
Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Kitty says:

I was going to post a picture the other day, and could not find it. Now I have, and it's fun.

You know this is different; she's facing the opposite direction! As I looked them over, another in the sequence came up.

And that is pretty much how she assesses her situation! She still lives under the shoe rack and comes out mostly at night. She appears for the treat can noise, but hasn't accepted from my hand, yet. She's been here since February 11.

I would write more except I have a nasty split in my left index finger, and I want it healed sooner than later. Good night until there is news to report.


  1. Hari OM
    Oh, Kitty is indeed a pretty pussy!!! Ta for the photos - now let that finger heal! YAM xx

  2. Maybe she was an only and independent cat. The window glass is beautiful! I love her tongue sticking out. Let your finger heal. Bet she finds the band-aid our any ointment annoying to sniff. Tell her we all said "hi." Linda in Kansas

  3. Kitty is being cautious but I'm sure she'll come around in time. I hope your injured finger heals quickly!

  4. What a beautiful coat she has! Yes, let that finger heal. Keep a bandage on it. The old wives' tale is that wounds "need air" to heal but that has been disproven by science. Wounds that are kept clean and covered heal faster :)

  5. What a beautiful kitty! So in line with feline behavior to stick her tongue out at you. It took Mari a long time to warm up to me and stop attacking my shins. Sorry about your finger--ouch!

  6. The cat is lovely. Very interesting the whole process of her adaptation.

  7. I saw a picture of a cat up for adoption here and darn if she didn't look so much like your baby. Same line down her face. Such a beautiful cat.

  8. I hope that cat comes around soon. Lacey is on the arm of my chair, not because she loves me but because it is time to take her down for breakfast, which I am about to do.

  9. You have a very pretty, beautifully posed kitty. Thanks for the nice photo. In time, she'll know she is in a loving home with all the comforts she could ever want. Can you put a dab of Bacitracin ointment on your finger? I find it promotes healing and takes soreness away.

  10. I laughed when I saw the 2nd picture... is she sticking out her tongue at the camera? Could be nothing, could be cat-atude...

  11. Kitty is gorgeous. She is sticking out her tongue to let us know how much she cares about our feelings for her.

  12. Hope your finger is feeling better and kitty is going to be come around sooner than later.

  13. She'll come around soon enough.

  14. Ouch on your finger! Please take care.

  15. Catching up with you. I dread giving up my car and was so elated when I passed my medical for renewal of licence. Uber doesn't exist here, transit is dismal and cabs are so expensive.
    I wish I could have a pet like yourself. But not allowed here.
