
Saturday, July 15, 2023

Two a day, perhaps more

Not much to talk about to day, except first, I remembered I still had towels consigned to the art gallery in Peninsula, and second, to say I have decided to repost all the posts I took down a year and a half ago. 

First the remaining towels. They were completely out of mind, until I shorted one order. I was writing the email, apologizing and saying I would credit her card, and suddenly they came to me. I told her what is available and offered to send her choice from those towels. So, we resolved my error from my stock at RiverLight, and it made no sense to leave the remaining few towels since I would never replenish them. They are back up on Everything Old is New Again.

Then, reposting. I remember when I was converting everything to draft status, I threw a monkey wrench into a lot of feeds. When my blog appeared on a feed, some folks had to click through all the drafts. Not good. Nevertheless, I had promised to remove the posts. A rock and a hard spot, for sure.

Why did I remove them? I had rented a room in the old house and moved back hoping to help Laura with the garden. Maintaining them was her job there, and she was in over her head. I missed gardening; it seemed like a win/win situation. Sadly, K has a paranoia about being stalked, and has passed it along to my granddaughters.

Then, of course, I fell and broke my femur, and come the next summer I still was not able to garden. That led me to researching "old folks homes" and now I'm here where I'm getting help recovering my physical strength.

Why did I decide to repost? When Kitty broke my vase and my sister and I gave it the full Kintsugi restoration, I also wanted to reference when my grandmother made it, and couldn't, because I didn't know how to get to the old drafts. That really was simple, and thanks for the help.

However, I'm sure the same feed problem will occur, so I am restricting reposting to a couple a day. I'm also enlarging the type of the early posts, in type almost to small to read. So, time for lunch and then to weaving. The yellow towels are almost woven.


  1. I've never had to wade through drafts to get your current posts and as drafts they shouldn't have even been available for your readers. weird. I'll just have to stalk you. I want a couple more of your towels before you quit weaving but don't care for the reds and oranges or yellow for that matter. the pistachio is OK but I'll wait to see what color comes next.

    1. There are eight or nine colors yet to weave. I'll take a picture after the yellow and you can pick a thread you'd like to see.

  2. Glad you sorted your blog posts. That painting looks like a Carl Larsson but I don't think it is only the colours are the same as his.

  3. I so love being able to go to the archives and refresh my memory about something. Had a real sense of loss when I discovered that I couldn't do that. I am glad you are going to give that back to me. I mean, some of MY memories are made up of your blog! Good that the yellow towels are coming along. 🙅🏼‍♀️

  4. I just wish computers didn't sneer.....

    1. Oh how they do! get stuck and they sit there.."get out of that then..."

  5. I am glad that you were able to resurrect your old posts. Interestingly they didn't appear in my reader as 'new' posts.
    Those yellow towels are such a happy colour...I cherish mine.

  6. Computers drive me crazy and I'm now supposed to limit my computer time because of my vertigo since returning from our trip. I so admire how you can keep weaving your beautiful towels. I worry that my blog posts could disappear since it's been serving as my journal.

  7. Computers thrill us and intimidate us all at the same time!

  8. I can go back and access my archives from the beginning of my blog, but I often wince at some of the stuff I wrote. And I get irritated if any of the photos are missing. Stupid Typepad!

  9. Glad you were able to get 5e older posts back. I would have the same trouble.

  10. I was one of the people drowning in reposted posts! It was baffling until you mentioned what you were doing. I thought my blogger was broken! Not a problem once I waded through them.

  11. Yay, I got a towel this time! “Brick” doesn’t sound attractive but the color is luscious—to add to the pistachio & yellow I already have. Would love a lavender or purple…
    Was going to pay for postage but there was no option to add $.
    Thank you!

  12. The challenges of the digital age. I do remember you pulling some posts from years ago and I believe you said they were personal with your new place which sounded so good at the beginning. Ah well.
    Our towels are like new still. Years later.

  13. I only ever get your newest posts, none of the drafts, so I haven't had to go wading through and the drafts shouldn't show anyway. I would love to order more towels but my drawers are full and my bank account emptyish.

  14. I bought 3 of your towels a little while ago and I have to say they are really absorbant and wash well too. Thanks. I hope your mobility is improving.

  15. There is not a day when I am not happy and in awe of your towels.

  16. Glad to say I haven't had any problem accessing your blog posts. I never make any major changes to my blog for fear it'll cause all sorts of knock-on glitches. "If it ain't broke, don't fix it."
    I hope kitty is behaving herself these days.

  17. Well it sounds like everything worked out just like it needed to, Joanne. Take care and glad you are in a good spot recovering your strength.
