
Saturday, October 29, 2022

Another day in the life of a sick weaver in Aurora

It has been six weeks since I moved here. This cold is a setback, the damned trash fall was a set back. The entire loom had to be "tied on" again. All of the above notwithstanding, I finished the orange yesterday, (finally!), but saved cutting it of until this morning. Or maybe last night. Not important.

It's for damn sure a Ricola between doses of cough medicine does not stop a bout of coughing!

This morning I got to the loom after breakfast. Actually to the serger. I remember the bout was cut off and ready to finish for the washing machine. I serged each cut end and moved on to the sewing machine to further secure each end. This simply means two more rows of sewing through the serger threads.

Buzzing along, paying no attention, the machine jammed. I'd sewed right off the edge of my fabric and continued along for an inch or so, until the sewing machine said "Stop Now."

The needle was half through a stroke and would neither raise nor lower. I kept taking off parts until the entire bobbin assembly was on the table and the thread freed. Then to replace the bobbin bits and snap them in place. Remember, it was breakfast not long ago.

At noon I quit and had an ice cream for lunch. I was expecting Beth sometime this afternoon, so I retired to the computer to wait. She appeared at supper time and before she left I asked for her help. She balanced the machine on its back and balanced the parts where they belonged. Snapped closed the case and I  was back in business.

After she was gone I gathered the roll of fabric and headed across the hall. Both washers were running. Ah, well. Tomorrow is as good as today.

Halloween is being celebrated here this weekend (and probably Monday, too!) I wore my cat sweater.


  1. Some days are just like that. You seem to have a tough streak of grit in your backbone and I commend you for your spirit. Keep on going, strong lady.

  2. I have to say you have the right attitude about things -- I'm beginning to learn it. We have to be selective about how we spend our energy and that includes worrying about things. It's all about deciding what's the most important in our lives. Love your cat sweater. I have a cat cup! (x-rated thanks to my niece) LOL Do take care ... and I'll try to do the same.

  3. A cough is very tiring. If it is the cold that is making the rounds now, it takes a week or two to clear. My friend used Robitussin Maximum Strength, Cough & Chest Congestion and felt it was helpful. Hopefully next week will be better.

  4. Here's hoping you're at the end of this dreaded cough. My serger has been consigned to the top shelf in the closet. I can't get it to work right, don't really need it, so it's now out of my sight.

    1. Take that, damn serger. Do you have a manual? Can you find it on the internet? Reset to it's original settings

  5. Your cat sweater is AWESOME! I hope that cold departs soon.

    1. It's acryllic and not warm. Cold air goes straight through. So, a costume be it.

  6. Hari OM
    Yes, I love that sweater! Danged cough, be gone... sending my witchy wishes for that. Your energy and determination never fail to fill me with admiration. YAM xx

  7. Once upon a time I coughed and coughed- turns out I had pneumonia- you do not want to have pneumonia ever! If your cough continues in the next five minutes be sure that is is not pneumonia!
    Your cat sweater looks legit! I really thought you were a cat! Success!

    1. I had pneumonia a year or so ago. No idea until the doctor told me.

  8. I love the cat sweater. I think I'd wear it a lot. Here's hoping the damn cold and cough go away.

  9. I watch the temperatures in Ohio and Illinois. So far, so good? Here is always a tease.

  10. I love your sweater but was sorry to read in the comments that it is acrylic and NOT wind proof.
    Goodness you are determined. I hope you can encourage the cold to do an Elvis and leave the building soon.

  11. Ugh. Coughs are exhausting. I am going to begin saying, "Tomorrow is as good as today." That is a good way to look at things.

  12. It sounds like the mess got worked out but that must have been frustrating! LOVE the cat sweater and so does Mari. :)

  13. You look cute in your cat top and I hope your coughing has stopped and you are well.

  14. Ricola? Is that some kind of cough drop that you suck on? Unlike everyone else, I don't like the cat sweater.

  15. Did you take yourself and the cats to the doc? Linda in Kansas

  16. Gosh you inspire us all with the grit and determination. I envy you you're weaving. It often made me sick going back and forward when warping, I think middle ear problems and so never gave the hobby full justice.

  17. Good to hear that weaving progresses..but may it be an idea to find out what is irritating and causing the cough? It may be just that the air in your apartment is drier than you were used to, just a thought.

  18. How determined and inspiring you are.

  19. If it's not one thing or another. But seems like it all came together in the end, and I think your cat sweater is quite smashing!

  20. Hope the cough clears up soon. That can be exhausting!
    What a determined weaver you are! Good job!
    Love your cat sweater and your hair looks really cute!

  21. You certainly have not had an easy introduction to your new living arrangement. And yet- you persist. Or like Maya Angelou said- And still you rise!

  22. Joanne, I would have a doctor check to make sure you're not into silent pneumonia if the cough persists. My mom used to get that a lot. Perhaps the place has a nurse that can listen to your lungs? Still... Happy Halloween!

    1. Just a thought, Joanne. Have you ever heard of rubbing Vicks vapor rub on your feet to stop coughing at night? Sounds weird, I know... but it works for me (and several others I know). Can't hurt to try...

  23. Fortunately I didn't have a cough with my cold. Just copious amounts of snot. Glad to hear Beth is making regular visits and getting the snags worked out.

  24. I've recently battled a cough that lingered on. Finally, in addition to cough medicine I started liberally applying Vick's Vapo Rub to my chest and throat at bedtime. Maybe it was a coincidence that the cough quickly went away. Maybe not

  25. I gave my cute little bottle of Vick's Vapo Rub to my brother-in-law because he couldn't locate any! Drat!

  26. Doesn't it sometimes feel like all luck is bad? I wish you good luck for a change.

  27. Vicks on the soles of your feet, with socks.

  28. Some days are just like that where staying in bed would be a marvelous idea, hiding out from life and all its complicated maneuvering.
    Sorry about that nasty nasty cold which seems to be hanging on far too long.

  29. I hope your cold is gone soon. That cough seems to linger. I have been known to sleep with a cough drop in the side of my mouth. I am a light sleeper so not worried about choking. Love your sweater. My Martha is ready to pick up at the crematory. Another sad day here.

  30. Hope you are feeling better, Joanne, and that you had a happy Halloween. The cat sweater looks excellent.

  31. I hope your cough/cold leaves you soon too, Joanne. That's really bummers. I'm always amazed at all you do and accomplish.
