
Saturday, March 2, 2024

Happy, happy good news

I asked Betty to bring her new hearing aids to breakfast and let me help her get them situated. That was a week ago, Thursday or Friday.  She presented the box with a tangled mass of cord and charger. Such a mess that my hope was low.

First I extracted the instruction book and gave it a read. Very like my own pair, except scaled back. Turn them on, put them on and you will hear more, better. Take them off at night, turn them off and park in the charger. Except I found no instructions to turn them off. Nothing ventured, nothing gained, so I forged on.

I pressed the on/off button. The miniscule button! It turns green to indicate "ON", but is completely covered by the thumb. I used my fingernail to see if the device was turned on. I wound up placing it on her ear, she pushed it into her ear. We used the same method for the other ear.

Someone suggested doing it again, for practice. I vetoed that at once, and Betty agreed completely. There was tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow at breakfast for that. I was more interested in watching Betty adjust to a new world.

Even a week later I cannot write about the event with dry eyes. It was a new Betty and I told her over and over how happy I was. She could hear and participate, and what an articulate, animated woman we had with us. She wanted to know what I found so different about her. I said I didn't have to face her to talk to her, I didn't have to raise my voice and repeat myself.

"And I thought I had you all fooled," she said.

And on to my project for the weekend and next week: scarves on the website.

There are two new scarves on the sewing table waiting for hems. That will come next, after this bit of writing.  Yesterday I tackled the web page. It came so easily, and after three or four hours I was mostly satisfied with the first page and ready to move on to the second.

Except, I could not find the second page! I tried all that I could "intuitively" bring to the project, including deleting some things I tried and had to get rid of. So, last resort, I will wait until Tuesday, when Blake is coming to help me.

I have so much else to do, the page can wait. I must photograph and describe the scarves I have finished. Then there is a little inventory problem I'm wrestling with. My towels were identified by color; past that they were identical. Each scarf is individual.

Personally I am offended by including an obvious inventory number with each scarf, but I have not come up yet with an alternative method. So for now they will be identified as The First Scarf, The Second Scarf, and so on.

One of my followers, Margaret Butterworth, in Australia, wonders if I could find a model, so people can see scarves modeled on someone. That is a great idea that has never worked so well for me. Back when I used a professional photographer, he used a professional model. I attempted the same with a friend, but it was less successful. Neither of us knew exactly what to do. So I'm still pondering this bit.


  1. That's such wonderful news about Betty! Good for you for helping her. :) I didn't realize you were weaving scarves now. I can't wait to see the finished ones!

  2. Maybe Betty could model the scarves!
    Good going with the hearing aides🥰

  3. Hari Om
    As the proud owner of one of Joanne's delicious scarves, I can vouch for the drape and feel and the joy of wearing! (Just in case anyone is wondering...) And hoorah for the technological prowess of one pensioner aiding another! YAM xx

  4. I'm so happy for Betty and it was so wonderful of you to help her. Hearing more clearly surely makes all the difference. My hearing aids are old but your post encourages me to look at updated ones to see if I could hear better and I would love the rechargeable ones so I could stop with all of the little batteries!
    Best of luck with the scarves! I'm sure they will sell well as you do beautiful work!

  5. Betty is lucky to have a caring person like you in her corner.

    I can't wait to see finished scarves on your website. Would you say they are more for fashion, or would they work as a layer around the neck for in-between weather?

  6. I am living with a man whose pride is preventing him from hearing nearly as well as he should be.
    And I am not sure how to handle this. We have to figure it out.
    Thank goodness you were able to help Betty! You're so smart. And you will, perhaps with the help of Blake, figure out the missing second page situation.

  7. I'm so happy for Betty! What a great service you rendered to her with those hearing aids!

    1. I can't tell you how much the difference in her attitude has meant to those of us who love her.

  8. Betty must be thrilled to hear again. How wonderful for her.

  9. You are a very good and extremely capable friend. Thanks to you, Betty hears. I'll look forward to seeing the scarves.

  10. Joanne, like eyeglasses and dental bridges, hearing aids can be a pain to deal with at times, but thank God for all of them. I think of the times when people didn't have these things and just had to survive without. We are very lucky. And your friend is lucky that she has a friend to help.

  11. What a wonderful thing you did for Betty. It's like a new life!

  12. Good for taking time to help someone with hearing aids. Hearing aids are a bit of a challenge.

  13. You could probably find one modelling pose and just copy it. You could beside a window, best on a somewhat overcast day to give you nice, soft light.

  14. Might I suggest a dressmaker's dummy or even just a blouse on a coathanger, to use for draping and modelling the scarves?
    I'm so glad Betty is now hearing and participating.

  15. Now if someone could just help you with your mobility you be well away. Dancing in the hallways!

  16. Betty comes to the table! That is great news and thank you so much for helping her out of her fuzzy silent world.
    Your weaving!! That has got to be so satisfying seeing the patterns appear like that- it is magic without the wave of a wand.

  17. Hooray for Betty. Hooray for Joanne. There is still goodness in this world.

  18. Well done on being Betty's hearing aid tech guru. It is such a miserable isolated life going deaf in older age. Silly Betty for thinking she had everyone fooled instead of asking for help. Looking forward to seeing the new website offerings.

  19. So good to hear about Betty! You are a great friend, Joanne! Good luck with the website!

  20. How different life can be, when you can hear and be a part of it! That made my heart happy to read about Betty and how she can engage now, and feel a part of her group. My BIL has been mostly deaf since birth and became an angry and difficult child, and he still is at 67. I didn't know just how affected by this he could be, until I read your post today. It helps me have more compassion for him now. Thank you, Joanne.

  21. you are an amazing woman, a force of nature. Betty has a much improved life thanks to one person who cared enough to help her. and that person would be you. I lost the ability to update my website when I switched over to the mac mini as the program that I used to upload images and changes is not compatible.

  22. Wonderful news about Betty's increased participation in the world as she is now able to hear so much better! x

  23. This is why I think you need a photo of a scarf being worn:
    For me, I can't visualise the drape. It just looks like a flat piece of material. You could photograph someone with their back to the camera. She doesn't have to look like a movie star!

  24. Joanne, you are the BEST friend ever! How wonderful of you to help your friend, Betty enjoy life more.

  25. I'm happy for Betty. You did a good thing with her because you are a good person.


  26. I would inventory them by color alone. If you have one color, that makes the inventory process very easy, doesn't it? I have seen other artisans note their products with words to the effect of 'because these are created by hand, no two patterns will be the same. And let it go at that. Let one picture display the different versions of the scarf, and another picture show someone wearing the scarf.

    You know, Betty's story is so wonderful. You have made quite a difference in that woman's life. But isn't it strange that a device that is designed for (mainly) use by older adults should require motor skills that a lot of adults no longer have?

    By golly, Joanne, you are a superhero!

  27. Good to know you've sorted out Betty's hearing aids and it's made a huge difference to her life.

  28. Such great news about Betty. What a blessing you are, Joanne.
