
Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Short and sweet

The web page is fixed, almost.  It takes orders, and that's all that matters right now. In fact, Blake fixed it this morning and an order came in on its heels. Over the course of the day, two more, so that the yellow towels are gone, and some of the lime and most of the terra cotta.

I'm winding periwinkle bobbins now. Hopefully they will not take me so long as the previous colors.

Back to the web page. The address at the bottom of the page is incorrect. It is the Keenan Road address I had when I began selling towels from the web site. I thought I'd found and corrected it a few weeks ago, but I only deleted it, which suspended the web page.

If anyone tried to contact me there, it surely would be lost in the mail, as they say. Fortunately, I suppose, we use email almost exclusively these days. I'm still working on correcting it.


  1. Happy to hear that the website is nearly corrected! I wouldn't have a clue how to do that.

  2. Good to hear all those orders coming in right away.

  3. I used to have a periwinkle car. I loved that color, it stood out in a parking lot.

  4. Hooray for Blake. And another for orders coming in again.

  5. Glad you are getting the website updated. None too soon, if orders are already coming in!

  6. You certainly keep busy and along the way learn a few things.

  7. Hari Om
    Tech trubs are sent to keep us busy... YAM xx (who is glad you have Blake on hand!)

  8. Well done on having a nearby webmaster!

  9. Congrats on keeping it and you going.

  10. Business will no doubt be booming from here on in.

  11. You really are amazing, Joanne. I'm always in awe of all you do.

  12. Web sites are not in my skill set! Glad you had some help.

  13. You may get more orders than you can cope with! Train someone up...?

  14. I love, love, love the terra cotta color!

  15. Nothing (on the web) is simple. Glad the snarl is almost sorted.

  16. I wish you many orders, Joanne!
