
Friday, August 11, 2023

Brief update

I'm hemming lime towels and they are on the web. Yay!

I retrieved the deep orange (actually terra cotta) from the shelf and have begun weaving:

It's a great color, the first time I've woven it.

That's most of the news fit to print. Kitty has been unwell the last couple of days, but seems to be recovering. It seems to involve her extra skin flaps, and an extraordinary amount of snuffling. Today she has been just fine, her old "normal" self. I can only play all this by ear; we've only been together six months.

In the last of the news, I fell again, and took a nasty crack to the back of my head. Of course I fished out the emergency button and pushed it, to no avail. I fell in the laundry room, across the hall. The floor is concrete. Yuck.

I managed to get to my butt, and then slid across the floor to the heavy metal chairs. They were too low for my use, but I did slide to the door, pulling a chair along to use. I got hold of the door handle, and between that and the chair, got to my feet. 

I sat in the chair to recover a bit, then got up, loaded my laundry and went back to my room, on my cane. The next day I called the "front office" and told Robin this is unacceptable. My battery was dead. She has upped the replacement schedule by one month. I'm tired of being the one who trips the alarm. Have I told you about the last time I fell?


  1. You did fabulously well to get up - good on you for devising a plan. That latest colour is divine and I would love to order some when you finish them. Can I go onto your website and order them in advance? TM

    1. Nothing keeps me from exercise class three days a week. That instructor's goal was to make us stronger, and I'm a testament.
      Towels can't be ordered until they exist. I'm not a fan of pre-ordering, anyway. Too much pressure. More computer expertise than I have.

  2. Very sorry about the fall, also the lack of response to the call button. You're so resourceful though, takes more than that to keep you down.

  3. I get knocked down, but I get up again
    You are never gonna keep me down
    I get knocked down, but I get up again
    You are never gonna keep me down
    I get knocked down, but I get up again
    You are never gonna keep me down
    I get knocked down, but I get up again
    You are never gonna keep me down-
    You always make me burst into tubthumping song by
    Chumbawumba! You are the most incredibly feisty human I have ever known! So glad you are!!!
    new color is gorgeous- Autumnal just in time.

  4. The last time I fell (recently) I went backward and thumped my head a good one. I hope you have no further problems because of your fall. Please take care of yourself.

  5. OMG Joanne. I can't believe you fell again. Do you know what made you fall... slipped, tripped, or ? Hitting your head is something you should avoid at all costs... maybe you should wear a helmet? Guess that's impractical, but seriously maybe a walker instead of the cane?

  6. I'm concerned about the seeming lack of care where you are living, Joanne. It's good that you're resourceful but that shouldn't be needed - shouldn't there be some checking of residents taking place? I'm not familiar with how those residences work in the US and maybe it's the level of care you're in, but it doesn't seem right to me. Please watch for any symptoms of concussion, too. Have you told your family so they can check on you also?

    I do like the lime towels - very cheery!

    1. It's called Independent Living because that's what it is. However, the emergency buzzers should work

  7. Oh my! You really must stop doing this.

  8. I am so glad that you are resourceful and very, very sorry that you NEED to be.
    Love that new towel colour.

  9. I understand the danger of falling all too well. Your injuries have been terrible. You need a reliable buzzer for sure.

  10. Falling is serious. Take care!

  11. Living in an independent living setting with a need to carry an emergency buzzer for emergencies is a safety net....That said, buzzers with dead batteries is negligence on the part of management. I hope you keep your daughter informed on these goings on. A meeting between you, management and your daughter to review the situation(s) is probably a good idea.

  12. Your fall and then the call button not working, very disappointing. Is there a way to check the battery? I like the terra cotta color, partly because it has my name of Terra in it and also I do like the color.

  13. Those towels are gorgeous! Mine are still in such great shape that I don't really need more...or do I? ;) Falls are terrifying, especially when no one comes to help. I hope they can make their system more reliable! Good grief.

  14. Hari OM
    Aw heck Joanne... give up the stunts, darlin', Kitty needs you! Seriously though - it is definitely not good that the buzzer failed. Wait, there's been another fall? .... maybe needing slightly less than independent living??? Take care of yourself dear friend. YAM xx

  15. You're lucky on this fall, but don't take chances on more falls. Remember us elderly are very, very fragile.

  16. Sorry to hear that you fell. I hope you're feeling okay, especially your head. That deep orange (terra cotta) colour is indeed gorgeous!

  17. I hope you are ok after the fall.

  18. Lime is a good colour. Take care of yourself and Kitty.

  19. Take care please! Like the other commenters said, they should keep an eye on the alarm batteries. Lovely to see you carrying on weaving.
    And an ear scritch to Kitty x

  20. You are one tough old broad, Joanne, and I say that with respect and admiration.

  21. No. No, no, no. I hate the thought of you falling and no one coming to help. That is NOT acceptable. You are tough but dammit, woman, no need to prove it again! Was the floor wet?

  22. I wonder if there's a government or quasi-government organization that would be interested in this community's issues with the emergency buttons?

  23. So sorry to hear about your fall and that's awful that the emergency button didn't work. Thank goodness you were able to save yourself. I had my first ambulance ride this week and spent 4 days in the hospital. Afib trouble that's all sorted now but it sure wore me out! I'm lucky to have my oldest son living with me and he called the ambulance. Now I try to keep my cellphone in my pocket in case I need to call for help...

  24. several thoughts. damn it Joanne, quit falling. I know, I know. also, can't they get some rubber mats to put down on the concrete in the laundry room? also they need to have some sort of way to check the batteries once a month. also, good for you for getting yourself up. you didn't pass out when you conked your head I'm guess so no concussion. back when I was a river guide we would tell our guests that if the flipped their canoe and found themselves in the water the very first thing was to self rescue, do not wait for someone to rescue you. of course we would be moving into action to help and rescue and tell them the best way to float through a rapid if they found themselves in one.

  25. I'm so glad that you are OK. That is a hard floor to hit. As Ellen mentioned, why can't there be matts put down for one's safety?
    Love the lime color, btw.

  26. They need mats in that laundry...the rubber ones from wall to wall. And what is this about the alarm not working? Sheer negligence on the part of management.

  27. That's bad, the fall, but not as bad as it could have been. It's not a great idea to have concrete in a place intended for older folk. Washable mats aren't that hard, surely. I am glad you are okay. Your feisty spirit stands you in good stead. Enjoy weaving the lime towels.

  28. The dead battery is inexcusable. Truly. They should be insuring that this does not happen again.

  29. Glad the fall wasn't as serious as it could have been, Joanne. Definitely glad you are OK and hope Kitty is feeling even better.

  30. Is important to have practice with the alarm button. You can call to the emergencia center pressing the button testing the machine. Say to the center: hello I am testing the button. This is all. The battery ever must have charge. Are possible two batteries? Other possibility is to have ever the mobile phone inside the pocket. If one person need help, this is the best. The movile phone near.
    Have a nice summer with LOVE. Greetings from Mallorca.
