
Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Some ice cream for energy

Yes, ice cream for energy. Some coffee for stamina. Some water for hydration. And hearing aides for comprehension.

I've been busy all day. After breakfast and the obligatory cat corner clean up, I emptied all the waste baskets. I cannot believe how many there are in a studio apartment that has not been cleaned in three weeks and won't be for another week. This housekeeping situation is dire. What with Diana out sick a week and every housekeeper Robin hires not showing up or quitting after a day or two, we may never see clean beds.

All the wastebaskets were loaded and I've just kept stuffing them. I emptied one under the desk, one under the kitchen sink, one under the loom, one under the sewing machine and the bathroom wastebasket. There is a tall waste bag for housekeeping to take away tonight.

I wove a couple of bobbins of scarlet. It's nice, and I like it. Beth stopped by yesterday and brought in the incidentals from my car. I drove the Subaru so little, it's as if nothing in there belonged to me, when of course it did. She brought in the handicap placard and the I-Pass transponder.  The former stays with me and the latter goes back to I-Pass, by registered mail and wrapped in foil. OK, not a problem.

Then there is Grandma Rolf's vase. The one she made in 8th grade, whereupon she quit school. Kitty gets quite antsy in the morning, urging me to hurry, hurry. She really has not grown accustomed to my speed. It is slow, and I eat my breakfast before I move on to her needs. One morning Kitty slid the vase right off the shelf. A handle broke.

At dinner that night, when someone asked about Kitty, I reported her transgression. "What will you do?" was the immediate question, and I replied that it now was one less thing to find someone to be responsible for. On the other hand, I probably can mend it.

It has been months since I reported on the construction of new units beyond my window.

The building progresses steadily. The roof construction arrived as pre-assembled angles. I think they used all of them to build the roof over elevator and the unit behind it. I wonder what they will use as they progress.


  1. Hari OM
    On the one hand, your expansive view is no more... on the other, before long there will be people to watch! What a shame about the vase - but then again, as you say, it is part of that which accrues in life and somehow we always feel excessively responsible for. No harm to 'release'. And you have reminded me there is some ice cream in my freezer. Does it go out of date...??? YAM xx

  2. I'm disappointed that considering the cost of the place, they're not keeping up with the housekeeping. That's a health issue.

  3. Housekeeping sounds like a disaster.....where are the managers to step up and muck in?

  4. I agree with Liz. That IS a health issue. No clean sheets for three weeks? Surely they can find SOMEBODY.
    I was just wondering the other day how those units next door were coming along and there they are! Do you think they will be move-in ready by the end of the summer?

  5. And I suppose management isn't falling over themselves to rebate part of the rent because of the non-existent housekeeping.

  6. It seems there is a management problem at your residence. Why can't they keep employees? Trash removal and clean sheets are imperative. I am glad to hear you have the ice cream you enjoy.

  7. you should get a reduction in your monthly fees for the poopy housekeeping. If you repair the vase (Super Glue GEL is the best cuz the glue sticks to where you want it as you squeeze and hold the parts in place,) maybe put it where the cat can't knock it over. Batting things off the counter is supposedly a hunting behavior in cats. I think they're just naughty. Linda in Kansas

  8. That beautiful blue vase would look awesome repaired with gold, like the Japanese style of visible mending (can’t remember the name)—you can buy fake-gold glue online for that I think.

    I have a sore throat and had sherbet for dinner, so I’m with you on the cold front.

    1. PS likely you already know this, but I looked it up:
      “Kintsugi (literally, gold seams) is a traditional repair method that glues ceramics back together and paints the seams with gold or silver powder.”

  9. Maybe get some Gorilla Glue and fix that beautiful vase!

  10. That's a ton of progress! My kitty has knocked over a couple things but not broken anything...yet. Stressful about the housekeeping shortage. There are so many areas where workers are needed. :(

  11. No clean sheets would be a big problem for me! Nothing is quite as relaxing as fresh linens on the bed. I would definitely ask for a refund since it is included with your rent!

  12. Like Fresca I thought of kintsugi. That vase would look lovely repaired that way.
    Sigh on the housekeeping front. A huge sigh. I hope it can be rectified soon.

  13. Was it the deliberate knocking that cats somethings do, or was it just an accident?

  14. Naughty, bad kitty! She's very demanding, isn't she!

  15. Oh, Kitty. Such a pretty vase, and Gorilla Glue was suggested earlier. Good stuff.

  16. I think the gold mending would look great if you are able to get the product, but then move the vase where kitty won't get to it. I have never had a cat deliberately knock things off anywhere. The new build looks more interesting now it has progressed. I hope the waste and clean beds issue gets fixed asap.

  17. That vase was deliberately broken...cats may not be able to speak human but the can communicate!
    Pity about the loss of view..but as mentioned in another comment you will be able to people watch!
    That housekeeping...or lack of it is definitely not acceptable..if they can't find someone to do the job they could be doing it themselves in the interim...more incentive to get the jobs done!

  18. I watched a speeded-up video of some Mormons building a large house in one day recently. It was like watching ants.

  19. The housekeeping situation seems quite dreadful. They should be giving you a rebate on your rent.

  20. I can relate to the waste basket thing. I just counted mine. 4 in total. In a 1 bedroom. I am lucky in that my helper takes care of my bed linen and all the rubbish I accumulate. She's in her final year of university and I dread her leaving me after she gets a "real" job. Best I've ever had.
    that vase is lovely, I hope you can fix it.

  21. I think the handle can be easily glued back together. The only tables Cat gets up on are my desk and the big work table and Marc's desk which she sleeps on sometimes. she makes no effort to get on the dining table or any of the other furniture surfaces. If management can't keep housekeepers then management should be doing the housekeeping.

  22. Lovely vase and lovely color. And, as you said, it probably could be mended.
    Strange about the housekeeping situation. Are wages not commensurate with work performed? I'm with Ellen--management needs to put on some rubber gloves and get to work!

  23. I would mourn the vase but you’re right, it can be repaired!

  24. It must have broken your heart since your grandmother made the vase. As you said it's done so we move on.

  25. Yes, the situation is dire. Here's hoping they hire people and pay them enough to stay.

  26. That vase was well loved for a long time.

  27. Dear Joanne, I am glad that you are able to help yourself and put the rubbish out - though it is what housekeeping has to do - and putting new sheets on a bed is definitely too hard work!
    Does the management give you back any money for not fulfilled service? (They were quick to ration ice cream, I remember).
    The tip to glue the vase with gold is great - this Japaner technique makes a broken thing even more beautiful.

    1. I knew of kintsgi, but not about it until Fresca "looked it up" and really piqued my interest. Now I have instructions and a kit on order and cannot wait to repair my vase.

    2. What a great idea! I really need to see that finished vase, Joanne. PS: I think management owes you some money. And whatever did happen about the ice cream battle.

  28. Bummer about the vase. I hope you are able to mend it so it can resemble its former self. And I am totally down with the ice cream for energy movement.

  29. It is time for this introvert to comment more. Joanne I have followed you for some time even before knowing I would end up in a single room. Are you familiar with the movie Country Girl? Grace Kelly states all she wants is a room somewhere and enough money to put cream in her coffee. That's my mantra also. There are worse things than being alone. You really should have better service where you are. But we of a certain age do not complain, do we. Anyway you have a lovely way with words and I hope to contribute more. It's the least I can do!

  30. A shame about the broken vase, but yes, it's probably repairable with a few dabs of superglue. Kitty continues to be unpredictable!

  31. I always feed the cats before I feed myself. Even though they finish quickly, they are still occupied because they spend time grooming after they eat. That way, I get to eat in peace! And really, they have no way of understanding why they are last in line.

    I see by your next post that you went for a repair after all - it's good to try new things regardless of how they turn out.
