
Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Short fillers

Kitty was so fond of her Blue Mountain "Real Chicken Liver" treats I first gave her that I bought one each of the other Blue Mountain treat varieties and had them rejected, out of hand. One sniff and her back was all I saw. Eventually I gave them to Beth, who had no trouble dispersing them among her non discriminatory male cats.

I bought a new jar of "Real Chicken Liver" treats to use when the old ran out, and that was this afternoon. On schedule Kitty woke up and came out of her 'secret' spot that literally every one on the floor knows and peeks into. If you are recognized, Kitty merely stares back. If not, Kitty quietly bolts, to under the back of the bed.

When she appeared her first stop was for the RCL's. But they have been pushed to the back of the table, no longer visible. I shrugged and showed her two empty hands. First she was huffy, and then she departed, with a long, casual stretch. It will be interesting to see her evolving demeanor.

This morning was my chair yoga class. This class one relaxes me to the point of sleep. We work mostly seated, but some standing moves, too. When I started I did not have the strength confidence to stand, but now I do. 

The instructor also brings samples of scented oils to class. I enjoy them, but put my Q-tip in the trash on my way out. Today's scent is peppermint. The instructor has previously brought peppermint mixed with another scent or two, but never straight peppermint. to my knowledge. It is still on my desk, for my enjoyment.

The yellow warp is off the loom and being hemmed. I've made yellow towels often in the past, but this run is my favorite. It has good hand, as weavers say, which only means it feels good to the hand and ostensibly for any other purpose.

This is a towel, still attached to all the previous towels, and its other end being surged. The sun was blasting through the window when I set up the phone to camera, and then quit for the rest of the afternoon. In it's favor, we did have a very big storm come through.

I put the yellow towels on the web site last night, before I went to bed. There were four towels with zero stock left as place holders, and it was such a relief to finally delete them and put yellow up, live. To my surprise, I woke to an order this morning. Thank you.

The lime is off the shelf, to be wound on bobbins. I need more definition on the color to weave next, after lime. Tell me the count from left to right, if it's the top or bottom color, and your name for it. 

PS: Kitty came out for the evening and asked for "Real Chicken Livers" again. I relented.


  1. Kitty has a real preference for RCL treats. The fact that she comes to you and asks for a treat is good. I wonder if a visitor held a treat, would she appear? Would she let the visitor give her a pet? Yoga is wonderful and the strength you are building is impressive.

  2. Kitty is so spoiled. And so lucky to have you!

  3. Kitty has 'catatude'... which is OK... and even some of our ferals have their preferences.

  4. Cats are a never-ending source of amusement. My vote for the next towel color would be the deep orange-third from the left on the bottom.

  5. yellow is not a color I am generally attracted to but those look like gold. Cat will sneer at any food I try her with besides the thing I first fed her which I begged off my sister. I've given away a lot of better quality food.

    I think, top row left to right #6, that lovely color blue, not quite blue. second choice top row left to right #3, the sage green gray.

  6. Kitty has a discerning tongue! I think it is just about time for us to adopt another cat, although HeWho says no. Like that means anything. All I need to do is put a new pet in his arms and the rest is history!

  7. Yes, give your girl RCL treats! She deserves them! Glad to hear you give a positive review of the benefits of chair yoga. I'm thinking of perhaps taking a chair yoga course this fall to improve my limberness and stretching. I can't get down or up from the floor anymore without mortifying difficulties, so regular yoga is out for me now.

    1. Several months ago I fell. I laid still and pushed my "Help I fell" button. In fact, I pushed it several times. Nothing happened. I laid on my back for thirty minutes, waiting for help. Finally I decided I was on my own, and assessed my strengths. To my astonishment, I could sit up. From there it is a breeze to formulate a plan to stand up. It's painful and requires a good deal of groaning and swearing, but I stood, then walked to a phone and called the facility director.
      I moved here to be safe, I told him, so WTF is going on. He told me several days later there now is written policy about the alarm. It was the weekend when I fell, and by happenstance, the regular personnel had called off and two temps were manning the desk, and they "did not know what to do". He assured me that from now on any one at that desk would know what to do any time they saw the alarm.
      If you have access to chair yoga, I recommend it highly. I imagine every teacher has her/his own approach, and actually I felt I had gained even more strength from the chair strengthening class I also take. I do not know which I utilized more, the strength or the mobility. Or a combo of the two.

  8. Kitty is picky but she knows what she likes! You've made excellent progress on your chair yoga; it shows that you're getting stronger. Yay!

  9. That cat knows what she wants. Not so different from her human.

  10. Hari Om
    Sounds like you are getting good benefits from the yoga. And Kitty is getting good benefits from you!!! YAM xx

  11. Our cats are picky too. A treat for one is poison to the other.
    I really like the burgundy. Bottom row, second from the right.
    I am really glad that the yoga is going well.

  12. She knows her mind! Well, we have favoured foods too...

  13. I wonder what fake chicken livers taste like.

  14. In the long run, you do what the cats wants. 😊

  15. My eyes always go to the blues- periwinkles, teals, aquas, sky.
    And yet- I could not love my red towels more!
    Have you tried Temptations brand cat treats with Kitty? I swear they put cat crack in them.

  16. Chair yoga could be a good start to yoga for me. Do they offer strong black coffee too?

  17. 2nd from the left, top row, teal.
    Glad Kitty is hooked!

  18. I’m a green gal as well. Like Helen (above) I fancy 2nd from the left but I’d call it Light Sea Green.
    Kitty ‘Kat’ is having fun playing games with you - she knows what she likes and likes knowing that you know!

  19. Still using our red towels daily, and they're still in perfect condition.

  20. Oh, that yellow color is amazing.

  21. I have a strange relationship with oils and scents. I usually start off loving them, then often suddenly tire of them and want them out of my nose. Open the windows if I've lit a scented candle, like I did last week. I think the secret is little and often. They'll please me all over again eventually. I think of you every time I look at and use the towels you made. They truly are excellent and have lasted so well, still bright and good - thank you again.

  22. I know cats can be very fussy about what food they're willing to eat. I once knew a cat that would only eat liver. Nothing else was acceptable.
