
Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Surviving on ice cream

The lurgy, or whatever it was returned in full force over the weekend. All I could do was cough and blow my nose. Then fall asleep and wake up two or more hours later. At one point in my terminal delirium, I remembered winter is coming and I still don't know how to operate my 2014 headlights. 

This is a problem to be solved only by my daughter, the Subi expert. I called. I could not sound healthy, try as I might. I went back to sleep after we talked. In a bit, loud banging on my door. It was Jenny, the concierge, with a lovely handle bag from the drug store. 

Her message from my daughter was "Take this, it's the only thing that works. And, please stop licking the doorknobs." I laughed so hard I doubled over and then had to find a handkerchief to catch the flying snot. Jenny said "Oh dear. I will order your dinner brought up." And I responded, "Two ice creams, please."

I struggled with the printing on the box and then on the bottle and the little measuring dose cap. Even with my shiny new glasses I could read nothing. Oh well. I could still drink it. I struggled with the cap, to no avail. I'd just sorted the heavy duty pliers from the tool box when another knock, knock, knock, and my dinner was at the door. 

I asked the nice young man to open the bottle, and he did. I slugged down dose one and put the ice cream in the freezer. The current selection is Buckeye Salute. No, not Ohio State. Buckeye's! Candy to be made nowhere else. A peanut ball center dropped in dark chocolate and served by the gross. Some people serve them in little paper candy cups, some with toothpicks. Serving them in excellent vanilla ice cream is shear genius.

Beth promised me a picture to help me understand how the lights work.

Look, dear old Mom can figure it out now. So nicely labelled and everything. Later today I had to go out, and remembered to take a picture of my own:

In my defense, I've not been well.


  1. You have less than no need to defend yourself.
    I hope you can kick this lurgy to the curb for good.

  2. I hope you see some improvements soon because it sounds miserable. Except that it's a great excuse to eat ice cream! (my favorite!) I have issues figuring out my Subie lights too; I like them on automatic but sometimes when I take it to the dealership, they fiddle around with them. Then I'm confused trying to put them back to my specifications.

  3. That isn't good..but ice cream is!!

  4. Glad your daughter brought you medicine and explained the lights to you. Ice cream sounds like a perfect treat when you are feeling lousy. Hope you feel better soon!

  5. Oh I love how medicine was sorted and brought to you! Hope you’re on the mend soon, Joanne! ( Just think how comforting a cat would be right now- ha ha!) - Jenn

  6. I hope you find something that helps soon, Joanne.

    The ice cream sounds good. I hope you can enjoy it soon too.

  7. I sure hope you feel better soon! The only upside of being sick seems to be ice cream for dinner.

  8. Sorry to hear that you are still under the weather. Did you catch it from your neighbour at dinner do you think?

  9. I'm hoping you get well soon. I had to use YouTube tutorials, repeatedly, to learn my lights on the 2018 Honda Fit. Then I got caught in the rain and had quite a time with wipers, getting the washer first then the rear window wiper then the high-speed front wipers. In rain. In traffic. I totally sympathize.

    1. Yes, the wipers caught me out a couple of months ago, in rain, in traffic.

  10. I know a few people half your age and completely well who wouldn't be able to work that out. They'd need a drawing just like yours stuck onto the dashboard to follow every single time.
    I hope the medicine works well and fast, had to laugh at "stop licking the doorknobs"

  11. Glad to hear that everyone came to your aid... with the car, with the meds, and with the ice-cream! Feel Better!

  12. Buckeye candy is some of the best there is. You're right-pairing it with ice cream is inspired.

  13. A friend has the same lurgy. Cough, sore throat, exhaustion and in addition to that an ear infection and pink eye. She saw a NP and was prescribed an antibiotic, eye drops and told to take Robitussin cough syrup. 3 days later she is better but not fully recovered. The ice cream sounds delicious. Get well soon.

  14. Well, popsicles are good too. I'm on day 15 with the cruddy flu A, and the antibiotics. Still coughing a bit, but my lungs aren't burning. Go to the doc if you're not better soon. I just ignore the automatic on my headlights and turn them on and on bright as I need. Linda in Kansas

  15. Sick is the pits. I had never heard of a Buckeye candy, it does sound good.

  16. Hari OM
    You went out driving with that lurgy upon you??? 🤨 I send healing wishes - with just a tad of that 'look' of whaddyathinkyouredoing>>>>>??!! Hope the med does the desired work. Take care. YAM xx

  17. I do hope you feel better and soon, this robs you of energy and brain power.

  18. Dear Joanne, I wish that you will get well soon! Ice cream sounds a very nice bridging in the meantime.

  19. Ice cream is good. I'm so sorry you've been sick, Joanne. I really glad you're in a good place with people who are caring about you.

  20. I'm so glad the lights in my car come on automatically! Buckeyes in ice cream is brilliant.


  21. Oh, Joanne! How miserable you must be. Perhaps a doctor's appointment is in order if things do not clear up soon.
    I have learned how to operate things on my car that I need and other than that- it's all a mystery.

  22. It occurs to me that I don't really know how to open up my car's hood. Ah well, nothing that ice cream won't cure.

  23. Oh, how I laughed. But, all joking aside, your daughter's diagram helped me a great deal as well. My car is a little different, but I struggled with how to turn the headlights on when driving through construction zones. It is a law here in PA, but you can't really figure it out while you're driving, and I never remember it when I'm not.

  24. The lights in my car come on automatically. I really need to learn how to operate them.

  25. I leave mine on auto, but when it gets moved, I get a bit lost for awhile.

  26. My Volvo's lights are permanently on, so I am not tested like you are.

  27. Feel better soon. Ice cream is a wonder drug you know.

  28. Ice cream for dinner sounds wonderful, Joanne. Hope you are feeling better and glad the headlights are working for you. Take care of yourself.

  29. Being sick has to have some up side, and ice cream is it :) Take good care of yourself. You're important to me and the rest of your readers.

  30. Just leave it on auto. Mine's the same way. I'll have to look and see if I have fog lights. I don't think I do. I did notice the little headlight light symbol was on at dusk the other night and it made me wonder if I was driving with the brights on by mistake. Tested it when I got home. Nope, just the regular lights. Sorry you are/were still fighting off the crap. It was a good week and a half before I felt completely well.

  31. The MOT testers (MOT is the annual roadworthiness test) ask me to operate certain things and I'm usually flummoxed by a few requests. I don't think I've ever operated the fog lights in the seven years I've had the car!

  32. Oh hey, you are blessed... vanilla ice cream with Buckeye's??? LOL Oh yeah, I'm all over that one. But I'd have to save up some of my liquids allowance for it. Trade-offs. So sorry you're having trouble with allergies or whatever is causing your runny nose/cough. I do hope it's not COVID. Not good... stay warm, rest and take it very easy. Healing hugs... T
