
Saturday, December 10, 2022

A silly day(s)

Good things and silly things this past week. This was just plain stupid. I generally try to schedule my pain meds at the drug store to be able to pick them up on a timely basis. Now I'm working with a new drug store, and must train them. They did not order my last refill on a timely basis and consequently would get the last refill a day late. Actually, I missed two doses (the night before and that morning) and was now waiting to know it had come in that day's shipment before I ventured out into the black and rainy night. Again I looked particularly unhappy; so much so Robin, one of the concierges asked if I was OK. I explained I was now obliged to go out into the pouring rain and black dark and make two left hand turns into black drive ways, blablablabla. Robin said I'll go for you, and she did.

I had a sweet email from my 18 year old granddaughter this week. She will be home for the holidays next week and is coming with her mother for a holiday dinner here. She wants to consult on socks! Her mother gave her my essay on how to construct a sock and she did OK until she got to the gussett. She talked it over with her mother for quite some time until Beth told her she should just ask Gramma and Caroline said Fine!, I will. Here's her second sock:

She knit them Magic Loop on a circular needle, because she "hates d/p's!" I think most of you have not seen Caroline for years, so here she is on vacation last summer:

Well, I tried to rotate this but can only find instructions for Picassa. Damnation.

Something else of note occurred this week, but I cannot remember, so I will go read blogs instead.


  1. Hari OM
    Oh knitting socks - a challenge beyond me so all kudos to the young un!!! Glad you will get some family feeding festivity time... how are those curtains serving you? YAM xx

  2. Anyone who can knit a sock is genius!! You are the queen of genius, I reckon. Glad to did not go out into the dark rain, not good to go out in that, I know this for fact.

  3. I hope your new pharmacy gets trained quickly so it doesn't cause you to miss any more painkiller doses. That was nice of Robin to go pick it up for you. And enjoy your upcoming visit and sock consultation with your granddaughter Caroline. Clearly knitting runs in the family!

  4. I have to wonder if Amazon delivers pharmaceuticals better than the drugstores? Amazon is in the business now. Maybe it is worth a try. A festive dinner with Caroline and Beth sounds like fun. Caroline's socks look pretty good to me and I'm sure with your guidance they will be perfect. .

  5. That's a fine looking pair of socks. Caroline looks a lot like Laura. Have a lovely Christmas dinner visit :)

  6. You’re an organized woman so you’ve likely already looked into this, but can pharmacies there package up your meds in handy daily doses ( all put into one puffy little pocket) and you can get two or three weeks at a time? It’s a great service here. Just a thought.
    Knitting socks - long long ago I knit one pair of socks using multiple needles. I have never done it since, nor will I do it again. - Jenn

    1. And they must have the pills in house to do that. But in the great world of cost squeezing of late, the drug store did not order on a timely basis to get the pills in house to be picked up by me or shipped to me. Saving some money for one more day!

  7. So glad Robin was willing to do that errand for you... says a lot about your choice of a place to live. And wonderful that your family will be sharing the holiday dinner with you.

  8. That's a callous system, making the patient wait like that. I get my regular rxs mailed to me, and they're tending to be ahead rather than not. So I don't need to go in search of them. I'm wondering if you have a mail order option, but I expect you already explored that.

    I'm glad your granddaughter is interested in knitting socks. Family tradition!

  9. My pharmacy isn't doing very well keeping track of my blood pressure meds and I'm having to stay on top of it much more than I used to. Gah, now I have to remember everything? Hope your pharmacy will shape up. Love the socks!

  10. Have a wonderful holiday dinner visit. And hooray for knitters (and weavers).

  11. See if the pharmacist can deliver. They should for your entire complex. Linda in Kansas

  12. socks are difficult to construct, they need spatial ability to 'turn the corner'. New home, new Xmas for you, enjoy.

  13. For years you have given your grandchildren great tools for life, and here is another important thing - the socks. Something I tried to learn when I was a child and failed. I managed to knit one sock for my brother who was a baby at the time. He is 63 years old today.

  14. Old dog teaching old tricks to a new pup.

  15. Have fun with your granddaughter. I am sure she will become a sock-making expert after a session with you.

  16. I get my stuff through Mark Cuban interesting how he manages to do it all so much cheaper. I have resorted to this because unfortunately there is no concierge here.

  17. How lovely to be able to share your knowledge with your granddaughter! Something she will always treasure!

  18. To make socks seems pretty difficult to me (we had to learn it at scholl, but I have all forgotten). So kind of your concierge to go and catch your medicine from the pharmacy!

  19. What a sweet thing your concierge did for you! That was a beautiful act of kindness.
    It will be so nice to have your granddaughter there for a meal and a lesson. She is growing up good!

  20. Every week your decision to move into that place confirms it was the right thing to do. Yay you. Been awhile since you've seen Caroline I guess.

  21. Isn't it amazing how grandchildren have the same tastes as their grandmother?

  22. It is lovely to see the young taking up the "old" skills. Grandparents aren't just old fuddy duddies!

  23. Having the meds organised is important! Glad that Robin could help too.
    Ah. You are the acknowledged sockmeistr!! Great to get generations working together, passing on tips and skills

  24. I can do 2 circs, but not magic loop. DPN's are annoying.

  25. Joanne, I feel your pain when it comes to medication. I use a company in Akron called MAC Pharmacy. They make up pill packs that say what time of day to take. And they deliver!

  26. Robin is a good'un.
    I also like the color scheme your granddaughter choose for her sock-making adventure. May it all turn out well with your help. x
