Instagram. Not so great, in my opinion, are all the ads in the "Home" section. That's like FB, and worse. I'll have to read how to get rid of them. Well, for better or worse, I'm back on Instagram, for my weaving. 

And that is to the end of the line. I'm amusing myself, seeing how many inches I can get from one thread. You remember the mess I left myself to work with.

On the left are a couple of "full" bouts, taped down so they don't fly away. To the right are some of the central bouts I was weaving from. They are close to gone. Down to bare wood are the tail end of a bout I'm both chaining off and weaving from, and a bout that I cut away, except the one thread I am using. There seem to be four turns left, but a lot of that length is "loom waste"; the distance from the tie on cord, over the back beam, through the heddles, etc. I have an eighty inch long scarf woven so far, and I think there will be about ten more inches.

And just so you know I have a real life, here is Rose, as the two geriatric ladies embark on another outing.

Next time I'll have her take the picture, so you know we both went.


  1. Nice picture of Rose! I don't do any Z related products, never have, so no ig, no FB, but I continue to follow you here on your blog. Go you!

  2. Hello Rose!
    All the Meta stuff is as ever constantly changing....they can't get something working well and stop fiddling with it!!

  3. You already appeared on Instagram, of course I liked it.

  4. Nice to have outings! Instagram is owned by Facebook which probably explains their similarities.

  5. Welcome back to Instagram! It's great to see you diving back into the platform, especially for sharing your weaving journey. Navigating through the changes and adjustments can be a bit overwhelming at first, but it sounds like you're already getting the hang of it. Your weaving progress looks impressive, and Rose looks like the perfect companion for your outings. Looking forward to seeing more of your creations and adventures on Instagram! 🧵🌸

  6. Nice to see Rose. You have a buddy to venture forth with you. Enjoy!

  7. Happy traveling. Friends for adventures are precious things indeed.

  8. For whatever reason, whenever you have mentioned Rose I have envisioned her in that exact shade of blue. I am so pleased to see her in it. I'm glad you two have each other to do things with.

  9. Using Instagram for your weaving seems to be coming together really well. You and Rose travel well together and enjoy each others company. Having the car is a great benefit for you both.

  10. Hari OM
    I spotted you on the instathingy! I have a kinda hate-hate relationship with that thing (the only media I do outside Blogger and YTubular). Some folk I know are only available to me on that platform so am hesitant to give it away. Well done you for embracing it once more. YAM xx

  11. Hello there Joanne. You came up on my feed over there as well. That place has changed so much I spend very little time there. So glad I did because you’d have passed me by- it’s like sorting the wheat from the chaff over there

  12. I only just started using instagram, mostly for the orphans and their sisters out in the world . The algorithm that targets my interests is quite good. Inspiring. I am sure it will not last. As all things. Glad to see you and your friend getting out in the snow and sunshine! I think spring might be coming soon...That is the rumor.

  13. I don't do Instagram or any other type of social media, just blogger and email.
    An eighty inch scarf is taller than I am!!
    Hello Rose, nice to meet you.

  14. I applaud you for many things, Joanne! Your weaving, your activism, your determination to live an independent and interesting life, for navigating social media - good Lord, the list is long! And it's wonderful for you to have a friend along for the ride. I so depend on my friends for my sanity.

  15. I haven't been on instagram in I don't know how long but your post spurred me to look at it both on my phone and the desktop. two old ladies on the loose making trouble I hope.

  16. It's good for the brain to learn new stuff and to have friends to travel through life with. You are, as ever, an inspiration to me, Joanne :)

  17. I have never been drawn to Insta although I gave it a whirl in the past. Sue now posts her photos there, so I do check in more regularly now,

  18. Instagram is a complete and total mystery to me. Glad you're out there with the weaving. I love that you have someone to do stuff with, makes life better.

  19. I am so glad you are getting and about, more treasured time as we age (un)gracefully.

  20. No need for evidence, I'm sure you have a real life! I've never investigated Instagram, so I have no idea of its pros and cons.

  21. You could also take a 'selfie' or an 'us-ie' (har-har) of the two of you as you undertake an outing. :D

  22. I have a a major gripe about Instagram and that is "send gift". In particular, those who I know are already wealthy. Otherwise it can be entertaining. I'm so glad for your social life. I do see friends but the business of holding a conversation is exhausting!
