
Wednesday, October 12, 2022

A survey of the lades and other exhilarating news

Where have I been? Even I don't know. I probably am back. I believe I'm getting over sleeping a lot. (That last fall took a lot out of me.) Serious construction has begun on the atrium/addition outside my window. It began Monday at 7 a.m. For a person who does not get up before 8 a.m. and doesn't finish breakfast until 10 a.m., it's unnerving to have the bed shaking about 7 a.m.

The equipment is monstrously sized. I've taken pictures for Margaret's grandson. There is no Digger he is not in love with.

Just getting this fellow on site causes silverware to rattle. But what a digger! One more and I'll let go the topic.

The digger at work. The bucket is filled, rotates 180 degrees and dumps into the dirt hauling truck, which eventually is filled and leaves to dump the load into a holding pile on the edge. 

Beth stopped by one day after work. One more time I had set off the  alarm, that we are asked to wear. I cannot bear it around my neck. I invariably have set it off on the first belt loop, and on the second belt loop. I decided a lanyard might work and asked Beth if they used them where where she worked. 

Short answer, No, but she encountered an engineer who had just tossed one from a conference. They emptied the wastebasket and retrieved it. She came to put the damned buzzer on it and install the affair over my head. It dropped down to exactly where I would activate it against the sink.

Beth wanted to tie a knot to shorten it. I nixed that idea. "Well, just drop it in your bra." That is ideal. No pressure on my neck; it doesn't hang out the bottom.

The social calendar is quite active; someone puts out a bulletin at the beginning of each month. There is Bingo most every day, and I showed up the first time my apartment was clean enough and so was I. It was interesting. Each Bingo yielded a Bistro Buck, redeemable at the Bistro, a small, in-house cafe. Everyone who accumulated four in a row in any game won a Hershey kiss. I had a sizable accumulation of dark Hershey kisses.

I appeared the next day for Bingo, and learned every day but one is Bingo for quarters. Each player puts a quarter in the cup to open each game, and the winner gets the cup of quarters.  For a game of Bingo covering each square, each player contributes five quarters.

There were ten of us playing, so the pot was a heavy cup of quarters. I often am a board game trash talker, but this time was more and more quiet.  Especially no looking around to see who had three squares left to fill, two, one, until Bingo and I had won the biggest pot of my life.

On that note, I'll end and hope to be back sooner. Yes, I am weaving. Plenty to talk about later.


  1. It sounds as if there's always something going on where you live. A lot of people don't like wearing a buzzer with various solutions. One of my friends attached hers to her walker, promptly fell on the other side, out of reach. Hmm. Help did arrive but because she hadn't shown up, no thanks to the buzzer. On the person is best, yes.

  2. Hari OM
    Do they not have the wrist-watch style as an option? Anyway, at least you are content with how it is now. Bingo... golly, haven't played that since childhood. Quite fun, I recall. Requires focus. Good for you - now to find the card players! Keep resting, if that;s what you need. YAM xx

  3. Kudos on your winnings, you high roller, you!

  4. Glad you have a solution for the buzzer. Hadn't thought to put it in a bra. You used to play cards, any hope of that happening?

  5. Your photos remind me of when there was an enormous construction job next to the building where I worked in Washington, D.C.. My office being on the same side as the work, at ground level and with two large windows meant I was quite aware of the disturbance. The work had been going on for weeks so it wasn't unusual to feel the earth moving quite substantially. However, one day the whole building shook so much I got up from my desk (mumbling an mild obscenity) to see what was going on. Nothing. No machines at work. Then, suddenly, there came a second long rumble and the building shook again (the bldg had steel studs and framing so the noise was enormous). I finally recognized what was going on and quickly dove under my desk. It was the 2011 East Coast earthquake. We were immediately sent home so they could bring in structural engineers to verify the safety of the building. My home was impacted, too: all the drawers had come out of virtually every cabinet, desk and chest of drawers, pictures had fallen off the wall and our chimney was damage. Good times. :)

    1. We had a large earthquake at Perry Nuclear Power near Lake Erie in 87. I was in Ohio, on the phone with my boss in Virginia, and could only describe it as a freight train driving full speed through the office.

  6. It makes a change to have a digger as an alarm clock!!
    Great idea for the buzzer location!! I will pass that on to someone who needs that!!! Nice one. Good to hear that you are weaving too

  7. Glad to hear from you again but very grateful I don't have construction noises as an alarm. I seem to be in the minority but I have never played Bingo - and don't even know where I would find a session. Hooray for weaving.

  8. Now you have a big cup of quarters for future Bingo games! Fun! Sounds like you are doing well, Joanne. Good for you!

  9. That digger reminds me of the time when our eldest son was about 3 yrs. old. Like Margaret's grandson, there wasn't a piece of equipment he didn't love. But his all time favorite was a cement mixer. One Christmas we traveled back to spend Christmas with Robert's parents. I'd let it be know what the kid wanted for Christmas. Seems the word got around and there were no less than six! cement trucks--all various sizes! LOL Amazing...

  10. Now that you are rich I am surprised you still want to talk to us. Congratulations.

  11. Glad you're feeling better. And rich. And got that alarm figured out. Do they make big diaper pins any more so that you could just pin it on your chest someplace? If you get tired of fumbling around your bra?

  12. Once again, the trusty "brassiere purse" saves the day, lol! Wow, you are quite the Bingo Shark, aren't you? You'll own that joint soon from Bingo winnings alone.

  13. There's been road work going on outside my building, starting around 7:30. Some mornings I like to sleep late- but it doesn't happen these days.

  14. You'll be an early riser for a week or two given the digger early morning start. Watching the rest of the construction will be interesting. Good that you got the alarm sorted. I never liked security badges hanging from my neck so I used a clip to attach the badge to my collar or pocket. (Just another alternative solution.) Your Bingo winnings are impressive.

  15. It sounds like you're settling in nicely.

  16. My grandson thanks you very much! He is certainly a huge fan of construction equipment--the bigger the better. Love the activities and winning at bingo is a special treat!

  17. Watching earth moving equipment from a distance is interesting. I think they are so close watching them would make me a little nervous. Sounds like an annoying monitoring device.

  18. Hooray for winning! I'm quite used to wearing a watch on my wrist so if I had to wear an alarm that's where it would go.

  19. Hopefully you won’t lose too much natural light when the building is finished.
    It’s the ‘shush we need to hear the caller’ that put me off Bingo….like you I’m a talker and it was definitely frowned upon.

    1. Outside my windows should be green space. We'll see.

  20. I wonder how the view from your window will change over time.

  21. Haven't thought of Hershey kisses for years. When my daughter was little they were her favourites and she used to say she wanted to marry Mr. Hershey! She was probably six at the time!

  22. IIRC Margaret’s grandson would call it a dig dig. 😎

    I don’t like gambling but five quarters seems like a decent entry fee. Congrats on your victory.

  23. Well, once again I was just about to try and get in touch with you- WHERE ARE YOU? ARE YOU OKAY? And here you are. Glad you're healing from your fall and glad you're having fun with Bingo. Not sure how happy I'd be about that construction. Is it really loud in your room? Levon would be happy to sit and watch all day long. How are the plans for getting a cat going?

  24. I've never liked Hershey kisses, they always tasted like vomit to me, but maybe it's just that British chocolate tastes very different. I prefer Belgium chocolate myself. Now I want any chocolate.

  25. Good to see you above the daisies my friend :) Bingo drives me mad, maybe it's the forced socialization. Here they also play darts, a hazardous perilous venture considering some of the seniors are very shaky indeed. I'm not one for these events. At all. I don't do "nice" well.

  26. Busy as always, so it sounds plus a winner or hershey kisses AND quarters - whahoo!

  27. Take care Joanne and look forward to hearing all of the talk you are saving for later.

  28. A brainwave, putting the buzzer down your bra! I hope the construction work isn't too noisy. Starting work at 7 am is a bit much.

  29. It sounds interesting there! I look forward to your reports!

  30. Oh my, I would hate have that shaking and noise so early in the morning or any time for that matter. I hope the work will go quickly so you can have a more serene rising. It sounds like you are settling in well and enjoying the activities and that's wonderful to hear.

  31. I'm glad to read all that, dear Joanne - you are back to life, and it sounds darn interesting! Congratulation to you winning the Bingo pot!

  32. Keep that up and no one is going to want to play bingo with you. Sounds like you made the right decision to move, winning, and weaving.

  33. I am happy to hear all this activity! We are waiting for a similar digger here to carve out a spot for my car. Keep winning the Bingo pot!

  34. Bingo has been a diversion for me. My husband plays bridge, so we both keeping on finding new hobbies. I won a bingo pot, $144.
