
Sunday, December 18, 2022

Last week's review

Exercise! We can exercise our fool heads off four days a week, in the early morning. The only one I can appreciate is the Wednesday morning, 10:30 a.m. yoga class. It is all stretches and it puts me near to sleep by the end.

There also is a 10:30 a.m. flexing class for an hour Tuesday. The only thing good is the time. It is an hour of flexing to music. Monday and Thursday is 10:00 a.m. chair exercise for an hour.

I circulated through all four last week and decided to return this week. Then I remembered Doctor appointments on Monday and Tuesday, at ten and ten-thirty. Saved!

We also had a "Family Dinner" here one night last week. The food was very good. We could have up to four guests, so I asked Jan and Tom, Beth and Caroline. We did not go to the entertainment afterward. Jan and Tom went home; Beth, Caroline and I sat around my living room and chatted for a couple of hours. Caroline filled me in on her classes, and I sent her home with yarn, patterns and knitting needles. I emptied three drawers.

The last bit to report is Bingo. I haven't missed many games, and now I have recovered from sharing half my jar of winnings with Laura, and since then I've stayed even.

The side yard is progressing, I guess. Concrete has been poured over the entire "floor" area. They used one of the small tractor units to level the concrete, and ran over exactly one pipe. I'm impressed, considering the small area being worked.

Concrete trucks pulled in and out from seven in the morning until five at night. My only thought on that is What a Lot of Concrete.


  1. sounds like you live in a cool enough place to get up to your usual energy level! Scoot over I may want to move in too! Family dinner- how nice and emptying a drawer is brilliant! Carry on- you are a marvel!

  2. You're doing so much good stuff! I think an hour is a long exercise period. Even in a chair!

    Did you resolve the issue with the table mates? Can't remember if you told us.

  3. Hari OM
    This is sounding like you are properly developing routine... and how wonderful to be able to have family dinner. It really does sound like you have found a good place to be, Joanne. YAM xx

  4. I'm glad the food is so good there and that you had a nice meal and visit with your family! You are a real bingo shark too, it sounds like!

  5. I am glad you like the exercise classes. It's good to keep moving. Who knew you would be a bingo maven?

  6. Keep going to the classes, if nothing else it gives you a routine. This is a good place for you. Gives you everything you need and a chance to kick ass when you can. And by that I mean taking them for their quarters.

  7. I like the sound of all those classes. I like watching construction work. I have a brother, a son-in-law and a grandson all working in concrete construcion.

  8. I love the sound of the classes - particularly the one that nearly puts you to sleep.

  9. Great that you were able to invite guests for the family dinner.

  10. You are cementing your relationship with the place in a very concrete way.

  11. Taking advantage of the exercise classes will work to build muscle and strength. Your dinner with family sounds excellent. With your guidance, Caroline must be making good strides in her knitting skills. The concrete slab looks enormous. Will this building have multiple floors?

  12. The exercise classes sound great but I too would be glad of a reprieve sometimes. The family dinner sounds lovely too!

  13. I think you have found a good place to land. Sounds like it from here, anyway. I'm glad it's suiting your needs.

  14. It is nice that you can pick and choose what you want to do and that there are activities that interest you. Keep it up as it keeps you going! Well done, Joanne!

  15. Looks like you made the right decision. This place looks like a good place to be.

  16. The exercise sounds pretty nice. I hope the food is always good. I am not as worried about you as I was previously.


  17. You're keeping busy with a variety of activities and interactions. I think it's great!

  18. Sounds like you are enjoying your new place, Joanne. And I know you may have mentioned what they are building outside... but I've forgotten... was it more units or ?

  19. I congratulate you on getting to the exercise classes.

  20. Work starting at 7 am is a bit much. Some of us need plenty of sleep!

  21. Well, there is certainly enough going on to keep you off the streets, lady!
