
Tuesday, December 6, 2022

About over the week, but I understand it's only Tuesday

I decided to work harder this week, by adding all four morning exercise classes. I'm through two of them, and can assure you, several years of not working the old muscles sure takes a toll.

Here's another annoyance. Last night I spilled my coffee, and a lot of it on some select keys: l, n, m, and the space bar. Consequently they work poorly, if at all. We'll see how it goes here.

Back to exercise: yesterday was mild movement stuff. This is twice a week. Tuesday (and Thursday) is fast motion to fast music. This may kill me. Between Tuesday and Thursday we have a Yoga class that is gentle stretching. I'll keep going.

Also today I kept a frequently rescheduled dental appointment to pull a back molar sitting in a pool of decay. The dentist administered four separate injections of lidocaine before he started. He sent me off with a list of the usual precautions. I could barely talk at supper tonight, to the amusement of all. When I came upstairs and saw my drooping cheek and lips, I understood their amusement.

Most every day here is filled with activities to join or not. There is music for an hour or so every day before supper, put on generally by  decent performers with instruments. They generally are accompanied by tablets of recorded instrumentals. Tonight there was a vocal group that one of the residents here belongs to. They did a set of Christmas music.

The best performer generally is on Friday night, and that's the night Joe appears and looks for a dancing partner. The first Friday I was here he appeared in front of me jitter bugging. When I brushed him off with an "I can't", he started in on a slow dance. He was hard to discourage; he swore he wouldn't let me fall. 

Last Friday he got lucky with the daughter of my next door neighbor. Marilyn, next door, is a tall and lovely red head with two beautiful blond daughters, one of whom was visiting Marilyn.

And now my tooth is hurting and I'm going to bed.


  1. If the empty molar hole is hurting, dampen a tea bag and hold it over the socket ... dry sockets hurt like the devil! Take Tylenol or whatever you take for pain and NO sucking anything through a straw! Hope it's feeling better on Wednesday!

    1. Exactly what the dentist said. Plus no hot stuff.

  2. Things sound very good for you. Keep up the exercise and stretching. don't give up. It pays big benefits when we're elderly. Keep up with the music. It's good to be social.

  3. You're right -- you've had an eventful week and it's only Tuesday! I hope your mouth feels better tomorrow from the extraction or at least in a couple of days.

  4. The exercise classes sound great. You’ll be jitterbugging in no time!

  5. Sorry about losing the tooth. That sounds awful. Feel better.

  6. Your missing tooth is now hurting, I understand that, I've had a few extractions (and will soon have more). I hope it feels much better by now. I like the idea of all the exercises, just take it easy until the muscles get stronger okay?

  7. Ouch, tooth pain seems to radiate into the ear and head; it goes everywhere! Hope it is soon better. I would love all those exercise activities. I've been a slug for the past few months. I'll blame it on weather!

  8. Tooth pain (even missing tooth pain) is one of the worst.
    Look after yourself - and keep that exercise gentle.

  9. Hari OM
    Ouch... you're the second blog this morning in which I have read about a tooth procedure. Yeechh...

    Well done on keeping at the exercise; I hear you about the toll on unused structures, though. I have had a pal staying for a couple of days and on both, she had me out walking along the shore. My body is feeling the effects of sudden 100% increase in activity - however it feels good in a masochistic sort of way! Sending healing vibes for that jaw. YAM xx

  10. Keep up the exercise and you’ll be jogging up and down those corridors before long.

  11. A friend of mine left a dentist in London and went straight into a cinema. It was a Dracula film and when the lights came on and he stood up to leave, everyone stared at him in horror. He had slicked-back black hair and a thin trickle of blood was coming from his droopy lower lip.

  12. With all this exercise it will be no time at all before you are doing a half marathon! The work on the molar sounds quite dreadful, and you were wise to seek solace in bed. I hope you were able to sleep and didn't have nightmares about jitterbugging with Joe!

  13. Well done you, for keeping up with your exercise classes. It's the old "if you don't use it, you lose it" adage, I suppose. -Jenn

  14. Another week or two of exercise and yoga and you'll be jitterbugging with Joe. Have somebody take a picture because that I have to see.

  15. It sounds like you are truly living a new chapter in your life. I think it's wonderful! Well, except for the tooth thing. And the keyboard thing.

  16. What I know about retirement facilities is that you can get out in the community as much or as little as you would like.

  17. Oh that is painful Joanne, I do hope you get some rest and recuperation and your activities are making me lie down. Exhausting.

  18. Your exercise classes will serve you well. The benefits are great. Dental work is so important -- the pain, not so much. I hope you feel better today.

  19. So glad you join in the festivities there! It's good to be with people and have conversations. We have a friend who went into ASL complex 7 months ago, and she goes on all the excursions, plays bingo, tries all of it! She said if she's bored there's always something to do!

  20. It sounds like a great place to live.

  21. I would much rather do the exercises than have a tooth pulled. I'm glad you're enjoyning yourself.

  22. Wow! You really picked an excellent senior home. I wonder if we have anything that good here in Hawaii. It would be a lot more expensive, that's for sure. I'm sorry about your tooth, Joanne. Ouuuuch!

  23. I too have suffered from a "dry socket". It was unbelievably painfull. I believe that dentists are unwilling to prescribe antibiotics since they become less and less affective when there are too many in the community. The second time I went for an extraction, I said I wasn't going to have it unless I came away with a prescription for antibiotics. The dentist relented and all was well. It is not easy to avoid a dry socket when food is going into your mouth!

  24. Happy to hear that you are enjoying the classes and entertainment at your new place. But don't overdo... and sorry to hear about the tooth. Take care.

  25. Hope you are feeling better so you can cut some rug with Joe. You are sore now but you will be glad about doing the exercise down the road. And it's Thursday so the week is getter closer to being completed.

  26. Keep going with the exercise classes. I'm sure they're doing you a power of good!

  27. Good heavens! A drooping cheek and lips in a assisted living facility should have triggered concern as a possible sign of stroke. I was eating a cookie and broke a tooth. Let me tell you that I'm awfully excited to get THAT taken care of. (Not)

    1. Yes, the concierge quietly asked someone to look at me and decide if it were a stroke. That person came up, slid to a quick stop and said "You look bad. Are you OK?" and I said as OK as someone who lost a tooth can be.

  28. Lots of activity both good and bad. Keep you coffee in you cup.

  29. I'm sorry about the tooth. The place sounds good. The exercises will help too.
