
Thursday, May 25, 2023

Kitty's no good, bad, terribly horrid day

I wrote the title of today's blog yesterday evening, before I even began  to read the blogs. In the event Kitty was her old self today, I certainly would need some reminder. 

Caroline is home for the summer. She applied for and got the job at Case Western Reserve. She will merge into an ongoing project, counting the food deserts in established areas and analyzing the changes, up or down. That is my best core dump, don't ask me any more. It may be top secret.

Kitty and Caroline are firm friends, I thought. Caroline visited once last year, before she returned to Minnesota, for college last year. Caroline easily enticed Kitty from a secret hiding place last year, then observed she needed her nails trimmed and did it. Afterward Kitty accepted some treats from Caroline and then went away for an afternoon nap.

Assuming they remained on the same footing, Caroline approached the usual spot to find Kitty, after the front door had been open. The shelf in the closet.

But it wasn't a happy kitty to be found on the shelf in the closet. Almost before Caroline could begin speaking, Kitty darted from the closet, from the room and was behind the shipping room shelving. Caroline and I left her own devices and went downstairs to the Bistro, for some lunch.

On returning we did not find Kitty behind the shelving or back in the closet. We did see she made a mad dash for a new hiding place access in my bed, and missed.

She generally goes under the bed and comes up where the bed meets the corner. I was amused at her crazy mad dash to hide and saw that the usual entrance to that corner is still in use, though Kitty is not under the comforter today. The new hiding spot remains a secret.

Kitty is back on speaking terms with me today. Well, at least we can be in the same room.



  1. Just don't take kitty for granted, youz humanz!

  2. How did you manage to adopt such an "agreeable" cat?

  3. Congratulations to Caroling on her Summer job at Case Western. Case Western is a fine institution to be affiliated with. I think Kitty was having an off day and don't we all have one on occasion.

  4. Hari OM
    Oh Kitty-kat... I am sitting with Tigger staring through the glass just like you at the moment; he looks at me as if to say, 'It's all your fault.' If only I knew what the tragedy was so I could do something to salve it! Let Joanne have a cuddle - I think you'd fell better, and I know she would! Hugs and whiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

  5. We took in a feral kitten once. She never warmed up to anyone except us, and that took some time. She was a great cat, filled with integrity, ha!

  6. Kitty has gotten used to just you coming and going, Caroline was an unexpected surprise. My Lola is the same even after six years.

  7. Congratulations to Caroline on the summer job. Kitty is quite the creature. Love that last photo!

  8. Kitty likes her space. Glad that Caroline is there to visit.

  9. Kitty must remember being put in a vise (Caroline's arms) and put to the knife (claw clipping). oh the horrors of being loved on. glad she has sort of forgiven you for allowing the tormentor in.

  10. Kitties are like teenagers and blow hot and cold. Mysterious creatures.

  11. Kitty was in a MOOD, no doubt about it.

  12. It's possible Kat will never be the kitty you were hoping for, but I'm sure you love her anyway and will accept whatever progress she can make :)

  13. She is simply putting the humans in yheir places.

  14. Oh gosh... Kitty is living up to the cat reputation. I hope she feels better later.

  15. I hope she knows how to appreciate the patience and understanding you have for her.

  16. Cats are enigmatic creatures, they rule the roost.

  17. There is obviously a good deal of drama in having a cat!

  18. Kitty! She needs a stern talking to.
    Bless you for being so patient. She is definitely not turning out to be your dream cat of cuddles and sun basking. But she may well yet.

  19. It's all about who is the alpha - Kitty, I suspect.

  20. It's extraordinary how animals can sometimes take to us and others not so much. I've had a mix of many over the years. Some surprising rescues who took to me right away, others had to build up trust.

  21. Cats have bad days too... and cat-a-tude.

  22. Cats are so mercurial - I'm sure they don't like me much, but I rather like them - introverts stick together!

  23. Cats: you need to accept them as they are, because lord knows, they are not going to change. Unless they feel like it. I love that blue suncatcher. It's really glorious.

  24. Like living with a temperamental teenager - now you see me (as nice as pie)….now you don’t (leave me be).
    Possibly the now unfamiliar voice spooked her.

  25. The battle of wits continues! Kitty's got the right idea looking for hiding places. I could do with a hiding place myself when the going gets tough!

  26. Oh, kitty! Caroline's job sounds like an important one. May she be fulfilled by the project!
