
Friday, December 2, 2022

Ruth's upgrade

Beth and Ruth came to visit last weekend. Beth was at Ruth's for better than a week, recuperating from knee surgery. Although Ruth's house is two levels, each is self contained, and more essentially, level. Beth had a knee replaced a couple of weeks ago, and was on her way home, with a stop here to visit.

We had a lovely visit, of course. When it was time for them to leave, I walked them to the hall and our good-byes continued, as they tend to do. Finally Ruth began tugging at my sleeve, telling me to turn around. When I finally did, what to my wondering eyes did appear but a lovely decoration on my door.

And there on the nekkid hook, a nice, fuzzy red and white wreath. She and Beth stopped at the big garden store on the way over and selected this door ornament for my very bare front door. Many still sport autumn decorations. Here is Lois, several doors down.  I like its simplicity.

There are several more Christmas decorations on the long walk to the elevator.

And that's it for Christmas, in nineteen apartments. For what it's worth, I have received several compliments on my decoration, for its simplicity. I need to send Ruth a note and tell her.


  1. Lots of Christmas spirit at your place

  2. They're all pretty! Merry Christmas!

  3. Simple is always a good choice... (IMO)

  4. It's a very pretty little decoration and lovely of them to surprise you with it.

  5. Very nice! And it can be reused for Valentines Day!!

  6. I'm pleased to see there is no competition for who has the biggest wreath!

  7. Nice decorations. Houses here usually have some very fancy Christmas wreaths on their front door.

  8. It's so nice when people express themselves and decorate their doors.

  9. That's perfect! It really brightens up the hallway!

  10. Red and white is always a classy color theme.

  11. Very pretty bow and how nice of Beth and Ruth to think of it.

  12. The classic red/white bow is always perfect. Happy Christmas Joanne. Beth and Ruth chose well.

  13. That was a nice surprise from Beth and Ruth! Christmas decor always brightens things up at this time of year.

  14. A lovely visit..and a simple and beautiful decoration. That was a nice gift.
    I don't like over the top can't really appreciate them!

  15. A fully dressed up door. Lovely Joanne.

  16. All the wreaths are lovely. Beth is too young to need a knee replacement. I wish her well.

  17. I like the sweet little door decorations.

  18. Nice door decorations. Sounds like you had a lovely visit. Was good of them to bring your door decoration. As time goes on perhaps more doors will be decorated. I'm with you, I like simple and think many people way over do with decorating.
    Sandy's Space

  19. What fun to see where everyone's holiday imagination takes them. I love seeing you happy, Joanne.
