
Friday, May 12, 2023

What's going on!

I took some pictures to use in this blog, and cannot find them, except the one of Katherine (of course). So, I will lead off with Kitty, who has become an interesting cat in her sojourn here with me. She's beginning her fifth month here, and she has established a routine. She feels entitled to treats, and when awake often is found asking:

Kitty, requesting a few treats. I am a sucker for that black, velvet paw. She startled me speechless (as if I have any one to speak to save her) the other day when she ate her goodies, walked away then turned and rushed into the side of my still available arm. I used the other hand and arm to pet her. All went well until I collided with her ear. 

She rushed away, then rushed into my arm again. I did a more satisfactory job of petting her this time, and she hung around for ten or twenty seconds. I have not enticed her to jump on the sofa yet. Jan gave me a bag of tuna to get her next to me on furniture, but I think it should be the reward, not the enticement.

In other news, I appeared downtown to keep appointments with the Heart Failure Clinic and then the Device Clinic. I asked Jan to come with me, extra set of ears for an ominous sounding appointment. Shortly into the Heart Failure appointment we began exchanging "looks". You know, the things sisters say to each other nonverbally, after seventy or eighty years. W.h.a.t. a.r.e. w.e. d.o.i.n.g. h.e.r.e.?. as we were explained how excess salt is BAD and how to know to call 9-1-1 when too much has put you flat on your back.

The trip on to Device was not much more pleasant, but because actual testing occurred. The tech speeded up the rate of my heart in each chamber to see if my heart responded and at the expected rate. She said it would be uncomfortable, and it was. I cannot describe the feeling, accompanied by a brief, sharp pain. I did not like it. The tech was quite pleased with my heart's reaction, each time, so that's good, I suppose.

I have been weaving steadily. All that dyed thread I bought a year ago is disappearing steadily. I just finished dark green. I also just checked, and all my pictures showed up. I really liked the contrast of dark green and pistachio, also finished recently, and here's a picture:

Currently I'm weaving periwinkle, and then I'll have a go at scarlet.

The picture of periwinkle on the loom did not upload, so I'll sign off with scarlet, and be off to play bingo, first time in several weeks, for want of quarters.


  1. I love that Kitty came to your arm for pets... that is definitely a breakthrough. Seems as though she is beginning to feel safe with you.
    And sorry you had to go through the heart testing, but sounds like the results were good. Glad your sister was with you.

  2. I wonder what Kit's history is regarding her ears.... Great that you are making progress together.
    The first appointment sounded odd with regards to attitude... patronising? Glad you passed the tests in the second one ok.
    And you are really getting on with weaving as well..I love the pistachio colour.
    Sending a hug and a purr xx

  3. The first appointment sounded patronizing. Glad you're getting on with the weaving.

  4. Five months! It seems like just last month Kitty came home with you.

  5. A huge sigh at the patronising clinic - and hooray for a heart that is responding as it should.
    Hooray for kitty making progress too.

  6. Also- would you save me two of the scarlet towels when you have woven them? I would very much like that.

  7. Darn. My first comment doesn't seem to have published. I'm sure it's something I did. Anyway, what I said was that when I went to see my doctor's fifteen-year old NP, she informed me that eating cheese could elevate my cholesterol. What do these people think of us? We are older, not completely ignorant.
    Also, I am so glad that your patience is being rewarded by Cat. She is such a beauty.
    And that heart test sounds horrendous.

  8. I'm assuming the second appointment was for a nuc med scan, or something similar, where they injected a IV solution to speed up heart rate? It's pretty risk-free, as much as these things can be. They tell us how your heart is supplying your muscles with O2, etc. Glad it seems to have turned out well.

    1. In my next to last "pretty risk-free" procedure, my lung was pierced, remember. Actually, she merely sent an electronic signal to my heart valve to speed up.

  9. Real progress with Kitty! That first appointment.....sounds like the geriatric clinic to which Leo was summoned. He was given some formua to fill out which he treated as a great joke until he found himself with an appoinment for a scan for early dementia! The difference in sense of humour was explained, but, I feel, never pardoned.

  10. I fired an endo who was patronizing and disrespectful. Replaced her with a better doctor! Who needs this? I'm glad your ticker's ticking!

  11. That’s great progress with Puss! Good news from the heart test too. Yay!. It does sound like a painful procedure however.

  12. You are winning over Kat!! That's cause for extra treats all around :)
    It's amazing what passes for medical care sometimes. Some medical professionals treat all older people as stupid or demented. I'm glad your heart tested well, although the procedure doesn't sound the least bit enticing.

  13. I'm glad your heart results are good, although the test itself sounds very unpleasant. And Miss Kitty is coming around, slowly but surely! Great news!

  14. I’m happy that the tech was happy with your heart tests - sorry you had to deal with the “ discomfort “ ( don’t they always use that term so it doesn’t sound too painful!) That cat of yours is taking it slow and steady isn’t she! Oh well, small victories and all that! - Jenn

  15. Oh, that’s like when I was house/cat sitting a feral cat who was starting to trust the home owners enough to come inside and eat.
    One day after I fed him, I was doing the dishes and he came and rubbed against my leg!
    They take their own time, don’t they.

    Lovely towel!

  16. Good to hear about the progress with Ms. Kitty, glad that your appointments went mostly well, awesome that you are still weaving and best of luck in bingo.

  17. The treats are great enticement and reward for Kitty. Asking for treats and accepting some petting is really good progress. I am glad to hear Jan went to the 2 appointments with you and your test results were really good.

  18. Sounds like planned progress is working (slowly). I take it she doesn’t answer to Katherine - yet. You haven’t quite tamed the shrew yet 😊

  19. Oh, kitty is getting friendly! That bumping is a sign of affection. Your experiences mirror my mom's lately--pacemaker appointment then heart failure one. Salt, salt, salt. New diuretic. This new one seems (fingers crossed) to be working.

  20. Kitty what a little freak she is. She is lucky that you brought her into your world I can say that! By the way, I had the shower here, and your towels were the hit of the day , I finally gave some to the dear ones I love and they raved, want more of them. When you get the others done i will go to your sales site and get some vibrant new ones. I will of course want to keep them but may gift a couple, reluctantly. They are my happiness!

  21. Success! Kitty allowed you to pet her..

  22. Kitty and you are bonding well now. I hope I never need one of those heart tests but if I do I will know now what to expect.

  23. It sounds like all is going well with you and I'm so glad to read that Kitty is warming up being petted.

  24. Hari OM
    Yay for a Kitty-kat who likes to bump arms... boo hiss for condescending medicos... and yay, again, for good heart results. YAM xx

  25. I learned a long time ago that cats are such smart animals that learn us very quickly and have a very manipulative and wise way of managing us.

  26. Glad your heart function testing went well! I Love your kitty...
    And you weave?? What does your loom look like? Since I'm fairly new here, I probably missed that post.
    Happy Mother's Day!

    1. It's a 30" LeClerc counterbalance. Four harness, 6 treadle.

  27. Kitty is coming on nicely. Inherited cats are the best, I think.

  28. I like the picture of Kitty. She is very like one I once had called Jemima.

  29. It seems like much progress with the cat. Maybe she will never jump up there. Ours will not jump onto my chair and lap downstairs, but she is very anxious to at times upstairs. Go figure.

  30. I think Kitty will be a loving companion eventually. I have read that torties have a very gentle and loving nature. I know mine does. she is wary of strangers though. She still won't come join me when I'm on the couch in the evenings except for rare occasions but she sleeps with me and hangs out next to me when I'm at the computer or sleeps in my chair when I'm not.

    what of the changes to the new food rules? did the residents rise up in protest or just give in?

    1. Christina. the help super, gives me extra ice cream in my walker bag. I don't know if I'll be charged for it. It's wait and see right now. I should shake things up a bit.

  31. Sounds like progress on the cat front. I'm with you on not liking it when the medicos mess with one's heart rate. It feels so uncomfortable and just plain bad.

  32. The dark green and pistachio towels look especially good together.
    Katherine is coming along nicely and that is so good to read.

  33. These new cats of ours take their time, don't they? Glad yours is coming around.

  34. So your cat decided to come nearer - such a good progress!
    As to doctors: good to have your with you to be able to laugh instead of getting too angry (not good for the heart - though that behaviour could make one explode).
    The towels are so lovely - every time I use the green one you sent us bloggers as a present, I think of you, thankfully.

  35. You seem to be getting somewhere with Kitty, she's getting gradually tamer. Good to know your heart is doing well.

  36. Ay yi yi. I am really trying to remember if I have ever gone to one of those 'clinic' programs and learned one single solitary new thing, and I honestly don't believe it ever happened. The heart test sounds awful, but it seems that the findings were good. I'd rather have it that way than the other way around.

    I knew that Kitty were sort it all out. You didn't rush her, you let her set the pace, and she is figuring you out in her own comfortable way. The first time that the cat climbs into your lap, we (every single one of us here) want to see a picture. (PS 5 months. My gosh. That doesn't seem possible!)

  37. Ah beset with all the med stuff as us oldies can be. *sigh*. This morning was my pill-sorting day and I am continually awestruck at all I ingest in a day. But they are keeping me on this side of the sod. Love Kitty.

  38. The healthcare industry has some amazing technology but I find they do a poor job of explaining what is going on with the testing and treatments.

  39. All those tests sound really disagreeable. If they ever make me run on a treadmill like they did my husband, I will not do well. I didn't know they could cause pain too. Pierced your lung? Yikes!
