
Monday, August 28, 2023

Weather, whether or not

Last week we had an incredible storm. Actually, a tornado or two came through. So many trees took out so many power lines that we woke to no power last Friday. All the public areas of the facility had power, and one elevator functioned on the power from the generator.

Breakfast was served, as usual, Friday morning, and everyone had light in their apartment due to the atrium setting of the building. My room faces west, so I had light all day. There was Happy Hour as usual, Friday afternoon. Our entertainer has no power at his house, so he was just one of use.

We wondered about dinner Friday night, and at 5:00 o'clock on the dot, the kitchen doors opened and out rolled carts of dinner containers. The kitchen staff spent the afternoon preparing a meal of excellent ham and cheese wraps, chips, carrot cake. We gave them three cheers! One staff member produced a bag of flash lights and went through the Bistro passing them out to anyone without a flash light, along with a solemn promise to use the light to go to the bathroom.

The good news was, power was restored as daylight faded. I wondered if the facility was prioritized because a couple hundred or more seniors live here, and couldn't be relied on to remember to use the flash light to find their way to the bathroom. Toni, our fitness instructor on Monday and Thursday, also lives in Aurora, and remained without power this morning. She came in with half a dozen plastic gallon milk cartons which she filled with water for cooking and hygiene. Their neighbor is away on vacation, and they are relying on jugs of water from their pool to flush toilets.

Then, to add insult to injury, we had an earthquake over the weekend. It even made my news feed; a 5.0 earthquake in Madison, Ohio. Well, it wasn't a 7.0 in Perry, right by the nuclear power plant, like the last one I knew of, way back in 1986 or 1987. And, the current earthquake was downgraded to a 4.5 when the meteorologists more closely studied their graphs. Small achievements. Reminds me of a screen shot my daughter sent me recently:

 Those were the days! Now to turn our attention where it's really required, lets pay attention to Idalia, heading to Florida and promising damage. 


  1. Tornadoes, no power and an earthquake? You'll leading an exciting life, too much so.The meal that they put together is amazing even with electricity--I salute them!! How did Kitty deal with the disruptions?

  2. It's frustrating when your power is off. Then a storm comes along and makes things worse.

  3. Yowza, Joanne. Your storm swung south of us. I didn't even hear about the earthquake!

  4. I'm hoping Idalia steers well clear of us. Tracking it.
    Oops on your quake and power outage. Scary stuff.

  5. At least your loom for weaving doesn't run on electricity, eh? Linda in Kansas

  6. Let's hope Idalia peters pout long before she crosses any more borders.

  7. You seem to be in a good and safe place.

  8. Hari Om
    Not gas stoves in the kitchen then? Glad to hear that everyone managed well enough and that it didn't last for long. Camping is all good and well when out in the sticks, but when in bricks it's not so much fun! YAM xx

  9. Your staff sound great. They really went the extra mile.

  10. Yikes. I hope that Idalia does no damage.

  11. All things considered, seems like you did pretty well in the face of these natural disasters. Bravo for the dedicated staff.

  12. Ah, Tetris. Sue's sister was incredible at it.

  13. I had a little Tetris obsession at one point. That was weird!
    Also weird that you had an earthquake and a tornado. I sure am glad y'all got your lights back on.

  14. Glad you are safe and sound. The staff at your place sure took good care of you guys!

  15. We are watching the hurricane formation and path projections too. Our roof on our daughter’s house isn’t repaired from Fiona yet.

  16. I'm glad your power was restored fairly promptly and the staff improvised well for meals.

  17. You seem to have done well, sounding as unfazed as ever, despite all the weather excitement. Good.

  18. Its all happening there! What next?! Did Kitty notice the earthquake?
    Hope there isn't too much damage with the storm. We will get the tail end here after it travels over the Pond, but usually much reduced.. thankfully!!

  19. I used to LOVE Tetris! I wish I could find a way to play it again!

    That earthquake sounds scary. All earthquakes sound scary, actually. :)

  20. My goodness. There is just so much destruction going on in the world right now. I'm glad the earthquake wasn't much stronger and that all of you are safe.

  21. Our power went out on Thursday night during a storm and did not come back until Saturday. Sounds like you all were well taken care of!

  22. No power all day is no joke. Looks like the staff coped admirably. Jenny and I had a 2½ hour power cut at a hotel in Liverpool last week. The staff were great, some of them were actually at home and drove into work to help out.

  23. I have just returned to normal after a lightning burnt my electricity metre.
