
Monday, September 18, 2023

Up to date

Much has transpired since I last was here, only a few days ago. Several rescheduled doctor appointments have come to rest in rows for the rest of the month. I have a dental appointment (cleaning) this afternoon, my pulmonologist tomorrow, and another infusion on Thursday of Reclast. Yes, the same one that laid me low a couple of years ago. My endo doctor says it cannot possibly be so awful this time and he has not prescribed Tylenol with codine. How I hope he is right!

A lot of Uber trips, you say. Especially in light of a couple more appointments the following week. But, I bought a car. The six thousand dollars I had from selling the Subaru had to stretch out to seventy four hundred dollars, for a 2012 Honda with 188,000 miles. How I hope it will serve me well. 

When I got in to drive home, I didn't find time to tell it I will take care of it and it needs to take care of me. It was difficult to get into the passenger seat when I went with the salesman to get gas. When I switched to the driver's side, much easier, but the seat was too low. It was all I could do to reach and adjust the mirror! Seeing over the wheel was impossible, so I looked through it.

Back here in the parking lot I set about rectifying what I could. I found the lever to release the steering wheel, and put it all the way down. I understand it also collapses, but I haven't found that yet. When I leave to go to the dentist, I'll look for the vehicle manual and give it a good perusal when I get home. 

Other than that, a fairly normal week. Another set of towels finished. This one is terra cotta, a color I've never done before. I like them.

I spent more time figuring out how to rotate the photo than I did photographing it. I hope to remember next time. 

A reader brought a problem with the web site to my attention. You can get all the way to clicking on a towel selection, and then the program indicates "Not Available". Of course they are, but for the moment, they aren't. I've asked Blake, my computer guru, to look into it.

My next color to weave is periwinkle. I haven't made this color in quite awhile. 


  1. Nice and bright.
    Cars.. can't live with them, can't live without them.

  2. Congratulations on the Honda. My neighbor buys Honda and he swears by them for economy and reliability. With Covid still around, it is best you have your own transportation. Ability to come and go as you please is important. If the car manual is cumbersome, try Youtube for quick easy to follow instructions/tips.

  3. After all these years you must be able to operate that loom blind folded! I am wondering do you listen to Podcasts or maybe listen to books during the hours you spend weaving? Periwinkle is such a nice color. I am wondering, too, do your towels monogram well? I like to have monograms put on things by a friend who has one of those fancy sewing machines. She told me to ask you before I purchase a few. Sometimes certain textures just don't take the monograming very well. I comment very seldom here but today I must say that you are truly an amazing woman and a wonder to behold. Be safe. Be careful. Be happy.

    1. I listen to recorded books. Just finished "The Lincoln Highway", a tour de force of fiction and mystery. I recommend it, even if you toss it aside in exasperation, which you will not do. And no, I think my towels would not lend themselves to monogramming. A little too soft, I think.

  4. We have a 2012 Honda Jazz which Daughter has now taken over. It has been excellent, although less than half that many miles on the clock.

  5. Congratulations on getting a Honda. I think we went to Fossil Rim in mine when you and Laura were here? It is now in the shop having the timing belt replaced. 194,000 miles on a
    1996 Honda Accord. Pretty durable, huh? No new car is nearly as pretty to me as my little red one. Hope you are totally happy with yours.

  6. Good luck with the Honda. I hope it looks after you, Joanne.

  7. That Honda sounds like the one my son has. I like Honda for reliability, and currently drive a Fit. I had to fiddle with the driver's seat to get it right, then left it there. And here was I thinking you'd quit driving!

  8. I have to admit that I was kind of relieved to think you had quit driving... especially in bad weather. But you know what you can do, so I'm glad that you found a car you like. Sounds like a good one. Perhaps you'll post a pic?

  9. I like the new towel color, Joanne. And I do hope the new used car serves you well!

  10. Good luck with the Honda. We drive one, and I think they are very good cars.

    1. I had a Honda motorcycle for years, and it never let me down.

    2. 188 thousand isn't what it used to be in the old cars.I bet that you could get another 100 thousand out of that Honda. You might need to get a few repairs but hopefully not big ones.

  11. Do not be afraid to use a pillow when driving. There is nothing wrong with that.

  12. Love those towels. Of course. And I hope your car treats you as well as you will treat it.

  13. You never fail to surprise me, Joanne! One can never be quite sure what we'll be reading when we come to your blog. You GO!

  14. The terracotta towels are lovely. Did you not sit in the car before buying it to see if the seat and steering were right for you?

    1. No. I checked the dealer's pictures of the interior and when the gas cap was on the driver's side, I was satisfied. I hate to walk around a car to pump gas.

  15. Love the terracotta! Cars can be tricky to figure out. I'm still figuring out things on my Subie.

  16. Hari Om
    ...while I can't help thinking that a lot of Uber rides could be got for 7+k bucks, with none of the extras of insurance and maintenance costs, or stress of driving (and parking)...but that said, I hope you have many happy miles on tnose wheels! YAM xx

    1. That's what my daughter said. The only time I tried to used Uber, they said they could not come for me.

  17. Well perhaps getting a car was a wise move for all those visits. Those tea towels are lovely.

  18. Oh I'm glad it's a website problem. I have been fllowing your blog and saw you were calling it quits on towels. I have been trying to buy some for a wile and kept getting not available so assumed you had sold all your stock and were no longer adding to it. I'll keep checking.

  19. An old car with 188,000 miles seems like trouble and expense to me, but I hope I am wrong.

  20. Happy to hear you got a car!! I hope it serves you very well. Hondas and Toyotas, you can't go wrong. I am a sister in Reclast, although mine is called Zometa, but it's the same thing (due to the hormone suppressing meds I must take after breast cancer). The first round was easy peasy. The second round, I think, sent me into a gut transforming frenzy (or maybe it was just me). Lovely towels, as always. -Jenn

  21. Hope all of your appointments go smoothly and you have good luck with the new car!

  22. There's something to be said for being able to leave whenever you want and go wherever you want to.

  23. Gosh Joanne, I'm sure you worked out the economics of it all and I do hope Hondy is trustworthy after that big investment. I'm a Toyota woman myself, have been for well over 30 years, never let down yet. Love the new colour, I had a bathroom done in that.

  24. Ah, so Joanne isn't as through with driving as she thought. the terracotta is nice. but I'll wait for the periwinkle.

  25. Congratulations on the new car. It will be kept busy with the seemingly endless doctor's visits.

  26. So relieved to know that I can still buy some towels! Hope the website gets fixed soon. Good luck on the new car.

  27. Wow, a car with 188,000 miles behind it, I hope it's still in good working order, well maintained and won't suddenly break down in the middle of nowhere!

  28. Glad you have your own car...there's a lot to be said for independence.

  29. I was OK with reclast. However, my doctor said it hadn't done enough for my bones so now he's got me on Prolia. I have no idea if that's helping or not.
