
Friday, November 4, 2022

Almost back on my feet

It's nice to sit here and type, not attacked by a fit of coughing! Enough of that; no more sick talking. I still can doze off for half an hour. My life has been fairly circumscribed, this quarantining business. But, no one can be bothered by the coughing or suffer from contagion.

I have accomplished very little. The orange towels are off and mostly hemmed. I have a lovely red up to weave next. Other than that, I've spent my time deleting political emails, unread, and sleeping.

Curtains were the furthest thing from my mind last August, when I moved in, but are growing more and more dear to my mind every day. About five o'clock the cold air begins to roll off those three lovely windows. When the weather gets colder, there will be cold air twenty four hours a day.

I'm looking out at a lovely winter sunset now, but I'll be happy to be drawing my curtains over it. I'm enjoying the building down below, too. Eventually all the work being done looked too scanty for buildings, so I asked what's going on. Apparently they are building a game court. That will be interesting watching, too.

I've been some time finding this little to talk about, so I'll leave you with the sunset and see you next time.


  1. Thanks for checking in. I have a window too that is going to need attention. The hardware is there already thankfully. I'm glad you are feeling better. City Hospital in Akron is now maskless, a real surprise. I'm going to wear mine anyway. I'm not there that long.

  2. I am thrilled that you are feeling at least a little better. Keep sleeping when you can. I suspect your body/immune system needs ti.

  3. A curtain? Nail a blanket across the cold window, esthetics be damned. So glad that you have not coughed yourself into a coma- it is a miracle! Be well and be fiesty! Xx

  4. Hari OM mean this place doesn't supply curtains??? I thought there tended to be a standard for that. Then again, if you can pick and choose, that's good too. Hope you don't have to wait too long for that to be sorted. Just keep recuperating... we want you around for a good bit longer! YAM xx

  5. Glad you're better! Curtains are a must. In my opinion, not just for the cold but for closing the dark out and making things cozy.

  6. Maybe you can use quilts? They're great window insulation if you have any around.

    I'm glad you're doing better. It takes a lot to keep you down!

    1. First thing I thought of, but none on hand suit the measurements.

  7. Our windows let in a ton of cold - and they're double pane. I don't get it. That's a nice sunset you have.

  8. A good lined winter curtain on your window will keep the cold away. You definitely do not want to catch another cold. I am glad to hear your cough is almost gone. The flu is making the rounds so we all must be careful. .

  9. Good grief! I hope you get curtains put up soon too. Can you raise the temperature on your thermostat in winter? I sure hope so, unless you can get those curtains installed before then.

  10. Sounds like you are on the mend. Thank goodness. Now no more falling and no more coughing. Time to start enjoying your new place.

  11. Consider some horizontal blinds. I got some from Home Depot, and then put a curtain in front of them. Drink lots of water. Linda in Kansas

  12. I am kind of shocked that curtains are not provided. But yes. You need to get some lined curtains quickly. We have some nice weather coming up this weekend, in the 70s. I hope you get yourself out and find yourself some curtains while it is still warm.

  13. I agree with the others, lined curtains in as heavy a fabric as you can manage, you'll need them when the cold hits. Our Australian cold is nothing compared to yours, but I'm very thankful to be able to draw down the roller blind and then draw the curtains closed as well in winter, also in the February heatwaves to keep the heat out.

  14. You don't want Jack Frost sneaking in through your windows!

  15. Back on your feet is much better than flat on your face. Sorry but that was my first thought.
    What about roller blinds, you could half lower to catch the sunsets then drop for the rest of the night.

    1. Since our Joanne has tried both things, I think she'd agree!

  16. Very considerate not bothering others with coughing. I wish everyone behaved the same way. When they have built the game court you will be able to watch the games.

  17. Glad that you are over the coughing.
    That was a lovely sunset. Worth seeing, but like here as soon as the sun goes down it goes curtains are a must!

  18. Glad your condition is improving. Let’s keep it going.

  19. That looks like a massive site outside your window. Is it just for a games court or is something else planned?

  20. Lots of curtains at resale shops if you are looking to save money. It is nice to have a view out your windows!

  21. A game court for all you old geezers? For what, shuffleboard? (I'm kidding of course.) Glad to hear you are over whatever you had.

  22. I'm happy that you are feeling better.

  23. Nice sunset, but I can sure see the need for curtains with all those windows; you're right it will get cold. Glad you're feeling better with each passing day. Hopefully your energy will return soon.
    Sandy's Space

  24. I do feel relief, knowing you are feeling better. And yes, it is so cozy in winter to pull the curtains around the spaces we live.

  25. I'm happy you are out the other side of this thing Joanne. Love the view but understand the curtain need. I have debated curtains in my place as I only have blinds and as I overlook no living soul I so enjoy the views at various times of the day. Sunsets and sunrises are spectacular. And I love the lit city across the lake being visible every night from my living room.

  26. Oh, a game court--how fun!
    You remind me--I must put up a curtain rod to hang my curtains in my new apartment (moved in July). We've had a weirdly warm fall here in MN, but that's about to end.

    I'm wanting to order a new towel for my new place too--your towels are a dream--but will wait till I see you are feeling perkier.
    Glad you are on the mend!
