
Saturday, October 1, 2022

Another day

Actually, it is nearly the end of another week. The activity I booked most of the week has been sleep. So the list of cat attributes include some fussing about and some talking. 

Jan and Tom just left. I bought a mat for under my desk chair. It came rolled into a tight club. I began the unroll by putting it on the heater. The directions suggested a hair dryer and I settled for the biggest air dryer I could see. When I came back, the mat was on the floor and a little unrolled. It spent the week under a movable chair and today it was disposed of.

Here it is where it belongs, under the desk chair, secured by the desk legs. My glass is back in a window (the cat's window):

Here is the other set of windows, over on the weaving half (or more) of the room.

You can see something muddy outside that window. The mud is from raining every night, and sometimes during the day. That has not deterred big bulldozers and little cat units which have been shifting dirt every day.

I've watched them bury a big concrete pillar, fasten a pipe to it and another pipe and pillar the other end and so on. Come next spring they may have another set of independent living units, with gardens, built.

A final "me" note of interest, and I'm outta here. I had a haircut. There are two hair dressers here and I decided what the heck. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. The Friday hair dresser is Sue.

The Saturday cutter is Audrey. When this interesting razor cut has been exhausted, I'll give Audrey a go. 

No one knew I had such a large bruise when all the fluff covered it. 


  1. Good to see the bruise coming out....and the hair will grow!! Hopefully the other hairdresser will do a better job!!

  2. You get a lot of lovely natural light in your place. And I love your stained glass panel!

  3. Love that stained glass window!! I just got my hair cut this past week. My husband says it's a bit too short--I love it. Your bruises look like they're getting lighter. I still have some darkened places on my face and throat from my fall. I hope they don't stay dark. Take care -- I do love your new place. Nice!

  4. I suspect you NEEDED that sleep.
    I love the light (and that window) in your new abode. Ouch on the bruise which hopefully is disappearing quickly.

  5. You have wonderful windows there. The cat will love it too.

  6. Your living space looks wonderful, Joanne. It looks like you can be happy there. I'm glad your nose seems OK now. I hope you're not in too much pain. How wonderful to have an in-house hair dresser.

  7. Hari OM
    Sleep is recovery time. You are starting to look like you are really settling and that is certainly a short cut! Are you finding your 'cubby' bed is working well for you? Perhaps aiding that sleep? Anyway, on the year trundles... YAM xx

  8. I love the stained glass window, and the blue rug. Good to have two hairdressers on the premises.

  9. Sleep is just what the doctor ordered.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. That bruise is fading, what a doozy. Love the stained glass and Grandgirl gave me a new under office chair mat for my birthday as my old one, which owed me nothing. had holes where the wheels caught. I'm thrilled with the new one. I relate to the story of the diggers, I can watch such excitement all day and never be bored.

  12. Your new space is looking homier and homier. I think a cat will make everything perfect. Now- as to your bruises- you are one tough lady! Are you telling people, "You should see the other guy!"?

  13. You are settling in nicely. Sleeping a bit more will help along the healing process. I once had a razor cut and will never have another one. Some hairdressers seem to like the razor. When you make your next appointment tell them, no razor. As soon as you are feeling rested, you'll have to get your cat.

  14. It looks like a great place--love that window! That's quite the bruise but hopefully it will go away soon. (but first it'll turn lots of colors!)

  15. That's a nice place and a not so nice bruise. I am a bit out of touch so I don't know what caused it.

    1. She got into a discussion with the neighbors.

  16. Your apartment looks good. I've never had a razor cut. I watched a youtube to see what they are - it's an interesting technique. Will you be getting a senior cat?

    1. Yes. I gave Toby to Bekk. He's 13 now. Bekk will take the new one, if necessary, but it will be an old one.

  17. Your new home is shaping up to be a lovely light filled place. And you seem to be shaping up too! I'm glad you slept. Great healing happens in sleep.

  18. The good thing about hair is that it grows quickly. If you don't like a haircut it won't take long to need another one.

  19. How clever of you to wear a shirt to match your bruise!
    Your new digs are pretty snazzy.

  20. We seniors bruise easily and the bruises are large.

  21. Your home already looks like you always lived there. I love the stained glass hanging in the cat window.

  22. The windows are beautiful, Joanne!
    Hair: "A fringe is so forgiving" is my mantra - and I think that your first hairdresser did her job, but the next might be a bit more thoughtful in considering what to show and what to hide? Try her - hair grows quickly, and the bruise will have gone till then.

  23. Just be careful walking around. Can you hook the trash onto your walker and take it out that way? Linda in Kansas

  24. Looks like the bruise is starting to heal, Joanne. That was one nasty fall.

  25. Maybe Audrey will do better than Sue although I have a soft spot in my heart for Sue people. :)

  26. I love the haircut. When I fell and banged my head it took ages for the bruise to disappear - it is still there under my eye a bit.

  27. Hope your bruises don't last too long and hopefully they don't hurt; but they look like they probably do. Heal quickly. What a mess out your window, something to watch I guess, but all that mud goodness. We've had more rain than normal; but certainly we've faired better than many parts of the country. That mat must have been rolled way too tight. Last one I ordered (from Staples), was rolled, but not tightly so it wasn't a problem to get it laid down.
    Sandy's Space

  28. That is one ugly bruise. Other than that you are looking good.

  29. From the looks of it (your bruises, etc.) settling in to your new place was a bit more involved than planned. But... it's getting there. Love the windows! Can't wait to see the new cat. And perhaps a view of the dining room (if you've chosen to eat there on occasion). Take care, my friend.

  30. You really take a licking and keep on ticking! Sue chopped the bangs a bit short, didn't she? I really like your window glass. That is gorgeous. PS: I am very glad that you got rid of that rug because the first thing I thought is "That looks like a tripping hazard!" None of us want to see that happen...again...
