
Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Two granddaughter weekend

I saw Caroline over the weekend. She dropped by bearing gifts in the shape of vegetarian protein drinks "you might like", and with hints on making them more palatable. For example, "you can put them in the freezer for a while, then shake them vigorously and the drink is like a slushy." I last had a slushy thirty odd years ago and don't imagine the flavor has improved since then.

However, I did take advantage of the opportunity to bestow her high school graduation present--two years late.

I borrowed this picture from the internet; of course I neglected to take a picture of Caroline's set of four tumblers. My friend Deb Bures makes these. Bures Pottery.

Kitty, of course, made no appearance. She did stare back at Caroline from her refuge, behind the storage units on the shelves.

Laura stopped today for a chat. I haven't seen her since last September, almost a year ago. She is through another year in school and is happy to have passed everything. Next hear she will spend the first semester in Greece, specifically Athens.

The second semester will be in Australia. That I knew of. When I asked why Australia she replied "They speak English!" Actually, it's mind boggling, her going so blithely from  continent to continent to continent, with a side trip to Chicago to apply for the visa to Greece.

We were talking of the museums in Chicago and she said the only one she has looked into so far is the Museum of Illusions (something like that!). She has about a month at the end of the semester in Greece. She will travel around Europe until it's time to leave for Melbourne, Australia. That's as much as I know.


  1. Hari OM
    Oh my word, Laura!!! A girl after my own heart, and oh my word, Australia??!!! That thrills me. I am glad you got these visits. YAM xx (who arrived in Glasgow this afternoon by plane and left it by The Grey!!!!!!!!)

  2. How lovely to see two of your granddaughters. Love those tumblers too. I hope Laura has a fabulous year away.

  3. That is so cool that Laura will be in different countries. I wish we had those opportunities when I was young. Travel changes the brain for the better.

  4. It must have been nice to catch up with Laura and Caroline. Laura's travel plans are very exciting and I expect she'll have a great time abroad. It was thoughtful of Caroline to suggest protein drinks. If you are seeking more protein in your diet, eggs a couple times a week are always a good option. That said, maybe the slushy is delicious too. I thought Kitty and Caroline were friends; maybe just not today. Kitty is showing us that she does have a will of her own.

  5. My youngest is like your Laura. They globe trot. I am glad that they have the chance to travel. Moreover, it is exciting to hear the stories.

  6. It's amazing how people whip around the globe quite casually. As for Aussies speaking English. ask her when she gets back!

  7. Oh to be young, footloose and fancy free! I hope Laura has a wonderful time in Greece, Europe and Australia. And even in Chicago!

  8. What a bunch of adventures in store for Laura! I wish I could go back and do the same thing. I was a bit too afraid to leave my family for that long a stretch. Protein drinks can be OK and do help with nutrition. They aren't much like a milkshake though!

  9. I wish I as Laura and could travel around for high school. Travel is a great learning experience.

  10. It must have been a wonderful weekend.

  11. That was good to see them both

  12. It's a different world for children today, isn't it?

  13. Just a thought.... protein drinks can be made more palatable by adding a dash of fruit cordial/syrup

  14. Wow, that's a lot of wonderful travel for a young person! Good for her! I'm sure it was great to see both your granddaughters. About the protein shakes......those never sound good. But maybe they will be....let us know!

  15. Laura the world traveler…good for her!

  16. Caroline got a lovely gift, and Laura's visit was a gift to you.

  17. I share your dislike of slushies. I think I've only ever had the one, and that was quite enough. So does Laura speak Greek?

  18. I know it was good to see your girls. I can't believe Laura is all grown up and traveling the world. Or about to.
    I'd give the drinks a chance. They might not be so bad.

  19. both the twins did a semester abroad but they chose Costa Rica and Ecuador because they sort of speak spanish. Autumn's first choice was Chili I think but because of covid that program closed. how exciting for Laura that she's going to Greece and then Australia, two semester abroad. the twins are going back to Costa Rica for a week+ to celebrate their birthdays. they wanted to go to Italy but it was a more expensive trip and Autumn didn't have the funds for that.

    vegetarian protein drink? that you have to do something to to make it palatable? no thanks.

  20. I remember freezing cans of Sego meal replacement shakes in the late 70s. They weren't bad, but they weren't good either.

  21. Good on ya, as the Aussies say. Cheers to her for going off like that.

  22. If you need more protein you could just add a protein powder to your regular milkshakes. How wonderful for Laura to travel! I would love to see Greece myself. Remind her that Australian English is not quite the same as UK or American English. I hope she gets to hear a kookaburra laughing.

  23. Those tumblers are beautiful and I agree on slushies and any of that crap that comes out of a blender, I get offered glasses of the stuff so many times - my neighbour ingests them as meal substitutes, gack. Lovely to see you granddaughters and especially hearing about the adventures of Laura!
