
Tuesday, October 4, 2022

This is post 1801! I don't yet know what it is about

Today I had housekeeping, went to the doctor, picked up scripts and spent a bit of money. Housekeeping had a method, so I just stayed out of the way. They asked for laundry soap and were so excited at my sheets of soap ("Now only use one sheet! That's what the commercial says!"). Earth Breeze is the brand I settled on after I researched to learn how they are manufactured. 

Housekeeping vacuums, dusts (edges), mops floors and launders sheets and towels. When I came home to the neatly folded extras, I had to laugh. I said my laundry detergent was at the bottom of my laundry basket and on the way down they extracted all the wash clothes. Next time I will have them stop laundry at bedding. 

My errand when I left the doc's was to pick up a handful of scripts. The pharmacist is closed from 2 to 2:30, and I got there at two exactly. So I took some pictures.

I knew we were short on rain, but looking for a nice red tree was getting difficult.

This tree was the color above the stripe. I was close to directly in the sun, could barely see the subject and think I swiped my finger across.

This is a picture of an illuminated cloud, out my "side yard", overlooking the muddy yard. Seriously, this is the site of the addition, to be complete in spring. Much of the mud will be more grass, surrounded by an arc of apartments.

Anyway, back to the drugstore, the clerk arrived at 2:30 and gave me the total for my three scripts. It was $143.00. I extended my hand with folded over bills and said "Be careful; there are two quarters in there." She shooed my hand back, saying "I don't need the fifty cents." I assured her she did, and in extending my hand further, dropped the quarters.

No one was behind, so I wasn't flustered. I assured her she did need the quarters and retrieved them. When we were face to face again I told her the sale was part cash and part card, also folded in the cash. She spent a long time explaining why she had thought me wrong. No one was behind, so I listened patiently.

She opened the drawer to receive the cash and found three dollar bills, abandoned. "I wonder how these got here; I haven't used this drawer all morning." No one was behind, so I listened patiently.

She handed out the scripts and then the card. She let go the card long before I reached for it, so once again I leaned way out of the car and retrieved the card I'd received only a week ago in the mail. The strip side slid along the pavement as I picked it up. I hope it works next time. The clerk apologized profusely. No one was behind, so I listened while she went on and I remembered to ask her for Zyrtec that the doctor suggested I try. 

This time the transaction completed smoothly, and I pulled forward to put away the card while she took care of the customer who was now behind me. As I pulled away and could see, suddenly there were three or four cars in the line. I wonder if they were treated to a little chat.


  1. Here's hoping the credit card is good to go.

  2. Funny how something simple can turn out to be complicated.

  3. I was a bit puzzled until I realized you were at a drive up window. Dropping stuff between car and kerb is why I park and go inside. That's a big copay, too.

  4. Gads... I agree with Boud--that's a big copay. The most I've ever had to pay was $75 and that was for my Ventolin inhalers (3 mos. worth) Copays on top of paying the dr. on top of paying for the insurance... all just to stay one step ahead of the grave! LOL Love the rainbow and the red tree. We're not seeing anything like that in these parts. :/

  5. Ouch. Sadly my scripts cost close to that amount too.
    Hooray for housekeeping. And autumnal colours.

  6. We don't have drive thru windows here, we have to go inside the pharmacy, which is fine with me. I'm glad my scripts only cost me $17.40 per month, not counting the ventolin inhalers which I rarely need so they last me a long time. There are vitamins I buy (calcium, vitamin C, iron) which cost quite a bit, but I can do without those and often do when the money doesn't stretch far enough.
    Housekeeping is a wonderful thing, coming home to a clean house and freshly folded laundry :)

  7. Here only McDonald's has such a service. Everywhere you have to go in and stand in line.

  8. Hari OM
    Well, that's you had your stretching exercise for the day... and why put off the helpers from the laundry? I am glad you are getting housekeeping help! YAM xx

  9. You definitely live in a different country to me. Driving past the pharmacy or health centre with a 'ticket window' definitely isn't on here. It is going to be a bit noisy when they do all that building work.

  10. A whole adventure just visiting the drug store! When I see how much you have to pay, I am happy to live in Canada, where I pay a $4.15 dispensing fee and that's it! Doesn't matter the drugs.

  11. The pharmacy clerk needs to be less chatty and just do the job, lol!

  12. When things take too long, I always think, "I'm not in a rush - I'm retired"!
    Nice that you have laundry done for you.

  13. We have drive through RX also and it works well when it is staffed. Lately it's closed due to lack of employees. Medication costs are high. Biden says he's going to put cost controls in place. We shall see. There is a lack of Fall color this year. Even my swamp maples are not showing great color Coming home to a clean house always feels excellent.

  14. My New Year's resolution one year was to use my change, paying with the exact amount whenever I could. Most people were patient for the extra 30 seconds or so while I dug it out of my pocket and counted it out but one day a woman behind me was clearly impatient and unhappy, made some remark. I told her the extra few minutes would not change the quality of her life. Some people had important things to do, she told me, or something like that. Regardless it didn't make me go any faster.

    That's some magic you did there, a rainbow on a dry day.

  15. That copay is a stunner. And it took me a while to realize you were at a drive-thru. I had been stunned at your mobility managing a presumably large pharmacy. I get my drugs delivered. Nearly all are just $6.00 dispensing fee each and no delivery fee and I have a huge pile to ingest every day. Copays would bankrupt me very quickly.

  16. Sometimes I'm in the mood for a little chit-chat with a cashier. Other times I just want to pay up and get out. Very few of our trees have their autumn colours yet, I'm looking forward to a dazzling display in a week or two's time.

  17. Nice to have housekeeping! That scripts pick up sounds complicated and I sure hope the card wasn't damaged. They used to be quite fragile but I don't think they are these days.

  18. I only realised that you were in a car when I read the comments, Joanne.
    Wonderful that now you have housekeeping! And congratulation to your 1801 post!

  19. She wasn’t in a hurry. 😀

  20. I am new to this medicare stuff, but compare your drug pricing on Mark Cuban's website. I was shocked at the price differences.

  21. Nice photos. Very chatty sales person.

  22. I use the drive through often at the pharmacy. It's really quick and very efficient. Sounds like you've been busy. Oh you still have all that mud to look at. You found some nice fall color while you waited.
    Sandy's Space

  23. Yay for having housekeeping. It's lovely to have someone happy to chat so long as there's not a long line after you. :-) Hmmm... I don't quite understand the scripts thing since we get our medication from the military hospital.
