
Friday, September 29, 2023

Waiting for dinner

 For lunch I had a banana and a dish of coffee cookies and cream ice cream. The latter was wonderful and a banana is generally OK. Nevertheless, I'm hungry. I probably concentrated too hard at Bingo, to no avail.

I came back upstairs rather than stay around for happy hour. I think it will be close to pandemonium down there, and so I left. The kitchen is short staffed, so dinners are being served in our rooms or in the Bistro. I've had dinner there one time, and I didn't enjoy it. Too noisy. The ceiling is low and noise bounces and bounces and bounces.

Kitty greeted me, expecting her after dinner treat. I showed her my empty hand, which she associates with no treat, and she left for the sofa. 

Like all cats, she has to sleep in/on whatever is available. If that red cushion were down, she would be on that. When supper arrives, she will ask again or wait till I clear up. In short, we rub along quite well. I'm anticipating "very well" in another six or eight months.

Outside my window there is moderate progress. The front end of the building looks much closer to occupancy than the back end here by me. My end is looking seasonal, with yellows, orange, reds, and not even on the tree.

I'm pretty close to having all my blog posts reinstated. Probably the person most interested is me. Most I can just republish, but some I have to reread and relive, remember. There were about nine hundred when I began and I'm down to two hundred and fifty-ish. It's 4:45, and my banana and ice cream wore off long ago, so I'll go work on blogs until my doorbell rings!


  1. The demand to remove blog posts really was unreasonable, so I'm pleased they are back. I have always kept a copy of each post on my computer as I make it. As you say, we do it for ourselves, but they will be with my heritage files should anyone in the family is ever interested, even if google begin removing old unused accounts as they have hinted.

  2. I hope your dinner got there before you had to eat Kitty's food :) She looks very comfy, by the way! Glad you're making such good progress on reinstating blogposts.

  3. I'm sorry you have to do it, but glad that big task of reinstating posts is getting done. You and kitty are working out your modus vivendi!

  4. Kitty looks like she's made herself at home. And I too hope you have a good supper... and soon!

  5. A banana and ice cream sounds like the perfect lunch. Kitty is looking very relaxed.

  6. Hari OM I want a banana - just as a sandwich at this time of night, I think... Kitty is starting to look like she is considering she is at home at last... YAM xx

  7. I hope that your dinner arrives soon and is more than acceptable. I suspect that I would avoid the bistro too.
    I am glad that you are well on the way to reinstating your posts.

  8. Good luck with the remainder of your posts, Joanne. Hope dinner was satisfying!

  9. You and Kitty have trained each other well.

  10. Can you choose someone to eat with you in your room or their room? Noisy Bistro would not work for me either. Kitty looks quite content on her couch. I am glad to hear you are able to reinstate your blog posts.

  11. Kitty looks very well fed, snoozing on the couch!

  12. You and Kitty are bonding well. Probably about the best company you have there.

  13. Kitty looks happy. Make sure you get your protein, my dear. It's important for healing.


  14. I enjoy going back to read through some of my archives although I avoid 2012 which was an extremely painful year. I probably wrote some heartfelt and excellent posts but I don't want to relive them. It took Mari a long time to warm up to me. Now she won't leave me alone!

  15. I hope dinner was enough to see you through until breakfast. I wouldn't like to eat in a noisy Bistro either. Kitty is looking content.

  16. Oh wow, Joanne! That's a lot of work. I wish I could insure my blog posts don't somehow disappear. I wish there was an easy way to guarantee this.

  17. Can't sleep because of an unusually high level of pain right now. Sooo here I am in bloggerland. All this talk of Google deleting archives made me curious. I went to your 2011 bloggs and started reading. WOW! What a cache of true life stories. I am enjoying reading them and I must say how well you tell your tale of memories. Joanne, did you save these to an external hard drive? I have 3 external hard drives. Probably oldfashioned by today's standards but I am not taking any chances. I do genealogy work and not about to lose anything. I back up, back up and back up. In case of a disaster there is a copy of everything that is sure to survive in one of my safe places. In case of fire I can save the family jewels because everything else is backed up and no need to worry about all the files. Gee, they still working on that construction job/addition to the building? You'd think it would be done by now. Stay calm and carry on ! Can you believe the holiday season will soon be on us? My financial planner told me that there is supposed to be a sugar shortage this year just in time for holiday baking. he suggested hoarding a few bags of sugar just incase it goes the way the toilet paper did during Covid Round 1. Ok. Enough chit chat. It's time to terrorize someone else's blogg for awhile. LOL! Good night/Good morning to you all. Be safe, Be careful. Be Happy.

  18. That Kitty is taking a long time but then that's cats isn't it. They can twist us round their little claw knowing that we will adore them and look after them however they behave. Hope you had more food later!

  19. I couldn't eat in a crowded noisy low ceilinged bistro either..eating needs to be Kitty!

  20. That was/is a lot of work, Joanne! And it reminded me that I should "save" my posts (since 2012, I think, on paper - it will be a nice completion of my many diaries, which have very differing themes.
    I understand so well that you don't want to eat in the bistro!

  21. It's kind of nice to be able to go back and relive a day through old blogposts, isn't it?

  22. I'm sure that lunch was delicious but no, it didn't really have much staying power, did it?
    It's nice to see Cat has progressed in her comfort and trust to the point where she will nap in the open so that you can take a picture of her pretty self. And you are so right about what they will lie on which is basically anything.

  23. Waiting for meals seems to be a regular routine in senior residences.

  24. Kitty is finally feeling quite comfortable and safe. perhaps in a couple of months she'll even snuggle next to you. whenever I'm looking for a specific post post for whatever reason I find myself reading random old posts. I was a lot more interesting back then.

  25. What is going on with the meal service? I can just imagine mother's reaction to being served with a banana, cookies and ice cream for her lunch....heads would roll!

    1. Cookies and cream ice cream. Chocolate cookies, like oreos, crumbled into a rich vanilla or coffee ice cream. For me, to die for. Soooooo goooood.

  26. I'm glad you're able to repost your old blog posts. I'll have to come back and read some more.
    We have a tortoiseshell cat too. They are personalities.

  27. Sounds like you're keeping busy. I wonder if they'll change policies about serving lunch and dinner in mass, now that Covid is on the rise again? I know my Dad's facility served all meals in the rooms during the pandemic. But, I think it's on folks not to see other people. So hope your routine doesn't go wonky. Cats always make me laugh, they do need to sit on whatever.
    Sandy's Space

  28. We are here in the service of cats. Dogs are in the service of us. Though I did train a feline to be more canine. Successfully.
    Covid is everywhere. Again. And will be forever amen.

  29. Kitty looks cosy and content. I'm sure you'll soon be rubbing along "very well".

  30. Your sweet kitty looks like my Tori!
