
Sunday, October 16, 2022

Stuck for a title, but a lot to write about

I've been in my new home for three weeks, I think. I'm no good at that sort of calculation. And, my new glasses need some serious adjusting! I wonder why that fact sprang into my head as a factor. I just wrestled with the calendar and concluded Saturday, September 30th  was the two week anniversary, and I can add the weeks since then. Or, I moved four weeks ago, and am quite settled (easy enough in three hundred odd square feet and divested of a reasonable amount of furniture).

Today is a beautiful day with sunshine through the cat's window. No cat, yet, but it's definitely on my mind. The rules say I need a pet  deposit of $250. We all know how well the rules are implemented here. 

For instance, residents are issued a call button immediately on moving in. Mine was several days in appearing and in that time I  was locked out, without the button and without a phone. I had to be very cautious about doors, for outside doors are locked at 5:00 p.m. 

I found it an amusing adventure, finding things to hold to as I worked my way (hopefully) to the reception area, through a very large building with two atriums that could be indoors or outdoors.

But back to the present! My little bottle of quarters took quite the hit on Friday, the only day I was able to play. I won the first game, but so few of us had appeared I barely broke even, and it was downhill from there. The players had a good time joshing they finally had stopped the new girl from wiping them out!

Beth works just a short distance from here, making impromptu visits a pleasant option, if it weren't for the five p.m. door problem. All outside doors are kept locked at all times except the front door, which is staffed at all times.

Most "independent" residents come and go at all times, so the outside doors are accessible by a key pad code. Here is the emergency exit plan for my section of the second floor.

I sized this "extra-large" to highlight details. There I am in room JN. The details are completely discernable; the hall into the living area, the closet/bedroom. The large square to the right on entering is my bathroom, and a small closet. The diagonal area is my kitchen; refrigerator, sink, counter, stove top.

To use the elevator on a normal day, I turn right down the long hall, then left to the end. There are three more apartments here and the stairs or the elevator at the end of the hall. There is another diagram on the first floor to indicate the exit.

The notation "car" indicates the direction the car's parking lot. The stairwell/elevator on this first floor exit into a hallway to more rooms and via short halls to North Aurora Road parking lots. The smaller hall leads to the pool, an atrium, the Bistro, the dining hall, the library.



  1. So you have a corner..two windows instead of the one? Just thinking, extra light to weave by...

  2. Goodness... I would think they would have put a second elevator at your end of the floor. I hope you never have to leave the building in a hurry!

    1. There is a stairwell around the other corner from me, just two doors down. I can manage stairs well with my walker.

  3. Glad to hear you are settling in there. How time flies!

    1. So you have a corner? Great to have two views, I like that. And you've got the keys and fobs and access all worked out. Can you buzz people in after hours?

    2. No, I can't buzz folks in and out after hours, but the security code to the door works well.

  4. My comment was supposed to be for everyone but blogger would only let me talk to Marie! It seems to have relented now.

  5. You've got your exit strategy all mapped out. Knowing about the locked doors is key to coming and going. As long as the good out weighs the unpleasant...all will be okay. It is great that Beth can pop in for visits. Why not schedule a weekly restaurant lunch?

  6. Glad you're settling in so well. That cat's window sure is nice!

  7. I'm confused. You're on the second floor right? But the pictures last post of the digger look like they were taken from the first floor. Doesn't seem like very good planning to have only one elevator and it so far from most of the apartments. At least one of the stairs is near you. What if you are wheelchair bound on the second floor and can't use the elevator to evacuate. Do the stairs come equipped with a slide?

    1. These are huge windows! And, that digger comes to above my second floor window. Margaret's little guy would be so pleased.
      I doubt anyone in a wheel chair would be classed as independent and allowed to live here, even on the first floor. And, no motorized vehicles are allowed.

  8. You seem to have settled in well and know your way around.

  9. Glad you are settling in - I think I would need a degree in something to find my way round.

  10. It sounds like a great place as long as you can get out and IN of it. :) Love the cat's window!

  11. You have had such an adventure. Luckily you did not fall. Hang on to that call button.

  12. It sounds like such a pleasant place with atriums (atria?) and a library and a pool. Have you used that yet? Too bad about the latest bingo game but it will all even out in the end, I am sure.

    1. I don't have a bathing suit, yet. I think I'll hit the gym first and learn some balance.

    2. I love swimming and would be in the pool every day if I lived there! Get a bathing suit!!

  13. I am so glad that you are settling. And hooray for windows.

  14. Hari OM
    Not just settled, but oriented! And I like a map/schema, as that helps me/us to sort of 'place' you too. Now, the thing is, has weaving yet recommenced? YAM xx

  15. Joanne, I was a little concerned with you being so far from the elevator. Can you do stairs in an emergency (or even a fire drill)? I know the windows in a corner apartment must be an asset, but seems like it would be better to be on the first floor and closer to things so you didn't have so far to walk. Of course this corner apartment may have been the most available one... and convenient for your weaving.

    1. I can "do the steps" well, even with the walker. Someone already lives in the apartment below like this one.

  16. Sometimes you wonder why they have certain rules.

  17. Is the pool heated or will you only use it in summer? Will you use it? I don't swim well, but I'd be in there in the summer.
    It looks like a long way for you to go in any type of emergency. 5pm seems a bit early for lockdown, but I guess it gets dark early there, this time of year anyway.

    1. Five p.m. is "early", but exactly when it's dark in the middle of December. Actually, we have had several fire drills this week, starting the first day I moved in. We are not allowed to leave the room or open the door, as every room is "fire proof". I need that explained to me in better detail to believe it.

  18. If you are able to negotiate stairs you fine, there’s some there just a hop step and a jump from your room. Hope it’s a large lift/elevator to get people plus their walkers in. It must have been approved somewhere along the line trouble is you don’t want to find out it gets creaky joints and slows down right when you need it (the elevator that is 😊)
    Do you have a ‘ground floor’….I’ve heard buildings in the states don’t use that term but start at first floor. The carpark is in the basement- right? And the front door is staffed 24/7 so is Beth able to ring the bell and come in after hours that way?

    1. The "first floor", under me, actually is the ground floor. We have no parking area under the building; the parking is all outside.

  19. Advising people with mobility issues to take the stairs sounds more than a little crazy!

  20. I love that you can have pets, we're not allowed in our complex, a point of contention but I might suggest that pet deposit - makes total sense to me. You have a lot of windows it looks like, very lovely Joanne and I like how you made that space into a bedroom, I did consider that for my locker room which is largish but I didn't like the lack of window in it as I have mild claustrophobia.
    I hope you whup there a****** next time you play!

    1. I'll be looking for an old cat, though it made me laugh that Toby already is 21 years old and still in sterling health. But, I don't want him back and Beck would not surrender him.

  21. They need to do a better job on the exit diagram. Do they have fire drills? I not suggesting one but maybe they could practice with a quiet one.

    1. My fire drill info to day is to stay in the room and door open the door. I want more info on this scheme.

  22. I love that you are a hop, skip, and a jump from the stairs.

  23. Good that you'll be able to have a cat. Pet lovers who're not allowed to have a pet must be very frustrated.

  24. I can see you are figuring out all the ins and outs of your new home. Always lots to learn.

  25. For some reason I can now comment again. That fire info is standard in the U.K. - but that assumes that the fire doors are up to standard and that the fire brigade have the equipment for a rapid evacuation.

  26. Sounds like you've settled in nicely and are getting the lay of the land so to speak. Sorry you got locked out without the button and your phone. Hope that doesn't happen again. Hope you'll come visit, haven't heard from you in a while. Love the pretty window. If you get a cat, will taking care of the cat box be difficult? I mean to clean it and take it outside with it now being cold out etc.
    Sandy's Space

  27. Hi, Joanne ... new to your blog, however, I have seen you on many of the same blogs I read every day!
    I just ordered 3 of your kiwi colored towels ... 2 for a friend for her Christmas gift in her favorite color and 1 for me simply because I can!
    I live in a senior residence myself, 1 bedroom apartment and we cannot have any pets! Boo! Hisss! However, it is the most reasonable place to live rent-wise!
    Looking forward to getting the towels!

    1. I shipped them today, Marcia. I even went out in the rain, though I didn't know that part! I MUST get back to weaving!

  28. Sounds like you're really settling in and getting things sorted out. I'm enjoying hearing how things are going since a retirement home will be in my future also.
