
Thursday, March 2, 2023

In case you wanted to know

 Someone asked if I'd finished the warp that Caroline helped me put on. First, I must confess, it may be the warp from hell, a name we occasionally had to give to difficult threads. I completely forgot the number of turns is 150, and gaily told Caroline 250. It didn't look odd to me until we took of the thread guides for the first bout, and the thread was stacked so high it just tumbled off. We unwound fifty turns

I just finished the turquoise towels, and no sooner had them posted than I had an order for four! Now I am working on pistachio. Here is the turquoise:

Today is Dr. Seuss day, I understand, and most everyone here was in the theater this afternoon for a YouTube presentation of this life and accomplishments. I seldom look at the movie schedule, and missed another good one. Since it is available on YouTube, I can still have a look.

The facility has a lot of lovely large windows. I have three in my very small apartment, and had to hang lined drapes to stop the cold. However, this is not about the air flow. At dinner tonight I saw a bird fly past the window and circle back, to land on the sidewalk in front of a residence. I was not close enough to make an identification, but by the tail, it was a hawk. A small, buff chested hawk with brown feathers on its back.

I said to look and it was a hawk. The woman at a table by the window agreed and said she didn't know what kind. Looking it up now I think it may have been a young red tailed hawk. It took a couple of turns into a little grove of trees, then left. I'll look more carefully next time.


  1. It's fun to watch the birds even if they are only mourning doves.

  2. I love those turquoise towels -- such a beautiful colour! I have a couple of them myself from my last order a few years ago!

  3. Better a few too many than not enough!
    That colour is nice and bright..that will make any kitchen jolly.
    Nice to be able to watch the birds where you are

  4. Dr. Seuss - Ms. Ladeedah educated person, You could have trotted out this article: - that would certainly add some chatter...I love the color of the towels, My fave, beside all the other ones. that are also my faves. I finally parted with three, at Christmas for gifts for the most special folks in my life, but am keeping the rest!

  5. I love the turquoise and barely use mine in case I stain them accidentally. I also love large windows, but they do let in too much summer heat and too much winter cold, so lined drapes are necessary along with outside awnings.

  6. Hari OM
    Having such things to view through those big windows is surely a bonus! YAM xx

  7. 250 turns sounds like the warp from the lowest recesses of hell.

  8. To be aboe to watch birds of prey from your window is always a pleasure, Joanne.

  9. You sent me two of your towels a long time ago. I use them regularly - they dry the cups and saucers well and look very attractive on the towel rail - I think of you whenever I use them!

  10. Now that I no longer have chickens, the hawks' cries as they circle and swoop don't alarm me as much. They are beautiful birds.
    And you make beautiful towels.

  11. I love the turquoise, but I need another towel like I need another hole in my head.

  12. The medical school at Dartmouth College in New Hampshire is named after Dr. Seuss. (Theodore Geisel) My son and daughter-in-law went there. It's how they met!
    That towel is a lovely color.

  13. How exciting to see a hawk! They are uncanny creatures.

  14. Your beautiful large windows bring the outside in. Sunlight, sky and wildlife viewing is always enjoyable. Your drapes take care of any window downside. I've not seen a red tail hawk this Winter. They are good rodent hunters. When they swoop down and pickup a mouse it is quite amazing.

  15. Beautiful turquoise towels! It's great to have windows. I like looking out at what's going on and getting some sunshine when I can.

  16. reminds me of the times when I would make dumb mistakes on things I'd done over and over. you'd think I'd never done it before. I love our resident red shouldered hawks. they are soaring in the sky now kreeing for mates.

  17. I hate to have to undo something and redo it. Though not as much as when was a young busy mother. I recently found a tiny dress pattern still pinned to the fabric that was to be for my youngest daughter. She will be 46 this year! I think I might be a hoarder!

  18. That is so cool! I haven't seen a hawk in a long, long time. Your towels look awesome, Joanne.
