
Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Curiouser and curiouser

When I woke, hours ago (it's four in the afternoon and soon I must go to supper), from my bed I could see a framework going up around one of the foundations. It was some time before I retrieved my glasses and took a real look. It probably was close to ten. Here's what I saw:

I cannot imagine, but I'll keep my eye on it. Don't want anything going wrong out there.

My day was the usual busy. I ate breakfast, did a load of laundry, wove a couple more bobbins, put the laundry in to dry, ate lunch, retrieved the laundry and folded it. Stacked it neatly in the rolling crate and then laid down to take a nap.

Naps are self regulating. If there is nothing important going on downstairs, I don't bother to wake up until I do. Today was scrabble, and I've joined in from time to time, but my scrabble abilities need a lot of re-honing. So I didn't make any effort to wake up and just did.

I put away the laundry, and then spent an age trying to edit this photo, which included altogether too much windows. Speaking of windows, the curtains are on order and the hardware is in. I'm putting off talking to John about installing the hardware. No sense in stirring sleeping dogs until the curtains are delivered.

He seems to be unhappy with me. My last request was installation of new towel racks I bought. This involved a lot of "be right back(!)" and huffy exiting for more equipment. When he finally left I went in the bathroom to look and saw I must rehang towels.

When I pulled the second towel over its bar, the top of the rack slid out of the wall, pulling out the screwed in plugs. I stopped at once and gave myself the rest of the day to think about it. Eventually I rounded up my lovely Gorilla Glue and trusty hammer and deposited them in the bathroom to await the proper moment.

The next morning I applied dabs of glue to the two recalcitrant plugs, and gave each a mighty thump back into the wall. One morning later I gave the rack a substantial pull and feeling only resistance, I rehung the towels and took a shower.

That was a week or more ago. I would like to give John plenty of time to forget about the job before he sets out on curtain rods I may need to figure out how to repair.


  1. Happens to the best of us fixer uppers- The bathroom towel racks downstairs were put in professionally, one good and one not. You are very clever to have the right stuff on hand to bang things into place!
    So far the thing that is being built outside your window looks like a prison.

  2. Oh dear. John sounds like a bit of a project himself. Good thing you're so resourceful.

  3. Oooh. Noooo! LOL Poor guy -- must have been having one of 'those' days! I'll have to order some gorilla glue--sounds like something I need to have on hand! We have rain here today and it's nice to sit inside and watch it run down the outside of the window. Take care and I'll try to do the same. Hugs...

  4. I can't fathom what they're building out there. I hope it becomes clearer soon.

  5. If nothing else it is good to have things going on outside to watch!

  6. You can have adventures just about anywhere. Our son-in-law keeps things up.

  7. What will be built outside your windows? Cement blocks and metal staging gives us no hints. Gorilla Glue to the rescue! You do good work Joanne. John, not so much.

  8. Isn't Gorilla glue amazing? I always have it on hand. I waited for HeWho to install more towel bars in our bathroom. I finally did it myself and already have one bar falling off the wall. I had hoped he would notice it and just fix it, but when I asked about the towel bar he wanted to know "what towel bar?". Bless his heart .....

  9. John does not sound promising for curtain rods. Is he the only one that can do these things?

  10. Hari OM
    Is John to be trusted up ladders??? Hmmm... will be interesting to see how that formwork develops - do keep us posted! YAM xx

  11. It sounds like you need him but don't want to get on his bad side. You are very clever!

  12. John sounds like a last resort sort of a worry. A grandson (if you can enlist one) sounds much more better.

  13. John doesn't sound like he's up to the task of being a handyman.

  14. I think you should bypass John and get someone younger and stronger and knows what he/she is doing. Perhaps Laura knows such a person, a handyman looking for a job.

  15. Your grandson - or a friend of his - sounds more promising than that John. Is he the handyman of the flat where you live? I do not like sullen people one has to tiptoe around (though I think it is quite clever of you not to quarrel with him - one never knows).

  16. I have been told that so-called "handymen" are all ex-convicts who cant get any other job.... just saying!

  17. While in NC visiting my sister, I got behind a van in traffic that said "handy man, no job too small" and he was local. She needed some things hung and installed, so I called him and he's been her handyman ever since. He is a TRUE gem, because he cares about getting it right, and he really meant it by no job too small. You may want to find someone like this!

  18. This is not a joking matter. A towel rack that isn't hung properly can lead to falls. We all grab on to one now and then for balance. Is there only one handyman? I suppose so. That's how it usually works. Well, better luck with the curtains.
    So what do you think they're building out there?

  19. Good thing you are resourceful and know how to fix things! You can teach your grandson how to do a proper job with the curtain rod and then he will be able to take care of his own place one day.
    Can you stroll out to the job site and ask what they are working on? Altho, I guess it is entertaining to watch and guess as the work is done! :)

  20. There are 2 handymen where I live and they both know how to fix the problems until they don't and then outside help is called in.
    They are both great guys!

  21. Gorilla glue is a lifesaver! Well done, Joanne.

  22. Apparently John might not be the best at those jobs. However, I must admit that those drywall fasteners often mess me up. Hope the glue holds the rack. Is John the only one for your complex?

  23. Goodness gracious. It doesn't sound like John knows what he is doing.

  24. I suppose all will be revealed in the goodness of time.

  25. Gorilla Glue is the answer for many things. Hopefully your guy will be better prepared for the drapes.

  26. It seems that you may be the queen of the naps as well as the glue gun.

  27. Good thing you are smart and resourceful, Joanne, because John sounds like he doesn't possess either one of those qualities.

  28. We are all so glad here that our old super "retired" but he stays on as a tenant. He was drunk starting early in the day and complaints to the board went unresolved. Our new super is a breath of fresh air and keen and younger. So we're very happy but I can truly related to all the unfinished business in every apartment here thanks to the drunken former.

  29. Oh dear, a job done badly. But you had an ingenious solution at the ready!

  30. Must be fun to watch that building going up from the very start.

  31. Uuuummm... I don't know about your John. I sure hope he does a better job with your curtains. It really is a good thing you are resourceful.
