
Thursday, August 17, 2023

Overdue Kitty update

I suppose we simply have settled into an "old couple" routine. Kitty spends a good deal of time with me, but in the same room, not in the same chair. I am permitted to stroke her once or twice as my reward for giving her some treats. Absolutely no petting. I have never lifted her from the ground. That would lead to claws and snarling, as does an extra stroke before treats.

If we progress no further, I am satisfied. How far we have come from the cat who hid under my bed. Whose worse case scenario happened last March, when I had that pacemaker setback and went to assisted living for a couple of weeks. Kitty found a tunnel to "under the covers" of my bed, and lived there until I came home and displaced her.

Even now she disappears when someone comes into the apartment. Gone Kitty. My cat is a bit of a joke. I do have pictures on my camera. She does spend a good deal of time in my presence. It's not a large apartment; I know all her hiding places. She is still up when I get up in the morning, waiting for her treat. If I get up to use the bathroom, she dogs me the entire route, asking for a treat, which does not happen.

She is still up in the morning. I greet her, and her first request is for a treat, which happens pretty soon after I get up. Then I finish my morning routine, eat breakfast, provide another treat and move on to take care of her food, water and cat box, before I leave for my first 10:00 a.m. exercise class. Perhaps she plays some more, perhaps she just stalks off to sleep.

Kitty seemed ill lately, excessively wheezing and coughing. Eventually I traced it down to a wooly sheep toy she daily attacked and killed. It turned out she was clawing bits of the sheep away and eating them. It went out in the trash.

I bought three replacement toys, a catnip banana, which has mildly interested her, a different rolling ball toy, also mildly of interest, and a ball I must look into some more. It's smaller than I thought, and will go straight under the chests, the refrigerator, the bed. I must look into it some more before I release it.

This weekend I am going with Beth, Caroline and Ruth for a "Hen Weekend" at Letchworth State Park in New York State. The weather is supposed to be much colder; I'm packing accordingly. In the meantime, in our usual evening posture, Kitty is on the sofa behind me, keeping an eye out for her evening treat. We know each other well.


  1. Have fun at Letchworth State Park. I want to go visit the fantastic waterfall they have there! My son lives in NH and we may make a detour stop next time we drive to visit him!

  2. The two of you have settled into a routine. How does she beg for a treat? Is she a meower? - Jenn

  3. I'm glad you found the cause of the wheezing.

  4. HRH was always a stand-offish cat too. And she had the same cat toy pictured in your photo! She loved playing with it until she figured out she could never get the ball out. Then she shunned it. No one made a fool of HRH! Have fun at your Hen Weekend! It will be fun to get away for a couple of days with people!

    1. Kitty's hands down favorite toy is the tower affair with a ball on each of four levels. She wrestles it to the ground and works at stopping all the balls from rotating.

  5. Need more towels! They are becoming a collectors' item.

  6. Great weekend coming up! Enjoy.


  7. what will Kitty's reception be once you return?

  8. Lacey grants us some lap time, but she does not approve of being picked up, so we don't.

  9. Your cat is a beauty, I like her markings on her coat. She has her own personality, doesn't she?

  10. Letchworth Park! I know it well! I will tell you this story that I love. One of our tenants has a son who works for the railroad. You know the great high bridge that goes over the gorge? When the train crosses that, one of the rules is that anyone who is not doing something vital must go straight to the windows and wave to the people below. I love that little factoid. Enjoy your hen weekend. I wish that I could meet you and your family there.

  11. You and Kitty are settling in like an old couple. It's comfortable.

  12. Who looks after Kitty when you are away? Enjoy your weekend :)

  13. I am very glad you found the cause of her wheezing and wish we could find why Batty does. If only they had them he has clocked up mulititudes of frequent flyer points at the vet(s).
    Have a lovely weekend.

  14. Isn't it daunting being in charge of a cat? ;) One thing I notice as a difference between America and Britain, is that in America you keep cats indoors, I know my friend does and does not allow her rescued cats out into the garden.

  15. Hari OM
    Aw, Kitty is melting... as slowly as the icebergs, but melting nonetheless! Have a wonderful trip away. YAM xx

  16. Replies
    1. She is. Her life is unaccounted for the entire six years until she was injured and rescued. I have no doubt she lived wild many of those years.

  17. I love cats - don't have one now as the road outside is too busy. But I do know that the sole aim of every cat I have ever owned has been to wheedle its way into my affections untli it rules my life rather than the other way round.

  18. Many years ago, when my daughter was little, we camped in Letchworth State Park a few times, and enjoyed it very much. Have a great time there yourself.

  19. Clearly you and kitty are getting to know each other very well. Unusual that she absolutely forbids any petting. No cats for me - whenever I encounter a cat he or she takes fright and runs for the hills. No idea why - maybe my glasses or my height.

  20. In my experience, I think cats are genetically inclined to either lap sit or not.

  21. I'm surprised she's not crazy about the catnip banana. You will enjoy Letchworth. It's beautiful there.

  22. Kitty has come a long way and you and she have a routine. She looks lovely curled up on your couch. She is good company...on her terms. Just like most cats. Your stay in NY with the girls sounds great. Enjoy.

  23. I enjoyed this episode of Life with Kitty, Joanne. You two have blended together nicely!

  24. Emma was my cat before Cat. Her idea of affection was being in the same room with me though if I was in the living room in the recliner she would lay by my feet. she was not a lap sitter.

  25. Here none of the cats are excited by catnip toys. I wonder why.

  26. I wish she were a little friendlier, but like all of us, she is who she is. That weekend sounds like a fun get away!

  27. Fingers crossed our new owners will allow us pets. I presented a really good case to the board and quoted you and the deposit you paid to make it more feasible to management ears re any damage covered. I wish.
    I love reading about Kitty, I had a cat I inherited from a friend when she died. Mr. T. who was just like Kitty, hated people and barely tolerated me. I made him the office cat which had him really hiding in spite of the all the treats from my staff.
    Enjoy your little vacay.

  28. Oh, what would we do without our strange and wonderful kitties? They know us so well and all of our habits and routines. Better than we do in some ways as we do them unconsciously, often, but they are keeping track. She is a very handsome girl.

  29. Biting the hand that feeds you springs to mind. Caring for children with problems must be very similar.

  30. She looks like a love even if she's a bit cuddle averse. Thank you for the update!

  31. Our new cat Dutchy sounds a lot like Kitty. She is usually within ten feet of me. She will consent to be petted briefly, or brushed, but the two times I have picked her up she has drawn blood - once on my arm and once on my scalp.
