
Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Table talk

I have three dinner mates. Two have come to the facility only recently, are former neighbors, and are tea party members. This is for real. Their way or the highway. They campaigned loudly and long for the Ohio super majority amendment, which was resoundingly defeated. The third table member is Rose, a conservative, probably a Republican, but completely open minded.

Tonight's table talk was about Covid, and the general shut down of the population during the recent crisis. We asked our server if all meals had been served in rooms during that time, and she said Yes, and that it had been as awful for them as for the residents. Personally, I think the residents had it worse, with little human contact.

The talk turned to vaccinations. One tea partier recited how many injections will be required; two for covid, two for flu, and I don't remember the last injection. The two tp's were actually bullying Rose to say she would not be vaccinated, and I stepped in.

My hand shot up and I said I'd be there to tell them the efficacy of the shots, which surely would be combined to two. Rose mumbled that at her age she wouldn't risk skipping. One of the tp's also is ninety, and started back on Rose for agreeing to the shot.

I lost it, and said I couldn't believe she actually thought she would be thrown to the ground and have needles shoved into her arm. "But what about the military!" she sputtered. "You're not in the military. Furthermore, joining the military is voluntary assumption of mandatory inoculations."

And I left the table and came home to my cat. Before I raised my voice a lot more.

Did I ever tell you, Kitty snores. And not just a little. When she is  really, really sleeping, those extra membranes in her throat really vibrate. If I get up in the night for that trip we take, I sometimes sit on the edge of the bed and listen. It's rather comforting, another living being.



  1. You have the patience of Job, Joanne. Kudo's to you for not stabbing them with a fork to the hand.

  2. I believe there is a fine line between purring and snoring. I myself have caught me purring from time to time while resting and checking my eyelids for cracks.

  3. At least kitty doesn't push her politics on you.

  4. I hope they got the message. No bullies at JN's table! Being isolated in your rooms during the height of Covid had to be very hard. An aunt of mine was living in a retirement home in the UK. My relatives told me it was like a 5-star hotel. They were also isolated in their rooms and my aunt started to lose her mind. Isolation causes depression. The home asked my sister-in-law for permission to medicate and this caused many more problems. I wanted my sister-in-law to avoid medications and bring Gladys home and she refused. Gladys has since died and not of Covid.

  5. I try to be open minded, but when people try to push their opinions on others I don't take it well. It sounds like you did.

  6. Sounds like your table needs to institute a "no sex, religion or politics" discussions rule. Everyone should be able to eat in peace without aggravation.

    1. I've decided they are as entitled to a piece of my mind as I am to theirs. I shut it down before I left.


  7. Well done. You have incredible patience, but still stand up for those being bullied.

  8. I don't think it's good for the digestion to have people bullying! But you're more capable than I of handling the tea party members.

  9. Thank goodness you were there to stand up to bullies. Personally I wouldn't touch their damned jabs with a bargepole - mother had one 'flu jab when in her eighties that nearly knocked her out - but it is up to people to decide for themselves

  10. I liked to hear our cats snore too, Joanne...

  11. Lady, you are an example of great forbearance. I really do not know what I'd do if table mates started spewing such ridiculous misinformation. I have no real ability to keep my mouth shut in the presence of ignorance. "But what about the military?" Oh. My. God. Is this all Fox news? I really don't understand how people can absolutely let go of all sense and intelligence to believe such things. And yes. You absolutely have the right to let them know what your take on the situation is.
    Meanwhile, may Kitty soothe and calm you with her snores.

  12. I just read your last post, I missed it. Anyway, I can't believe you were told you had to take your blog down. That's pretty cruel. I enjoy reading old posts, seeing what we were doing and stuff. It'll be good when all of yours are back up. What on earth is the tp'er talking about, there's one covid booster, one flu shot, and if so inclined, there's the new RSV vaccine. At her age she should probably do them all. Ack, there is no reasoning with some people.

  13. My blood pressure would be through the roof, Joanne! Make sure yours doesn't go that way, okay? :) I like Debra's idea of a new table rule forbidding touchy subjects. Can you choose where you sit at meals?

    Kitty is a beauty. I'm glad you have her for company. It's surprising how much having a pet can help people living alone.

  14. If your fist just happened to be clenched and find a fat ugly mouth, that would be fine. Just sayin’…….

  15. Good for you to stick to your guns and tell people they need to be vaccinated. I cannot believe the stupidity of people who have all kinds of rinky dink ideas as to why they should not be vaxccnated.

  16. You have all the right words to say whereas I would just babble angrily and incoherently. :( I'm glad you gave them a piece of your mind since they apparently don't have any minds of their own!

  17. I admire your restrained behaviour, I would have gone for his throat with some wonderful Irish curses. Are you stuck with this bunch for meals now? (Horrors!)

  18. I'm glad you sorted them out, the Rose's of the world need people like you in their corner. I get my booster every year as well as the flu shot. This year I also had the pneumonia and shingles vaccines.

  19. I agree with you about the snoring of a loved animal. With snoring humans it's a different story.

  20. I'm baffled by the anti-vaxxers. They seem to be influenced by all sorts of crazy arguments. Not surprised you raised your voice in the face of such perversity!

  21. After my last Covid vaccination I developed Shingles within a week - my doctor said there was probably a link, particularly as a friend has developed shingles twice after her covid shots. But I shall have both covid and winter flu injections.

  22. Whatever else has befallen you, apparently your ears still work a treat. I can tell you that I would not hear her snoring at night when my 'ears' are out, so to speak. As for your dinner mates. I find myself wondering how and why the ignorant are the ones who are so cocksure in this world.

  23. You are the best! I hope you are able to find a more welcoming and open minded table to sit at.

  24. I'm glad you came to Rose's defense and told those women how stupid they are. if they want to risk getting seriously ill at their age, no one will stop them but it is wrong for them to try and bully someone else into rejecting vaccines. and what a drag to have to sit at table with them every freaking day.

    my Cat also is a noisy sleeper. I wouldn't call it snoring so much as wheezy or almost a gentle purr.

  25. I always found my cats' snores to be endearing. One more proof they were little people in those fur suits.
    I would imagine that there in the midwest, table mates such as yours are probably inevitable, but I'd be in danger of chronic indigestion. Good for you for standing up for common sense.

  26. I never knew that cats can snore, Joanne! From men it is really a great trouble - although I wear earplugs, but I can hear (too) very good.

  27. When you mentioned two of the women being tea party members, this Canadian didn’t associate it with the political party at first. Not too swift here today!

    I would have had a hard time keeping my cool as well! You did well!

  28. Goodness! What restraint! I hope your table friends don't infect you. Please be prepared that they exit this world before you do. Maybe you'll have to move to a liberal facility, town or state! Linda in Kansas

  29. It makes me sad that we can't have intelligent conversations without someone becoming a bully and trying to force another to agree with them. I miss the days of talking calmly and perhaps learning something. I know what caused this but it does upset me.

  30. GOOD FOR YOU! If they are going to spout their opinions, then they can expect to hear yours. And I am going to guess that alone will shut them up. Tea Partiers like to talk. They don't like to listen.

  31. She's a beautiful cat. Stupid, ignorant people drive me crazy. I shouted at a woman in Wal-mart once about not wearing a mask. Not my best day:)

  32. Lovely Kitty... Burt snores too, with an occasional nightmare in which he grips any available body part (mine) with his jaws. Then he wakes up howling and runs around the apartment checking windows and doors for intruders. I've never felt so safe.

  33. A couple of years ago, I lost it while discussing all this and politics with my relatives. Shouting ensued. Afterwards, I felt bad about losing control. I know shouting doesn't work.
    It appears you were able to control yourself. Many on the extreme of either end can't seem to be open minded and respectful.
