
Thursday, June 1, 2023

Short report on weaving

I just finished the Periwinkle towels and put them up on the web for sale: Everything Old is New Again. I've been almost a month getting these twelve towels woven and finished!

The next batch of towels will be red of some sort. I can't tell yet if this is scarlet or cerise. I'll ask my sister, or a granddaughter when I next see someone. In the meantime, I'll just weave.

I must tell you something that never really crossed my mind. It's about cats and looms. They go way back with me, all the way to Scotty sleeping on the rugs in the studio. All my cats have blended with the weaving, rather than bothering it. Kitty has not put herself to the test--yet. May she never!

Some warp adjustments and I'll be ready to weave when the red bobbins are wound! That will be tomorrow, definitely before noon.


  1. Happy weaving. I hope that kitty does co-exist with the loom. One at least of our current kittens would not. Or not peaceably any way.

  2. Maybe she'll need one of your towels for her kittie mat? Linda in Kansas

  3. That's a gorgeous color! I'm sorely tempted although I don't need any more towels. I've switched to using yours exclusively but perhaps my daughters need some? :)

  4. I'm hoping kitty and the loom coexist peacefully. You need both.

  5. I'm still impressed at the size and complexity of your loom.

  6. Yes, Kitty, keep your paws off the loom and its weaving!

  7. I hope kitty stays away from the loom, but perhaps a little mat of her own to sleep on would be nice.

  8. Good to see your weaving carry on. Possibly the weaving is just part of the scenery that she has arrived to....

  9. CĂ©rise is French for Cherry and cherries are red; hence the colour is red! See how logical men are!

  10. I am so excited to see these red ones! Please reserve me two of them.

  11. My daughter and I love our towels. Such beautiful work, Joanne!

  12. My family loves the towels, and they last forever! Good luck with kitty and the loom. All my cats loved my knitting, an awful nuisance at times.

  13. Joanne, I hadn't thought about kitty and the weaving before. Hopefully that will not be a problem. Since Kitty seems pretty laid back, she may ignore it. Our cats would have considered it a toy especially for them with all those strings and movement.

  14. Are you planning to weave poor Kitty?

  15. I do like the periwinkle. seems to me if Kitty and the loom were a problem you'd know by now.

  16. Yay. I, too, enjoy the periwinkle color.

  17. Kitty playing with the weaving would be a mess.

  18. Your towels look fabulous as always and we are still enjoying ours. Take care, Joanne.

  19. I hope Kitty passes the test.
