
Thursday, July 20, 2023

Another new tooth and more

I am on the road to a new tooth to replace the one recently pulled. It can't happen too soon to suit me, but it's probably still ten weeks to enough healing for my dentist to make the replacement. Sigh.

The three antibiotic capsules a day will be gone soon enough, but the vile mouth wash probably will endure the duration. Chlorhexidine tastes awful. Worse yet, "do not eat, drink or rinse mouth for at least 30 minutes after use." It says to discard the bottle after a year, and to rinse twice daily until gone.

Other things are happening sooner. I need more care tags and floundered around a bit trying to find my old supplier. When I did I had fun exchanging notes with the rep. I ordered only 100 this time, which will get me to the end of my towel warp and weft. The last time I ordered 500, way at the beginning. Here is a bag of 100.

My daughter found one we've had a good chuckle over. She thinks mine would say DINNA DRY CLEAN YA NUMPTY!

Every time I change floors, I pass the hall windows overlooking an outdoor area. Recently we've had a lot of sunshine, minus smoke, perfect for sitting out. Today I saw one of the men availing himself. I thought his shirt wonderful.

So in conclusion, the yellow towels are nearing completion. Probably over the weekend I will be cutting them into towels and hemming. Next I will start on one of the colors on the shelf.

I'm thinking that lime green, tucked away on the right. But I'm up for suggestions, too. Let me know. My warp is good for about nine more colors, but I have fifteen colors up there. 


  1. Had a good laugh at that Scottish care label!

  2. The label is funny! Scottish care, indeed.

  3. I agree with your comment about Chlorhexidine. And if you take a drink the taste gets even worse.

  4. That label is too funny. Lime green would look fantastic in my opinion and good luck on the road to getting a new tooth.

  5. Really love the denim color that I bought- I would buy more of that color probably and bright vermilion orange I LOVE! I think I bought your last two- one is going with me to England. Good luck with the new tooth, eventually!

    1. The denim thread is gone and so is the orange. All I am weaving with is on the shelf.

  6. That label is hilarious! I love the plum.

  7. The label is a winner. Implants take lots of time and sometimes the process is complex. Hopefully, you will be finished with the implant process soon.

  8. That care tag is priceless! Leave it to the Scottish!

  9. Love that care tag - and would add a vote for the burgundy/plum which is indeed to the left of the lime green.
    Good luck with the tooth.

  10. I love lime green—can you do two colors, mixed? It would look good with the raspberry next to it!

    I (Francesca) got my “brick” towel in the mail today—thanks! The color is much prettier and brighter than the name implies.
    Just as I was opening it, a friend arrived —we were going out to happy hour for her birthday. She was impressed by the towel—said it felt nice to touch—so I gave it to her as an impromptu birthday present—perfect timing!!!
    Now I will get another—maybe lime—for myself.
    Thanks for weaving ❤️

  11. Tooth issues are the absolute pits. And yeah, lime green rules.

  12. I won't be buying towels so I shouldn't choose colours, but I do really like four of them.

  13. Hari OM
    Like River, I will not be adding to my towel quota...however, I cannot help but think that if this is indeed to be your 'last hurrah', might a multi-coloured towel or two not be a celebration? (Too much work?) That aside, I do hope all the dental situation resolves in timely and mimimally annoying fashion! YAM xx

  14. Looks like a tag for Scottish buyers.

  15. I would buy something just to get that label.

  16. Having a tooth pulled at any age is no fun, Joanne, but at your vintage it sounds especially dreadful. Ten weeks is a long time to have to wait for the replacement.

  17. I am delighted that you used ‘numpty.’ Not many North Americans do, including me. I have only recently come across it through British and Aussie tv.

  18. I like the bright aqua (upper left, second one in), the burgundy that's been mentioned, and the pink that's on top of it. Hope all goes well with the dental work, with as little delay as possible.

  19. you put those labels on your towels? none of the ones I have bought have a label. and what's with the nasty mouthwash. I'll let other people make color suggestions but when you do one I like I'll jump on it.

  20. The purple is very beautiful.

  21. That mouthwash sounds ghastly. But all in a good cause, I guess....

  22. Have you ever made pink towels? Rose? I'm sure the mouthwash is hideous.


  23. Hahaha...that Scottish tag! Lime is a lovely color. May your mouth heal well!

  24. Ouch on that gargle crap and I hope it does the job.

  25. Good luck with your new tooth, Joanne. Oh gosh... I have to go to the dentist tomorrow and I'm not looking forward to it. I had to cancel my other appointment because of the vertigo I've been fighting.

  26. That's a care tag I would enjoy seeing. It looks nice down there under the sunshade when you glance out of your window
