
Saturday, May 20, 2023

Too much going on

I know I'm still recovering from all that anesthesia to both place the pacemaker and then surgery to repair the lung puncture. I'm still sleeping a lot! I've caught myself dozing off and waking up an hour later. I was informed at the Heart Failure Clinic (I love typing that ominous name) that I must stay on top of the edema and leg elevation is the best and easiest method to address that.

Unfortunately, I can do nothing productive with elevated legs except sleep, so sleep it is. Once I awoke in my recliner (with legs elevated) and saw Kitty stretched out on the sofa, an arm's length away, staring at me. So Kitty does use the furniture, and I've found her out.

I decided to use her paws down favorite liver treat to entice her to come up on the sofa...with me. We are into serious shoulder skritches, and it's time to up the ante. I can only approach her while she is eating treats, and she asks for vigorous shoulder rubs. First one, then the other, then both together. When she's had enough, I get a swat from extended claws. She's never hurt me, but her intent is obvious. Enough. I wish I understood her background.

So the liver treats are kept in the corner of the sofa, and I've tried tempting her to jump up and share the sofa with me and enjoy some liver treats. So far, no luck. She puts her front paws on the sofa, but she cannot reach the treats and she cannot pull the trigger and jump up. One of these days it will happen. Then maybe we can watch the TV together.

I have a small TV, about 15" on the diagonal. It's also about thirty years old. I use it for Netflix and the like, though gentlemen callers to the apartment would like to show me how to use it to watch regular TV. Due to the age of the set, this involves manipulations I do not care to repeat properly to switch back to Netflix, etal. 

The TV sits on a small chest, on a quilted mat one of our temporary sewers made, years and years ago. The other morning I got up, and was astounded I had slept through the crash of the TV hitting the floor! There it was, flat on its face, on the floor. The remotes were scattered about. Kitty appeared at the sound of the treat can rattle. At least she was not flat as the Roadrunner, and under the TV. I lifted it back onto the chest and plugged in the power cord and the Roku cord. The red light fired obediently up. I have not yet tried to turn it on.


  1. I hope the TV is okay so you can continue to watch Netflix and your other streaming services. Don't worry about watching TV channels -- there's nothing but crap onTV these days. All the good stuffs on streaming services now.

  2. There mainly is crap on regular TV channels. We have cable, and for the life of me I don't know why we pay for it. Probably because it's easy, I can record the stuff I do like. Did Kitty launch the TV on purpose?

  3. You live a very adventurous life! Make sure you look around to see that something won't fall on top of you. I know you'll survive

  4. You are the Chumbawumba queen! Lordy! Wishing you well and strong and well rested, The last part is important, that is how we heal, they say.
    We dumped TV a few years ago and have never looked back- it is a brain nummer. If you can get Apple TV do watch Ted Lasso, it is light and hilarious and it is located in south east London, very pretty.

  5. I bet kitty wasn't permitted on the furniture in her previous life. Now you must bolt your TV in place. Yep, keep those legs up! Linda in Kansas

  6. Joanne, your TV must be very light to have been knocked over by kitty... but she could have rubbed against it I guess. Cats do tend to do that... and flat screen TV's are a lot lighter than the older ones. But I have to say that you two are coming along well... and that she is really a sweet looking cat.

  7. It sounds as if Kitty is making her own place, including rearranging the TV to suit herself. Yes, do rest, dull but vital right now.

  8. Hopefully your TV is still in working order. I'm glad you're feeling better. Take care of yourself.

  9. Life is never simple or boring at your place! Keep safe, keep well. Kitty will figure it out.

  10. I hope your TV survived and is still watchable. Find a way to bolt it in place. My much larger flat screen has two straps at the back holding it in place, attached to the tv itself and to the bench it sits on. Kitty will soon learn to jump up when she realises you won't punish her for it.

  11. Way too much going on. Way, way too much. Rest up - and I am very glad to hear that Kitty is making progress.

  12. Hope the TV still works!
    It's as if she is working things out in her head before letting you in in them!

  13. Hari OM
    K-kat may think she is winning the battle... but she's up against J-nora and she'll learn different! YAM xx

  14. Glad Kitty wasn't hurt...and hope you're getting enough rest!

  15. I admire your persistence with this silly and so-pretty cat.

  16. I'm happy you are taking the time to sleep. Your body needs it.

  17. I think that Drum Major may be right in that Cat was not allowed on the furniture in her previous lifetime. Who would want a cat to stay on the floor all the time? She will come around. And sleep as much as you want to. Keep that edema at bay!

  18. Is she telling you she does not approve of Netflix? More feline friendly programmes required....

  19. Kitty must have been exploring and accidentally pushed over the TV. Hopefully, the TV is okay. It is encouraging that she is exploring. I have no doubt that in time she will sit with you on the couch purring. The liver treats are also working their magic. The recliner is wonderful for elevating your feet and also having a restful nap. I'm glad you are getting good use of this great comfy chair.

    1. All the TV equipment is on a mat on the chest. It's a long jump to the top. I think she misjudged, used her claws to hold onto the mat and the mat and its contents slipped to the floor. Frankly, I was most pleased that K was not hurt,

    2. That sounds like a very logical guess of what might have happened.

  20. I have just realized that swears is a homonym.

  21. Hope that your TV still works; I don't watch mine much but when I want to, it better be available! Kitty is getting a bit braver, I think. My mom also goes to the Heart Failure clinic here. Ugh, what a name!

  22. I enjoy hearing about your little skirmishes with kitty. She's certainly got a powerful will of her own! We have an old cathode ray TV, now 23 years old and going strong, that Jenny won in a raffle. I hope your TV still turns on okay.

  23. It's either too much or not enough.

  24. The adventures of senior living are never ending aren't they? My world of the recliner is not too far behind me. I couldn't even lie down on my bed. Love dear Kitty. In my life with pets I found the more I ignored them completely the more they started to want my attention.

  25. If you are sleeping, you need it. I love how your cat has begun to really make herself at home hasn't she?

  26. I wish that you recover soon, Joanne - and as far as I know the body needs a lot of sleep to do repair work. Give it its time - and meanwhile enjoy your cat.

  27. Our new cat Dutch is at the same stage re the sofa. Front paws up when I am lying on the couch, can't yet bring herself to join me. I'm pretty sure it will happen - on her time.

  28. Speedy recovery, Joanne. And did your TV make a recovery as well?

  29. Good grief! That is a strong Kitty to knock your TV down. I hope the TV is OK.
