
Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Gone grippe

Did anybody's grandma get the grippe? Once when I went back to bed several mornings in a row, my beloved grandma told me I had the grippe, and to just sleep it off. That's not quite what I did, having a toddler and a husband, but tonight I can tell you, she was right! 

Kitty was so patient! Her box was cleaned once as late as two in the afternoon, when I finally got the meaning of the long, hard stare. Then she danced and chirruped around my feet like a new baby chick. 

Monday evening I was ravenous and sat in a stupor at dinner, eating all but the napkin. I excused myself and came up to bed, though I do recall Margaret patting my head on her way by. One last thought before I drifted off..."Tomorrow you will get up and get something done!"

And, I did. 

The periwinkle is off the loom, washed, dried, cut into twelve towels to be hemmed tomorrow. And now, a quandary. Some time ago I promised to weave colors in the order they were called out.

Under that scheme, the next color will be khaki, the grey/brown under the black, third from left, bottom. I have enough warp left for at least three more towel colors (an enthusiastic grandchild can wind a lot of warp!), so let's see what you like. Fair warning, that turquoise top row, second from left, actually is Christmas green. Everything else is pretty much as represented.

While I washed and dried the length of toweling, I amused myself with the saga of the washing machines. Here is the machine I use:

The first dial is for water level, then temp, then type of load, then start. For an entire year we residents worked out how to get our laundry done with one machine, the other being broken most of the time. It was identical, but past its prime.  

Then we had an influx of new residents, some of whom considered themselves laundry police. Apparently they were good for a little more than "monitoring" laundry. One day a new machine appeared!

I've heard the cleaning staff will give personal instruction on the use of machine. I've found there is enough interest in the beast to ease the use of the old machine, busy with my load of towel fabric in the picture.


  1. Oh how good to hear you sounding so perky! Glad to hear about the new washer too.

  2. It was called the grippe (pronounced grip) in my home when I was a boy. Then it became the flu, but I am not sure when.

  3. I’ve heard grippe used too. Glad you are getting over it, Joanne.

  4. I've seen grippe in some old books and newspaper articles but was never sure what it meant so I Googled it. It's defined as an old-fashioned term for influenza. I'm glad you feel better and are in the mood to weave. Periwinkle towels will be lovely.


  5. And a new machine. Things are looking up.

  6. I like the green and the plum. Good to hear you sounding spunky, Joanne! A new washer can be quite the learning curve.

  7. I enjoyed your blog post today and was warmed by the thought of kitty dancing around your feet after her litter was cleaned

  8. I’d let the others have their fun with the new one while you enjoy the benefit of the old. The new one looks ‘complicated’ - I’m all for simple so as well as verbal instructions I’d need printed ones on the wall!
    It’s surprising how a clean box seems to put a spring in any cat’s step. And the minute you walk away after cleaning it they always feel the need to use it.

  9. Hooray for feeling better. And access to the machine you know and understand as well. How long did the kitty litter stay fresh and unsullied for?

  10. Domestic machines in our homes - oh dear! I just about get used to all the different programmes on my washing machine when it breaks down and I have to get a new one. Then it is start again at square one. Now it is new electri blanket - the settings are a mystery so tonight I shall either shiver or fry.

  11. Good to hear you are feeling better.
    I do like top loading machines. They are far and few between here

  12. Hari Om
    Three bit YAYs from me for improved health, advancing with weaving, and new laundry equipment. Then add the positive of a happy Kitty and I am smiling for you! YAM xx

  13. Glad that you are getting better, Joanne. A new washing machine will put you right back to top form.

  14. I am sure that kitty is as happy you are feeling better as we are. Especially glad to hear that your appetite is back.
    A new washing machine? Well, that sounds like a reason to celebrate for sure. Perhaps they should break a bottle of champagne over it before it takes its maiden voyage or is it already too late?

  15. Yes, my grandma always used to call the flu "grippe" -- it's such an old term, completely out of use now. Glad you've recovered and are feeling like yourself again!

    1. The Grippe, as you probably know, auf Deutsch means 'flu'. I've not heard it used in No. America, but I'm glad it had its time as our word, too.

  16. Sounds like both you and Kitty have a lot to be thankful for.

  17. Glad you are feeling better, Joanne!

  18. I like the pretty lavender/french blue bottom row second from the left. oh, the new washing machines have just far too many options. and Kitty dancing and chirruping around your feet. you are winning her over.

  19. Gosh the old term brought memories back to me. The Grippe indeed. Gripped in the bed, no energy, blah. No longer used and it should be. Well done on the new towels a real sign your energy is back. I am having low energy myself and feeling frustrated.

  20. I'm glad to hear you recovered from the infection. They can be quite challenging. Kitty sounds delighted that you are back to yourself. She is friendlier and nicely settled, that must please you. Great balls of fire... a new washing machine! You should plan a party to toast the new machine. If I were near, I'd bring the champs.

  21. Glad you are feeling better since having the grippe, Joanne!

  22. grannies are generally right....bed rest for the grippe works very well. that washing machine has only one instruction...light blue touch paper and retire.

  23. I am glad you are well again, you had me worried. I see all the new modrern computerised machines in the stores and they look so difficult with all the different settings available. My old machine is computerised, sort of, but has only two dials. The one with numbers, where each number relates to a different wash setting which the machine sorts out for itself according to the number I set the dial to, and the other dial is for water temperature. Easy peasy. I leave it on the "economy" 40-60 degrees and select number 3 every time. No thinking required. I would like to see towels made with that pretty blue, second from right, bottom row.

  24. I'm glad to finally know what grippe is. Onwards and upwards!

  25. Thank goodness there are no laundry police around me. I would be locked up all the time.

  26. Good that you've got another washing machine at last! Hopefully it's easy to operate.

  27. I like the purple on the far right, bottom row. My out-of-town sister visited me recently and when she saw the big display of your towels in my kitchen she said something like "so that's where all of Cup on the Bus's towels went!" I do have a wonderful, nice selection but I need to add more. So keep on weaving!

  28. Thank you joanne, I wanted to write more but alarms now. Thanks for the support. To you and the wonderful people who commented here. Except for one who has no mercy. My grandmother also always talked about gripe/

  29. Thank you joanne, I wanted to write more but alarms now. Thanks for the support. To you and the wonderful people who commented here. Except for one who has no mercy. My grandmother also always talked about gripe/

  30. Thank you joanne, I wanted to write more but alarms now. Thanks for the support. To you and the wonderful people who commented here. Except for one who has no mercy. My grandmother also always talked about gripe/
