
Sunday, October 8, 2023


I hate being sick, but I am. It all started with a mortified toe and a long wait for the podiatrist appointment. An  x-ray was OK, but the lab work showed staph. In the meantime, I was on a course of doxycycline (because I'm allergic to penicillin), and that was the real problem, I think. 

By the end I barely functioned. Burning up, can't stay awake, weak. I guess I add it to the "cillins" I don't take. Fortunately this is the weekend. Both days the alarm rang at eight and I got up at nine thirty. Yesterday I even took a two hour nap. I'm burning up and don't have a temp, and I don't have covid. I brushed a year's worth of dust off that box to open it.

And poor Kitty. She says little, but puts on a class woe begone act that did not register with me until yesterday afternoon. Today I got her food and water done after breakfast, on schedule, but didn't get to the litter job until after a nap and lunch.

To add insult to injury, I lost one of the ski pads from my walker yesterday. Anywhere from the doctor's parking lot to mine. I arrived half way through a very good pizza supper and was struck by a giant wave of sick several bites into a marvelous white pizza from one of the Chicago or New York natives in the kitchen. Fortunately Amazon delivered another set yesterday, but I still need to muster the strength to make it happen. My daughter put on the last set.

Now the news. What the hell is going on? Why is Hamas putting Yael's life in danger. And by extension, her children and grandchildren. I cannot tell if she is in a town being evacuated, though I see all the towns along the Gaza Strip are being evacuated of civilians. Israel has responded with a declaration of war. Yael has posted she is safe so far, and frightened.

Keep her in your thoughts and prayers.


  1. I hope your toe heals well and I hope the hostilities in the middle east are short lived. More traumatized children.

  2. Damn. You're just in a world of crap right now. Astonishing the way things can just snowball. I do hope it all looks up soon, and I especially hope Yael can keep herself out of danger.

  3. Sorry you're sick, and the antibiotics aren't doing it. I wonder if they'll try cipro?

  4. Our clinic tells us to pay special attention to our foot health....not as easy as it sounds if you have problems getting appointments.
    As usual, innocent people suffer from problems not of their making.

  5. Joanne, hope you are on the mend soon, are able to replace your lost ski pad, and enjoy your marvelous white pizza. And give Kitty an extra treat for hanging in there.

  6. Hari OM
    Sending healing vibes for the sore toe; I send whiskeries and head bumps to Kitty; and prayers I offer up for all those subject to conflict. This latest news is very worrying. YAM xx


  7. My heart goes out to Yael - and anyone else in harm's way. I do hope you start to feel better soon.

  8. Ack, your poor toe. It's good that you're on antibiotics, here's hoping the staph responds. Do you have a primary care doc? You should be followed for this, it has the potential to be bad. Poor Kitty, feeling abandoned.

  9. I hope they got the infection under control. Doxy is pretty good but Cipro is sometimes needed to eradicate deep infection. What does your daughter (the NP) think? I'd get her on the job to help you address this pronto. The attack on Israel is horrifying. I hope Yael and her family are out of harms way. This has to be terrifying.

  10. The situation in Israel is very frightening. I was shocked when I learned of the attack. I'll certainly keep Yael in my thoughts, although I don't know who she is; but if she's important to you, then she's important to me. Can you call your daughter or someone else to help with the walker and give you some extra assistance while you're ill? You are in my thoughts, too.


  11. Feel better soon, Joanne! And may Yael and her family be safe in this latest terrible outbreak of war.

  12. Do the walker skis not come as a single piece attached already to the cup at the foot of the walker? Would you be better with a walker with wheels?
    I hope someone figures out what is making you so sick.
    I don't recall who Hamas and Yael are, have you mentioned them on your blog before and I missed that?

  13. I'm sorry you are not feeling well and hope you feel better real soon.
    I hope Yael her family are safe. What a scary situation!

  14. I thought of Yael as soon as I heard the news. I do not understand this world.

    I hope that you have spoken to the doctor about what is going on. This sounds pretty serious.

  15. War is endless it appears and children will die, the innocent bystanders and nothing will be resolved as per "normal" war plans.
    So sorry to hear about your toe and your missing cane end. Small things drive me utterly around the twist, big things I shrug off. Old age.

  16. I hope you are well soon, and that Yael and all in Israel are safe and that the Ukraine Russia war has a negotiated peace soon.

  17. It sounds like a very yucky illness! (not that most aren't) I am sick at heart about what is going on in the Middle East. But not surprised.

  18. Horrible news about what is going on in Israel, and my thoughts are with Yael, it must be incredibly frightening for her. Hope your toe gets better and puss gets life back to normal.

  19. Hope your infection clears soon.
    I feel for friends on both has been over a hundred years of mess there

  20. I was beginning to wonder where you were. Hope you are on the mend now. Give kitty a stroke from me. Had been hoping for your expert opinion on my "is this half brick a loom weight?" post.

  21. I am sorry to hear that you are ill, Joanne. Get well soon.
    The news from Israel is terrible. I don't know what can be done when Palestine is run by people like Hamas. They don't seem to care about ordinary people. Someone said that the situation will get worse before it gets worse. It is so complicated now that nobody can see a resolution without another bloody war.

    1. P.S. I have been looking out for a Yael post but cannot find one. Did she post here on the blog?

  22. May Yael stay well. That part of the world is never going to see peace, of that I am quite sure. The barbarity and savagery of alleged Homo sapiens knows no limits.

  23. I thought of Yael immediately and was so glad to see she was safe, at least as of a couple of days ago. It's all just horrible.

    Take care of yourself, Joanne. I hope you feel better soon.

  24. Another war! We live in a sad world! I pray Yael stays safe.

    I pray you begin to feel better soon, Joanne. Take care!

  25. Oh, Joanne! I don't like hearing this. Is your toe better? Are YOU better? And now you have Yael to fear for.
    No. I don't like hearing about any of this.

  26. Sickness and war-two constants that I wish were not. Here's hoping that both issues are solved quickly.

  27. I hope you're feeling better today. I hope Yael is fine but Israel isn't innocent.

  28. You have dredged up a memory of a foot infections that I had a very long time ago, but I think mine was strept.

  29. I hope you are feeling better. Poor Kitty. She feels like she's getting the short end of the stick even though you don't even have the stick. My wishes are for Yael and all who are being caught up in this horror.

  30. Oh gosh. More adventures than you want. Be sure and eat something: half a cracker, half a slice of bread when taking any antibiotics. That really helps with the queezies. Prayers said for Yael and her family. It's horrid to read about what's happening. Maybe a facility person or PT can replace that skid for you; I don't think there are any screws or attachments, just to replace it. Extra treats for Nurse Kitty! Linda in Kansas

  31. I hope you're fit and well again soon. The news from Israel and the Gaza Strip is horrific. Why do so many people still think that the violence is the answer to a problem?

  32. The news from Israel is not good.

    I hope you're doing better.
