
Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Home again, home again

In truth, I was home Sunday evening. I've spent the intervening time on catching up on sleep, a lot of sleep! I neglected to take my pillow with me. The bed was decent, but the pillows were those hard, flat versions. Two nights of bad slumber left me awfully deprived.

Then, laundry. and, oh, yes! Sunday night Kitty barfed, big time. I slept through it. Somehow I did not slip in the puddle I encountered in the middle of the night, and when I woke and found that mess in the morning, I was not pleased. Puddles all over the carpet. 

I got through it, and that's all I have to say about that. Except, much as I love Blake, who came Saturday and Sunday to take care of Kitty, he also fed her half a jar of those very rich cat treats. And Sunday night, she gave them back.

Letchworth! I am amazed at how far back our history goes with this park. My parents took we four children to Letchworth. It turns out, Ruth and Bill took their children to Letchworth. The children grew up and took their children. Beth and Bill rented a cabin for several summers. Mine camped with Mom and me and their cousins, in a camper and a tent.

Here we are. Caroline, my youngest granddaughter, Beth, me, Ruth, overlooking the Grand Canyon of the East. I was last there probably in the eighties. So much has changed, so much remains the same. We found a pioneer cemetery, relocated there years ago, but the first time any of us saw it. All the major areas have been expanded and improved. The rest rooms are first class.

No groundhogs to be seen. Those remain a big part of my Letchworth memory. Many of the "meadow" areas along the upper park are no longer mowed lawns, but returned to wildflower areas, with ample stands of butterfly and bird attracting vegetation. The Mary Jemison statue has been iron fenced off, to protect from vandals.

All the overlooks remain, but there is a lot of view obstructing vegetation between the top of the "canyon" and the river below. We started at the north end of the park and worked south, to the great falls of the Genesee River. I did most of my "walking" with the aid of two canes. I was exhausted at the end of the days, and in fact made my last "expedition" to see the falls in a transport chair Beth had brought.

The weather was exceptional; blue skies and big white clouds. At the falls I had the good fortune to have a freight train crossing the bridge. The hard part was getting Ruth and Caroline to turn around!


  1. Hari Om
    Oh I am so glad you had this trip, Joanne... even if the cost was a slightly over-fed Kitty! YAM xx

  2. such a nice little holiday! Kitty will likely remember it too...

  3. It looks like a stunningly picturesque park!

  4. Your visit to the park sounds outstanding and the views are spectacular. Seeing a train go over the bridge was great luck. Poor Kitty with to many treats. Poor Joanne with all the clean-up. Blake????

  5. Time away always makes you appreciate home.

  6. Poor kitty and poor you. Glad you had a good time away.

  7. What a beautiful and special outing--full of memories of times past! Poor kitty and poor you. Carpets make for nasty cat cleanups. I know this from experience.

  8. I am so glad that you had this time away. I hear you on the pillow front. Many years ago I heard a friend's mother saying she didn't sleep well when away from 'her' pillow. My much younger self inwardly sneered. I have mentally apologised to her many, many times since.
    Sigh on the cat clean up. Another thing I am only too familiar with.

  9. Good to have a change of scenery and see some family. Out and about is good.

  10. What a wonderful trip with beautiful scenery. Sorry to hear about Kitty though. I can imagine how tired you were after so much walking. Hope Kitty's tummy has settled now.

  11. What a great time you must have had to visit somewhere that has generations long meaning to you and your family. Poor kitty but she kind of participated in her affliction by eating everything offered (poor you cleaning if up).

  12. Lovely picture - looks to have much more greenery than THE Grand Canyon.

  13. I have been know to travel with my pillow on car trips. So much better than chancing hotel ones.

    What a lovely get-away though I can understand how you would be exhausted afterwards. Have a good rest!

  14. What a great trip but always good to get back to our own pillow.

  15. It looks lovely. I hope Kitty's stomach settled down quickly.

  16. Oh no! You forgot your pillow? I never forget mine. In fact, I take TWO of mine. I know that trip must have exhausted you indeed. But I bet you feel like it was worth it. The park looks beautiful.
    Did you cry when you saw all of the cat puke? I would have. Poor Joanne. That must have been horrible.

  17. Sounds like a wonderful vacation.

  18. It looks like a beautiful place from the one picture. I do get tired of the flat land and open agricultural fields and pastures, empty of everything but a few trees. but this is where I landed. doubt I'll ever move again. Poor Kitty. Like my daughter when she had her first overnight with a friend. we did not have sugar cereal or sodas in our house and so she had some sugary cereal for breakfast the next morning and then promptly threw it all up.

  19. It looks like a great vacation. I love the pictures.

  20. You were tired out, but I bet you are glad you did it. Kitty's welcome was uncalled for....

  21. So good to read that you made this holiday-trip, Joanne!

  22. And that is the very railroad bridge that my friend's son waves from every workday!

  23. Sounds like you had a very nice trip... but also good to be back and resting up. Sorry about Kitty's upchucking, but it kinds of comes with the territory (on occasion). Worse thing is walking through something like that at night in your bare feet...

  24. Sounds like you had a wonderful trip, I can see why you would be tired afterwards. Too bad about kitty. I remember some days like that when we had cats. Like you, I just got back in town Sunday night, tired and jetlagged with lots of laundry to do. Was in the UK, so 5 hours difference. This is day 3 and I think I'm beginning to feel back to normal. Take Care
    Sandy's Space

  25. I too forget to pack my pillow and always regret it. Essential for a decent night's sleep. Glad you had such a lovely connecting time with reminisences. But barf on the cat. Yuck.

  26. I googled Letchworth State Park. It looks wonderful, especially the waterfalls. I hope kitty's not barfing too often.

  27. Welcome back home, Joanne. Glad you had a nice time on your trip and the photos are awesome. Hope Kitty is feeling better and done making messes for you.

  28. I can't wait to someday visit that great state park!
